Star Wars: Champion Of The Force


Not many people could say they had seen a true Reaper... but upon the battlefeild... if you were to ask any who bore witness... they would claim a Violet Deamon had descended upon the Deathwatch and the Separatists when they had launched a joint assault upon the capital city of Keldabe...

Komire commanded his troops like a well oiled machine... no Force powers... no manipulation... just pure tactics, and wit. After the first two ambushes, Komire had learned a valuable lesson about his favorite people of starwars... They aren't as nice as they were depicted in the movies...

Every backstreet and ally reaked of death, and suffering... bodies of men, women, and their children were seen strewn about... with nothing but a smouldering hole in the back of their heads, or between their eyes... The sight greatly effected the once stoic man to his core... and having remembered his own family back before he had died on earth... a boiling Rage took hold... and the man Komire had tucked away, deep in the closet amongst his skeletons... Broke free.


Many of the Clones who saw him, would later tell of a man hell bent on slaughter... you stood in his way... you were cut down with no remorse. Even those that held hostages at gunpoint... found a blaster bolt to the face, or a burning black or purple lightsaber through the c.h.e.s.t... those that were used as hostages were badly injured or on the cusp of death... some were even children or mothers taken from their families... this would only pause the man known, to the Clones as 'Komire', for but a heartbeat... leading to an even more frightening display of brutality towards the offending Deathwatch members, or droids... leaving behind burt corpses arcing with electrical sparks, and mangled metal behind him as he ceaselessly martched onwards.

The carnage was so bad at some points that the clone troopers were leaving the front lines to aid the citizenry in the stead of the 'Mad' Jedi... when the injured were too far gone... it seemed the Jedi had ended the person's suffering for them... many of such victims were found by the clones as they followed in Komires wake... men whom had their eyes gouged out, and arms broken with stab wounds all over their bodies... women who were rap.ed and abused, then left on the side of the streets in an un-savable state of broken limbs, and torn flesh... bleeding slowly to death... and even children who had been beaten and/or stopped to the ground by either marching droids, or the rampant Deathwatch fanatics... these were all the sights of the victims that greated the clones where they followed the jedi, some of which were lain down with their eyes closed with a peaceful look upon their faces... a swift death from a small hole where their hearts were the only mercy granted to these poor souls by the Jedi as he passed... hatred for the group of Deathwatch festering beneath even under the clones skin... leading many of the troopers to stun some of their would be opponents, and treat them in kind with their blasters, stun-battons, and in some cases... a flame thrower, and posts...

War was one thing... But Butchery, and pillaging was the work of pirates... not soldiers. Deathwatch didn't deserve a 'Honorable ending' of death in battle.... that right was only reserved for soldiers... if they wanted to act as pirates, they shall be treated as such.

Komire continued his slaughter all the way up to a massive citadel... one that was surrounded by Guardsmen for the Duchess and Deathwatch warriors. many surrounding buildings were burning, and even more were in ruins similar to those he had passed in coming to this point. After his small escapade, Komire regained a moment of clarity from his almost bottomless rage... something he found hard to control since coming to the Starwars universe.

Komire had seen things that had previously haunted him in his last life, and it infuriated him then, just as it infuriated him now. Though there was a greater difference now.

Komire could feel the energies and life forces of others now... and even interact with them if he so chose... But that wasnt him... Komire was lauded as a saint for standing against 'Tyranny' in his home world... however, it wasnt for the people... but his own twisted revenge... something he had thought he had left behind him. sparing a few moments of time, Komire glances around the chaotic area before him, casually swating aside stray blaster fire if it came to close.

Bodies lay either in peices... smouldering husks... or bloody chunks of flesh and bones. the sight was truly hellish to say the least... and that wasnt counting the casualties seen within the rubble surrounding the field of battle... thousands lay dead in some form, or another... crushed, sliced, shot, or ripped apart by explosives... the people died...

Komire knew he could stop this madness if he so d.e.s.i.r.ed... however... this universe had taught him a very valuable lesson in coming to this point... Humans, and Human-like aliens all were alike... ruled by greed, l.u.s.t for power... and a twisted sense of entitlement for that which belongs to the world...

sighing heavily, Komire sadly accepts that no matter where he goes, or when... humanity would always be as twisted, and destructive as always... unless they were led by someone who could show the people their faults, this cycle would continue indefinitely.

Looking at such eyes, seemed to completely calm Komires mind... all up until the cries of more women reached his ears from around the city... the image of Komires daughter, and her long believed to be forgoten cries of terror, overlapping the sounds around him now... as a voice softly echoes around him...

"Where were you Daddy?"




"Why did you let me Die?"




(slightly evil cackle echoing in the background)




Shaking the voices, and memories from his mind as best he could, he attempted to focus on his current world... his hands slightly trembling as a result.

but one voice broke through... one voice... steadied his hands...

[Please!... Please end this madness Master!... Please!]

With a deep breath, Komire looked up towards the battle field before him... and after hearing the voice once again ask for it all to end... Komire began to walk forward, both sabers humming loudly in his ears... a fire burning in his eye, and as dozens of Clone troopers ran up behind him to help defend the Citadel... three words escaped his lips...

"It shall end."

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