Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 25 - (ch. 24) the battle for the skies...

Anakin skywalker was dodging left and right, pulling barrel spins, and nigh impossible maneuvers within his customized fighter, the AZURE ANGEL MK2. many of the Clones under his command flying either their signature ARC-170 starfighter, the Y-wing bombers running strafing runs on Separatistssh.i.p.s, or they were flying the newest model V-wing fighter and were engaged in dogfights with vulture droids, and other such creations of the Separatists... The hardest part in Anakin's opinion was dealing with the randomness of the Mandalorians also currently fighting with them against the Separatists. many good pilots started coordinating with the small group of Republic troops, and were now starting to turn the tide of the battle, and others... just did whatever they could... From ramming enemy cruisers, to boarding parties, and even hanger-bomb runs using an odd sonic mining torpedo that would rip capital sh.i.p.s apart from the inside out.

using any and every means possible, Anakin used the best tricks in his book to pull ahead of the much larger Separatists fleet. even going so far as to use the underside of the Venator cruisers as a type of barrier to help cover damaged and crippled sh.i.p.s of his new 'allies', something he learned from Ahsoka back over Ryloth. Any able bodied men or women would then hop into available fighters on the large sh.i.p.s to join the battle again if they were still in good shape. Anakin came to respect the tenacity of the Mandalorian people, and also started to see why one of such people was chosen to be the staple of the Republics Grand Army. Although there were a ton of questions, and investigations looking into who had funded such a thing, Anakin couldnt help but wonder if the war itself was planned in advance... shaking such thoughts from his mind, Anakin refocused on the battle before him.

The Separatists had definitely come prepared with how many sh.i.p.s, and droids were present, however... the commanders had never expected the natives to fight against them. seeing the fleet arrayed out before him, Anakin was sure this was an invasion fleet that was merely using Mandalor as a jump/supply stop. hearing whiring sounds, and beeps, Anakin looked out his c.o.c.kpit to his trusty companion R2-D2.

"That's good, but did you find the command ship? We need to take that out." Anakin asked the blue-silver astromech droid.

A few whirs, beeps, and rotations of its head, Anaking got his answer..."No"... Artoo then started beeping, and whiring in a quick, but controlled fashion, leaving the Jedi to frown.

"What do you mean by that? Is there a specific ship that's casting the interference?" Anakin asked his astromech while he dipped and barrel rolled through a small pack of Vulture droids, and Tri-fighters. Blue lasers blasting forth from the quad cannons his ship had been retrofitted with.

Artoo beeped back in annoyance at the Jedi, causing Anakin to gently chuckle, but the droid continued to try and backtrack the source regardless.

Anakin continued to blast droid fighters, and also watched his Mandalorian allies with Interest. A small shuttle type ship had broken off of one of the many small Mando bounty hunter sh.i.p.s; one that had entered the system not long ago and suddenly joined the fight for the planet...

actually... there were dozens more of such sh.i.p.s that had done the same. Anakin had previously asked the Captain aboard his flag ship where they were coming from, and all the man said was...

... 'The Mandalorians declared a "Call to War" over the Holo-net'...

When Anakin asked which ship sent the message, the captain quickly pointed him towards the ship he was now watching.

The ship may have been small in size, but it was easily two or three hundred meters long, and had an array of weaponry that wouldn't give out to a small Dreadnaught class ship. the ship itself wasnt too impressive, but the actions it took were.

shuttles, and pods were launched into Separatists sh.i.p.s around it. At first Anakin thought they were going crazy, or just launching small bombing runs, or using the pods to drop payloads like he had seen on other battlefields. However, the result that came from such actions actually wound up turning an almost stalemated battle into a winnable one. The sh.i.p.s were boarded by the smaller Mandalorian crafts, and were either destroyed from the inside out, or used as giant rams against other Separatists sh.i.p.s.

The enginuity of the people, and the skill to pull it off was absolutely ridiculous in Anakins eyes... and because of that, Anakin wanted to personally meet the captain of the vessel... but knowing who it was was a separate matter than meeting them.

looking around the battle, the only reason they were even doing so well was because the Mandalorians were so random, and erratic. even if they lost a ship, the ones near it all went crazy as they would pour every bit of firepower at the offending cruiser, that they had. Even outnumbered 10 to 1 at this moment, the Mandalorians fought on, and were gaining an advantage no one thought possible.

feeling slightly pressured, Anakin stepped up his game, and went to join the small (compared to say... a Venator) ship and its crusade with his squadron of fighters in tow.

Aboard the Mandalorian 'Flag-ship' that had signalled a Call to War to the Galaxy, a silver, and gold trimmed armored Mandalorian sporting a rather slim, and firm appearance, looked on over the battlefield surrounding the ship. seeing the small advanced forces of the Republic the Mandalorian nodded in appreciation... it may not be a full fleet, but the fact the Republic was so quick to answer the call was a great boon in the Mandalorians eyes. Seeing a squadron of fighters come and support them after laying waste to yet another of the Separatists Frigates, and on led by a Jedi fighter, the Mandalorian shook her head softly, and sighed... reaching behind her back, the Mandaloriam drew a small black hilt from her armor... the Dark saber...

When the Blast doors opened to the hallway connecting the frantic Bridge to the main ship holds, a slightly shorter, and decidedly much more femininely armored Mandalorian sporting bright colored armor, stepped in. the silver armored Mandalorian tossed the hilt to the approaching Woman as she spoke...

"We got the Republics aid, but three sh.i.p.s won't be enough... and please dont lose this again."

"We just have to survive long enough for the main fleet to arrive, I got word over a Hundred sh.i.p.s are around an hour out, and yes Mother." said the brightly colored Mandalorian, as she caught the Dark saber and lowered her head in respect.

"As the heir of Clan Vizla... or what is left of us... we expect more from you, Boria." said the older Mandalorian as she turned back towards the ensuing battle, giving sound, yet quick commands to her crew. the ship slightly rocking as enemy fire continued to pound their sheilds.

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