Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 26 - (ch. 25) the requiem

Komire was thoroughly enraged by the time he had cut a path through resisting Deathwatch and Separatists forces... the people they had their 'Fun' with either being given Emergency medical attention by clone troopers, or were granted a painless death.

Komire had believed he was immune to such horrors like those that surrounded him now... but even with all he had seen and experienced on Earth, it couldnt have prepared him for the utter brutality, and savagery some of his foes had used against people that were their neighbors, and in some cases probably family...

Komire led his troops onward through the chaos, aiding any forces that defended the citadel from intruders, and even witnessing some deserters of Deathwatch under the command of the Duchess's sister fight against the very organization they once rallied for... many Clones eyed the deserters with caution, but otherwise let them be... even letting them join in the small Hazzing groups that 'Educated' the captured 'pirates'... although the Duchess's sister was less than pleased, she didn't interfere at all.

Komire stowed away the violet blade of his two sabers, and then proceded to clear a path through the rubble blocking the Citadel's entry with the Force, never dropping his guard as he did so. All while being closely followed by Clones, and Prior-Deathwatch Mandos alike.

Off in the distance, and down side streets, there were explosions and blaster fire echoing within the Domed City and although Komire was making his way through narrow halls, and corridors on his way towards the "Throne room" he could still perceive the cries of agony and pain around the city.

making his way through the rubble, Komire came upon a rather tense sight... Obiwan was standing in front of the Duchess, and facing a pair of Zabrak warriors wielding lightsabers... lightsabers the color of blood...

Komire recognized the pair as Savage Opress, and Maul, however the events taking place were not what he remembered from the origional series from earth. Maul was facing off against Kenobi, and Savage was up against multiple Mandalorian gaurds... the place was in a tense stalemate... which was broken upon his entry...

All of the people present were surprised to see someone enter the chamber, even after it was supposed to be completely obstructed by the Deathwatch and droids outside.

"And here I thought you said there would be no one coming..." Kenobi taunted the Zabrak Darkside users, "... how very disappointing."

Hearing Obi-wan say such things made a small smile return to Komire's lips. the pure sarcasm, and ridicule that oozed out of that one scentence, and the fact that he held such an attitude even when he was previously in a very difficult spot, made Komire admire the man even more.

Looking around the room, Komire spotted the head of the deathwatch... but to his amazement... the man didn't have the dark saber... and when komire glanced towards Maul... saw he didn't have it either... all he had was but a single red bladed lightsaber that looked to be a half of the origional one he had, when Kenobi bisected him on Naboo.

With furrowed brows, komire stepped forward and, while ignoring the two with before him, made his way towards the leader of Deathwatch, who was off near the back of the groups engaged against the Duchess's family's warriors... her clan markings clearly visable on the well trained men and women facing down the traitorous group, and their leader.

Komire had no thoughts of mercy for the man, nor his group... but there was one thing bothering him... he could feel the battle in space become alot more chaotic, and new sh.i.p.s kept entering his perception. He could even feel some new sh.i.p.s enter the atmosphere. Although all this was going through his mind, and several thoughts on the matter sped by as well, Komire wasnt even five steps from the opening he came through... his 'eyes' still locked on the silver/black armored visage of his target.

the clones and Prior Deathwatch members that followed him in either quickly went to the Duchess and Obi-wan, or aided one of the two groups still fighting Savage, and the Deathwatch leader.


this actually didn't go unnoticed by Obi-wan kenobi, and the Duchess.

The Force had become stagnant for the Zabraks, however it was only Maul that noticed such a thing... that one thing though, sent deathly chills through the mostly cyborg man. Maul was extremely tense as he watched Kenobi begin to stalk towards the exit, and the 'unknown jedi' being almost behind him near his Mandalorian allies... the Zabrak was getting deathly chills all over his body... and if anyone bothered to pay attention to the once named Governor of Concordia Pre Vizsla and his group, they would have noticed that the once intense fight to the death was over, and what was left of both sides were slowly backing away from one another... careful to not step on their fallen comrades.

As Komire walked closer, every Mandalorian present started watching Komire fearfully... because as Komire got closer, his aura slowly changed as well.

The air felt heavy on all the people in the room, and only seemed to get even heavier, ending up causing those too weak, or to injured to stand, to collapse to the ground, their legs unable to hold them any more... but even then, the pressure built up unendingly.


Pre Vizsla warily looked towards the armored 'Jedi' walking towards them... confusion, and fury swirling through his mind... 'Why were the Jedi here? They weren't supposed to be here!!!'

Looking past the approaching Jedi's shoulder, he watched as the supposed Sith lord was backing away from the target of their operation... The one the Sith promised to kill to gain their support for the war...

As Pre Vizsla glanced hatefully at the Duchess, he was forced to look away towards Komire again, because he saw something from the edge of his peripheral... and the Leader of the Deathwatch was stunned... the 'Jedi' was wielding a Black lightsaber... something only the Dark saber should have.

Obi-wan and the Duchess however, moved towards the Clone troopers, and a rather surprising amount of prior Deathwatch members led by the Duchess's sister, as they walked towards the elaborate 'Throne' rooms exit with weapons raised. When the Duchess was sent out with an escort of troopers, the atmosphere in the room turned cold...

Komire was thoroughly vexed at the group of men before him... the Deathwatch members still alive, had weapons trained on everyone in sight nearby, and the same was for the Duchess's Gaurds. Taking a deep breath, Komires words resounded within the hall like thunder to the listening parties...

"Is this what Mandalorian Warriors have become? Frankly I am disappointed...", Looking at each member of the Deathwatch Komires words turn cold, " ...From what I remember of you people, the Canons of Honor were your greatest pride, but looking at the wasteland I had just come through to get here, I dont see warriors... just a bunch of pirates, and thugs."

Many of the people were stunned by Komires blatant outburst, but were soon snapped back to reality by the cold Bloodl.u.s.t emminating from the man as he finished speaking.

The only one brave enough to face the cold words and pressure was Pre Vizsla himself, but even a he spoke, he was shut down coldly by Komire.

"We are..." Pre Vizsla had said.

"...Rapists, butchers, thugs, Executioners, and Pirates!" Komire finished, starting from a normal talking voice and progressively getting louder and even angrier as he spoke... But suddenly the hall went quiet... Komire said into the silence hall, his quiet words sounding like he was yelling them, "... And to see such things from those calling themselves Mandalorian, is a slap in my face."

Komire knew he was acting out for things that had happened in his past life... but using those memories, Komire let all of it flow... If He wanted to make the Mandalorians rise, He will have to be the Devil himself here and now...

Although Komires eyes couldnt be seen... the watching crowd of Deathwatch members all thought they could see two crimson orbs through the helmet itself that Komire wore.

"I do not claim to be Righteous, nor do I claim to be Evil... But for you..." Everyone present, Obi-wan included, felt a sliver of fear grab hold over their mind, "... I am, The Law!"

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