Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 27 - (ch. 26) the Purge...

As Komire stared down the now shaking Deathwatch members and their leader. The later having seen the illusion of a man dr.a.p.ed in dark robes behind Komire, pointing its accusatory Boney appendage at them in scorn...

Farther back towards the Hanger, Ahsoka aided the wounded into medical areas, and then returned to the frontlines. This continued well into the campaign to liberate the city-dome... her emotions were running rampant, and all over the place... disgust, hate, fear... these emotions seemed to cloud the very air itself.

The young apprentice kept trying her hardest to stay connected to the force, her masters words constantly ringing in her ears... but after the latest trip back to camp, carrying a broken and deformed girl barely of the age of ten... that Ahsoka cut herself off from the force and found a corner out of the way of everyone else... and emptied the contents of her stomach over the ground.

The Clone officers that had been monitoring Ahsoka, left their errant Commander to her wiles... after everything they had seen, and the fact that Ahsoka was still a young girl, the ARC troopers weren't surprised to see such a reaction to the horrors of war. Based on the file they had on the young Togruta, she hadn't really 'Killed' an enemy before this day. Only battling Droids, and other such 'monsters' the Separatists had cooked up in their factories. However young she was though, Ahsoka had earned the ARC troopers respect. They even started calling her 'Ahsoka the Solar Storm'.

After seeing Ahsoka in action, ALL of the troopers came to an agreement on the name. Ahsoka was a swirling tempest of energy destroying any enemy in her path with ruthless precision, even seeming to split into two or three copies of herself... however... afterwords she would be such a 'bumbling mess' that the only thing she would do, was help the nearby wounded till she had calmed down again.

Seeing that even their Commander had some faults... and currently witnessing such a 'Normal' reaction to warfare in all its bloody 'Glory'... The Troopers were actually proud to fight beside Ahsoka. Witnessing the Horror that was War, anyone not affected would either be stupid, a psychopath, or... worse yet... someone whom enjoys the suffering of others. The fact Ahsoka had such reactions to her first 'Real' warzone, had greatly raised her standing amongst her Troopers.


When Ahsoka cut herself off from the force however, she was not privy to the turmoil taking place in the Throne Chamber, nor around it, at the center of the City-Dome. Even then, the chaotic mess that was the Force still sent aftershocks through her body from being connected to it for such a long period of time.

Even those minor tremors were enough for Ahsoka to know her master was royally mad... something, or someone, had actually managed to infuriate the man... looking over towards the city center, Ahsoka pitied the person dumb enough to bring down the wrath of her master... because... if his 'Kind' training was hell for her... The Force only knows the end for the awaiting party that had truthfully made the stoic man mad.

In Ahsoka's mind, she visualized many possible scenarios... but as she was a Commanding official at the Foward HQ... She couldnt afford to just sit in a corner and wollow in her disgust and misery, so she began making her way towards a small bunker like structure, near the Hangar leading to the exit of the City; the designated Forward Command for the relief forces, and the only 'safe' place left for the survivors of the City that were rescued, or that had made there way there of their own accord.

Many such Mandalorians were showing up almost hourly... dozens at a time even. many of the more fit ones would be sporting their signature armors, and weapons. Although many were people identifying as 'New' Mandalorians, the people happily grabbed weapons the Clones had as extras, and joined in the battle for the city.

Seeing how the Mandalorians were so quick to turn on themselves... Ahsoka seriously thought there was something wrong with her master for thinking that she could learn something from the people. Suddenly a thought struck her...

'What if THAT was what he wanted me to learn? That no matter if they were friends or neighbors, people can, and will, turn against one another if allowed.'

With this thought in mind, Ahsoka strode towards the HQ. As she looked around while she walked, Ahsoka spotted many Mandalorian men, women, and children. Some of the men, and women were donning armor and weapons, while the children sat in groups around other women clad in the signature multi-colored signatures of the mandalorian people. Seeing how the people were arming themselves, and the rate they were amassing near the HQ sent alarms all through Ahsoka's mind... causing her to sprint the rest of the way to the bunker like structure.

When the apprentice arrived however, there was an ongoing argument between the Republic Officers, and a small mob of Mandalor civilians. Amplifying her voice with the Force, Ahsoka commanded the crowd to 'SHUT IT'. Hearing the loud command, many people held their ears and/or shook their head to get rid of the ringing caused by Ahsoka's shout. When Ahsoka asked what was the matter, she herself was bombarded with dozens of demands to 'Execute the Damnable captives', and 'Slaughter the Deathwatch prisoners like the Dogs they are!' and many other such demands.

Hurrying towards the commanding official overseeing this event, whom was standing before the entrance to the containment, and makeshift prison for the captured criminals, Ahsoka requested an update on the situation before her arrival. The report she got was anything but good... small riots, and a small mass mob had already tried to gain entry to the prison. With the crowd before her being the latest attempt.

"...Rapists, butchers, thugs, Executioners, and Pirates!"

Ahsoka, still holding her head, glanced towards the center of the city, her body shivering at the pure una.d.u.l.terated hatred from those words...

"... And to see such things from those calling themselves Mandalorian, is a slap in my face..."

the entire city at this point had frozen... not even the sound of the already injured, or dying was heard... everyone was held in the clasps of Fear, while Komires words echoed within the Force... his all consuming rage burning a everlasting mark upon those who listened...

"...I do not claim to be Righteous, nor do I claim to be Evil... But for you... I am, The Law!"

hearing the final words Komire said, it's as if the very Force itself aided in his words... cementing them within the minds of everyone on the planet... and not just the capital, but all city-domes, even the battle in space was effected somewhat... However... As the pain wore off, Ahsoka once again felt how weak she truly was compared to her new master... a fire burning in her belly as she stood straight and faced the amassed crowd, one now as silent as a ghost-ship.

A new confidence blooming within her as she silently promises within her mind, 'I will surely rise to your expectations... I will not fall behind.'

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