Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 30 - (ch. 27) the End of a pirate...

Komire stared hard at the now shivering Deathwatch members in an almost uncontrollable Fury... the men behind komire fanning out and surrounding the 'criminals' from a moderat distance... but still within accurate firing range.

Komire may have been in a seething rage, but his mind was as calm as the ocean before a Hurricane... the currents beneath its waves endlessly spinning and twisting, all while being closely controlled by calculated, and meticulously measured thoughts.

Komire felt he was on to what had happened before he arrived... but He didn't quite know what had changed the timeline so drastically...

---Komires thoughts---

(Maul was supposed to be the Leader of Deathwatch, and only then have launched a coup d'état. So many things are wrong at the moment that is is obsurd. there may have been ripples in time, but I shouldn't have made THAT big a change as of yet...What the hell is going on?)

Komire thought hard as he pondered recent events... there should have been Nothing that could have effected this event from what Komire understood... and yet the events before him were like they were frome an entirely different set of events... and that's not all... WHERE WAS THE DARK SABER!

Looking through his memories, Komire couldnt even imagine what had happened to the weapon if it wasnt present... Komire couldnt even sense the weapon on the Planet at all! Even with all that he has seen... all the DISGUSTING things he had witnessed the 'True Mandalorians' do... Komire still wanted the Mandalorian people on his side... so he was going to have to do this right if he was to gain any sort of 'Goodwill' from them, after the mess that was this supposed... coup d'état though.

While all this was going through Komires mind, not even a second had passed in the world arround him. Thousands of plans, Ideas, and ' Plan B's ' passed through his mind at lightspeed. When Komire took a step forward, he looked much calmer than he was but a second ago, and the air itself violently vibrated under his suppressed emotions, leaving a visible ripple to surround Komire as he strode forward.


Every movement was cold, and calculated. Everyone in the room could tell that one fact, by how Komire stepped forth. From behind, Obiwan saw the illusion of a man holding a 'mountain' on his shoulders in disappointment... while from the front, The Deathwatch leader saw the ghostly form of Death itself walking towards him.

"A Jedi has no business butting into our planets affairs..."

Komire paused for but a second at those words...

Pre Vizsla believed he had finally found his lifeline, and thus stood straighter as he faced down Komire...only for Komire to bust out laughing in ridicule.

The laugh Pre Vizsla heard sent shivers down his spine, and once again he was merely a frightened... quivering man, who was merely attempting to weasel his way out of his current predicament. Every Deathwatch member in the room felt like they were on the chopping block at the moment... just waiting for the cleaver to fall. When Komire calmed down enough to speak, he did so in such a way, it sounded like every word oozed 'mockery'...

"Should I have any reason Not to partake in my Wifes Homeworld politics?" He said.

leaving most, if not all present confused, and Obi-wan gapping at him in mild shock... thinking, 'He was MARRIED!... then...' As Obi-wan's eyes trailed back to where the Duchess left... he immediately stopped his wayward thinking... 'I couldnt do that... could I?'


Komire finally had a plan, he was given so many memories for a believable backstory, he almost missed this small tidbit... he was MARRIED to the sister of the old MANDALOR... how he overlooked that for so long he had no clue, but he would abuse that to it's full worth... both as 'Justification' for his actions... as he was technically a citizen of Mandalor by marriage; And his future actions to mold the existing people into a powerful Empire. The only truly troublesome thing... was how he was going to BECOME the ruler of the Mandalorians. Being one is one thing... Uniting them is something on an ENTIRELY different level. Komire would have to basically re-write the entire culture for it to be what it should have been.

Honor would have to have clearer principles, and there should be a limit to some barbaric behavior towards enemies/captives...

Shaking his head in mild annoyance at the thoughts, Komire eyed Pre Vizsla coldly. He was the kind of sc.u.m Komire hated to his bones... no... his very soul.

"You have no right to say whether I am fit to but in or not, you Kriffing Buffoon."

Continuing to walk towards the trembling men and women, he decided to test a few things while he could... and with such 'willing' subjects before him... why not?

Waving his hands towards the surrounding members of Deathwatch, he asked a very simple question... while also subtly influencing their minds to tell their hearts

"What was your purpose for Joining Deathwatch?..."

When the Deathwatch members answered, it was as if they were puppets... answering like dead robots, only to jolt back to awareness moments later...

Of the answers he got, only the seven or eight females, and two males, joined to better the Mandalorian people... the rest were sc.u.m that wanted nothing more than to be pirates it seemed, based on their responses.

Many seemed horrified by their answers, and those that had arrogantly said they joined for the 'Sport' of it all, and other such things, seemed to have a mental breakdown... simultaneously.



Watching His people writhing on the floor, or banging their heads on the ground, or stabbing and/or shooting themselves... Pre Vizsla was horrified... just a simple 'question' sent most of his men down the road to what looked like 'Madness'. Trying to find something he could use... anything, Pre Vizsla went over Komires words... believing he had found his saving grace he once again faced Komire...

"You are still a mere Outsider, or do you dare claim the clan you are part of!"

Feeling a headache coming on, Komire softly replies, "I am the last of the Clan, thanks to the Viszlan tribe almost two millennia ago..."

The surrounding audience was gobsmacked by this revelation... those that were from distinguished clans all felt the coldness in Komires words... looking amongst themselves, The Mandalorians all seemed to be in agreement. leading to one such Mandalorian to walk over towards Kenobi to ask for Komires name...

Not paying much attention to his audience, Komire got within striking distance of Pre Vizsla... (around 3-4 meters if you wanna know)... With lightning of shifting colors dancing across his arms, and down his lightsaber. giving the Je'daii an awe inspiring, and yet terrifying appearance...

"For your crimes against the people of Mandalor, you are found GUILTY, of piracy, murder, staging an uprising, and attempting to kill a Planetary Government official duly elected to office... For just ONE of those crimes, the punishment is Death... For all of them, and your actions towards myself... I won't give you a painless one."

Before the eyes of everyone present, Komire blasted forth rainbow hued bolts of lightning at Pre Vizsla... the bolts were not being supplied by Komire... but seemed alive themselves... leaving the watching Mandalorians to feel queasy at the display of multi-colored arcs of power both frying, and healing Pre Vizsla endlessly... leaving Komire to turn away, and... with but a wave of his hand... kill the other members of Deathwatch with less than noble beliefs.

"Mandalor has fallen in my absence it seems... maybe it's time I claimed my title..." Said Komire, loud enough for the nearby Mandalorian people to hear, but not loud enough for everyone in the room.

Komire was tired of planning... and decided to just 'go with it' for once... tossing most of his plans out the metaphorical window, he walked back towards the entrance he had made previously, he was gonna have to change a lot, before anything was up to snuff...

Thinking about the Future, Komire smiled... it would give him a good challenge...





I'm sorry it takes so long to get a chapter out... I have little to no free time with my job at the moment... and it doesn't help that I passed out for 14 hours... i only woke up at 1pm today, so i did try to get this out to yall....

again I appreciate it that yall like my story, and I have maybe 3 or 4 more chapters until I get to the 'Kingdom building arc'... but i am looking forward to getting them too you ???????????????? again thanks for the support!!! (ps. I had to change phones so I'm having to re write all 7 chapters I had in backstock.... they weren't edited so I still had some work I needed to do.... and in my case that's ALOT... but I'll try and have them out as soon as i finish them... again, I'm sorry guys/gals)

All criticisms appreciated... I am trying to improve my writing, so I'd like all yals thoughts ???????????????? and...

May the Force be with you!!!

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