Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 31 - (ch. 28) Forging ahead...

After killing the trash behind him, and leaving his 'parting words', komire walked towards the exit as a tired sigh escaped his lips... one that only Obi-wan seemed to notice at that moment.


Komire was done trying to make so many plans... it was too damn exhausting at the moment... he wasnt any powerful clan leader, nor was he some hotshot sitting over a planetary Government... he was but a single person at the moment. Ahsoka was with him yes, but that was a small thing in the grand scheme of things.

The entire Galaxy was originally his goal... but now that Komire had a moment to reflect while walking away from his latest deed... he found his thought on the matter, childish in nature... at least for him, plus it sounded to much like Palpatine when he thought about it some more...

He couldnt be greedy yet... first he had to set some roots... plus with the current crisis he would have a perfect opportunity to do so. But that will have to wait till AFTER the situation has mellowed out.

With his new plan of action in mind, he strode forward with a much more powerful gait than a moment before... As Komire looked towards the surrounding Clone troopers he began firing out orders like a machine gun. Komire passed on tasks that would at least restore a modest amount of order to the chaotic city both left and right... He also had the two sith detained and shackled, which didn't take as much effort then he expected... they actually surrendered themselves, which was a bit odd in Komires opinion.

Obi-wan was adamant about bringing them to the Council to be tried and punished according to the Republic Laws. Komire however, rebuked that statement with a quote he loved back on Earth... one his past self used to live by... before he lost those dear to him.

...Good and Evil, both of those are personal preferences, I could be a 'Hero' to you, but a 'Butcher' to another...

Obi-wan pondered on those words for a while, whilst Komire walked away to continue his 'cleanup' operation, but that didnt stop the Jedi from questioning everything that happened. Even when Obi-wan glanced over to the still writhing, and screaming Pre Vizsla. Obi-wan didnt know what to think on the matter.

Besides the ruined streets... there were many hundreds, if not thousands, dead in the nearby neighborhoods... and they were caused by the very man before him... thinking that, Obi-wan couldnt help but think of the Duchess.


Any still resisting Deathwatch fanatic that fought back, was cut down with no mercy in the ensuing hours... those that surrendered were de-armed and placed under constant surveillance at the forward base under Ahsoka's watch, at least until Komire arrived and performed the same trick he used before on them, which was nothing more than a form of Hypnotism... revealing their 'true' thoughts... those that believed they could really better their people were confined, while the sc.u.m were given to the angry masses to do as they please... which was a rather bloody affair, and sadly, much more prevalent then Komire would wish in such a case...

Komire was as busy as a man could be after that... but even then, it didn't seem to be enough. The New Mandalorian people didnt seem to want to do very much besides argue with him about what was 'rightfully theirs', and the Clone troopers were seemingly on edge with any and everyone. News of a massive retreat from the Banking clans, and the other black market dealers, because of the Republic Fleet eventually reached Komires ears after Skywalker landed in the hanger bay of the somewhat ruined city near the HQ.

All the droids that were still in the city however, at least the still operational ones... were holed up in the northern residential area, and didnt seem like the machines would, or even knew the word, surrender... even as they slowly started shutting down due to the Command ship no longer being in orbit above...

With the space battle done, and the droids being cleaned up in the Capital... the Duchess of the Mandalorians began making public announcements to her people, and later the whole Republic... and with the fiasco that happened, got unanimous agreement to join the Republic against the Separatists... But as the transmission was about to end, an ever growing chant began... a chant that started with a very aged yet fit old man... the Mandalorian people were calling out for their 'Manda'lor'.

Komire was vaguely aware of the events taking place across the planet... every city-dome was truthfully in agreement on the matter, and some had even been given permission to re-open their weapons facilities.

The cities still fighting small droid armies from the invasion however, were quickly sent aid and medical supplies as fast as the Fleet above could drop it with their LA-AT squadrons.

Plus those mercenaries that had joined the fray beforehand in the battle for space superiority that had survived, had been settled into other hangers or docks to offload supplies, give aid, and in some cases recieving said aid by trained Clone Doctors, and other such medical personnel... many of which were rushed to their clans to aid in the recovery... but even then, it seemed that there would be no end to the troubles that plagued Komire at the given moment.

The entire planet seemed to be 'Burning' under Komires feet, almost like the planet itself was expecting something... and it was starting to bother him... not to mention that there was this ever present shadow that Komire could feel stalking him... it almost seemed like it was tracking him. How, he didnt know... but he was sure that it would eventually 'Find' him. Komire was just tired... there seemed to be too many things going 'haywire' at the moment, that its impossible to get a read on what actions he should take...


With the Duchess giving her address, and the battles in the city diminishing, the planet slowly coming back under a modest form of control, and the Republic fleet overhead continuously brought aid to the cities below... at least enough to let Komire step away for a bit...

When Komire attempted to search for the Dark saber again...Spreading his senses through the Force, Komire was surprised to descover it on the back of a young woman in the command tent he had just vacated... turning around he walks back in to see a multi-colored Mandalorian, sporting mainly oranges, reds and other bright 'Flamboyant' shades... standing roughly around five foot, four inches. Decked out with weapons, and utilities, as well as about a dozen mandalorians wearing silver, with gold trimmed armor around the girl in a protective formation. Komire nodded in approval seeing such discipline... they all had a hand on their blasters.

The dedication, and discipline Komire was seeing reminded him of the Special Forces back on Earth... only... these men were all a manner of different races, and species...

Komire stoped near the doors to the meeting room and merely observed the events within... the Duchess, her sister, and the Jedi were all in a heated discussion about the actions to come, and what the people needed was a leader... which was put on hold till the current chaos fully ended.

Since the Mandalorian people were announced to be officially part of the Republic in the war, there were dozens of machinist and technicians enroute to the planet from many groups, like the Correlians, and other such weaponized cultures.

Many others besides the Correlians were also on their way to the planet. And since the Mandalorian people were known as expert warriors... the Correlians had contacted them the moment the planet had rejoined the Holonet, and their communications were back up and running.

All to make a contract 'purchase' of their 'services' as professional Bounty Hunters to trial-run some of their newest stuff against the 'Mechanical Horrors' of the Separatists... and all this happened while Komire stood there watching, and nitpicking the gaurds while he was at it, and seeing a Gaurd that looked like a crab-man under the heavy beskar plating... Komire couldnt help but wonder...

'how does he use the bathroom in that suit... or does he?'

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