Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 32 - (Ch 29) The after effects...

Ahsoka was so exhausted she thought her arms would fall off, and her legs would crumble any second, yet she moved on... walking among the citizenry, and the troopers returning to the Headquarters, Ahsoka desperately wanted nothing more than a good bath, and a nap...

Sadly that time wouldn't come soon... Ahsoka had been doing cataloging, and reports of wounded, dead, and missing citizens of the capital... over three hundred thousand people were labeled as 'M.I.A.' or 'K.I.A' due to the chaos that still plagues the war torn capital's streets. Not only was the surviving citizenry causing huge problems because of their 'Lynch' gatherings, there seemed to be a group of Mercenaries that were actively recruiting during this time. Try as Ahsoka might, there was no reasonable way to stop the Mercs, and with how things were in the city, only a small portion of the people that were rescued seemed to have any sort of clarity...

Some of those heavily wounded, or barely alive kept either begging to die... or if they could... they would start speaking gibberish, and start screaming, or scratching their skin till it bled. The people were seemingly...'broken'.

Making her way to the command center where her new Master, Skywalker, Kenobi, and the representatives of the Mandalorians were discussing the next course of action they would take. Ahsoka would hear the people she passed by talk about the 'Voice' that had been heard, and felt across the city. Many wished to know who was so powerful, and others would be crying out in madness about the 'Unfairness of the Law' while holding the dead in their arms, or being detained by medical troopers to prevent the person from further hurting themselves.

Sighing, Ahsoka turns towards Rex next to her, " What are we gonna do now?"

Rex, being the ever stoic and supportive man he was, smiled softly at the worn out appearance of Ahsoka, and replied as honest as he could.

"I have no clue Commander, but with everything that has happened, we may be on Mandalor for a while yet."

"*sigh* I was afraid youd say something like that."

Ahsoka wasnt in one of the best of moods either... when she had tried to merge with the Force after her Master f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y calmed it, she had been subjust to a 'Rage' so profound it had tried to actually consume her... thus she could only skirt around the edges of said emotion until it calmed down almost twenty minutes after the fact... even then it left a dark shadow in her mind.

Ahsoka never wanted anything MORE, then to leave the broken blood torn city's of Mandalore... but knowing her Master, there was a purpose behind his actions, even if she didnt see it.

When the duo finnaly arrived at the Bunker shaped structure, they immediately noticed Komire leaning against the door just looking in, his right thumb, and forefinger pinching the bottom of his helmet, as his head was slightly tilted down. Ahsoka's new Master also seemed to be mumbling to himself as they walked up, only hearing the tail end of his quietly voiced thoughts.

"...Maybe... that COULD work...hmmmm..."

Ahsoka attempted to turn around and walk away quickly, but only managed to face plant into Rexs' c.h.e.s.t armor, making her escape all but impossible as she hears her Master behind her...

"... Ah Ahsoka, it's good that you are here, how is everything?"

Ahsoka didnt know how to answer the erratic man... he was either very strict at times, or like now, seemed to be trying to either tease her, or was generally concerned... which was in and of itself a headache. Steeling her nerves... or what she had left of them after the horrors she had seen, many of which she still saw when she closed her eyes... she turned and faced her Master.

The feeling Master Komire gave her when she lay her eyes on him, was that of concern... he had even taken his helmet off to 'look' at Ahsoka properly... Breathing deep, the padawan stepped forward and attempted to describe what she believed her Master requested of her... and what she had done...

Only to be silenced by a wave of her Master, " I need not know the horrors you have seen or done, I am not trying to make you relive something that would trouble you..."

Ahsoka merely stood there... unsure what to say. She had assumed that he had wanted to know about her actions and her choices for them... but after merely trying to describe the events she was thoroughly shut down. when a warm hand landed on Ahsoka's left shoulder, she glanced back to spot the grinning face of Rex.

"I dont think he was talking about the current events commander." Rex said to her.

As Rex's words sank in for a moment, Komire confirms the Clone Captain's words to the young apprentice. with a long drawn out breath, Ahsoka stands straighter in front of her Master, and asks the one question that has been bugging her for a while now...

" Was the lesson you wished to teach me about people's ability to turn on one another at any time, Master?"

Komire leaned back against the door frame behind him, " No, but that IS a valuable lesson..." looking out over the city Komire continued, "... all sapient species are driven by several emotions such as L.u.s.t, Greed, Envy, Hate, and... Love."

Ahsoka watched in amazement how the seemingly 'dead' eyes of her Master could convey such powerful expressions, even as his face remained stoic in appearance... for the young girl, his eyes looked 'Cold, and Menacing' as he spoke, but became much more 'empty' towards the end.

After a long talk on philosophy, and the nature of sapient races, Ahsoka may not understand how, but to her it seemed as if her masters eyes could 'see' to the very heart of something... to the very truth of what the Dark side feeds off, and exploits in everyone... even his finnal words to her in this discussion resonated within her as she now stood beside her Master in the Command room after they were requested inside, by none other then Obi-wan...

"No one is inherently Evil or Dark, just as no one is necessarily Light, or Good... but where they stand in another's point of veiw... you may be a benevolent existence to one, but the worst nightmare of others"

With everything Ahsoka had seen, and what her Master and her had been discussing previously, Ahsoka couldnt help but lean more towards the Dark side... only to get a tight slap upside the head before they entered the Bunker-like structure after Obi-wancalled from within... something she was starting to dislike more than the erratic behavior of her current Master...

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