Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 33 - (ch. 30) Things never go quite as planned...

While Ahsoka stood 'Pouting' by her Master's side, Obi-wan and Skywalker had both been filling Komire in on their current predicament... what the two Jedi kept repeating was 'the Mandalorians need a leader to bring them under one banner'... only to be interrupted towards that point by a silver clad, gold trimmed Mandalorian woman, claiming that they already have a candidate for Mand'alor... causing another long argument about qualifications and other such things Ahsoka didnt quite get, further prolonging a meeting Ahsoka thought was pointless if the person to lead Mandalor has been chosen already... Ahsoka Kriffing hated politics...

'If they were already picked for the job, why cant they take it?' the Apprentice thought to herself.

Meanwhile... Komire was busy fiddling with his helmets internal functions next to her, causing 'cl.i.c.k.i.n.g and whirring' sounds to echo from inside the empty metal form between his hands, and was disturbing the meeting in odd ways while doing so. A loud 'clack' or 'spark' followed by incoherent mutters would almost 'miraculously' happen when Skyguy and the Mandaloriam woman started to argue, or when Duchess Satine, and Obi-wan started bickering about random topics from the past... which is to say... rather often.

Ahsoka was fascinated by the man's utter lack of decorum in such a scene, however... looking around at the other Jedi, she noticed that the other masters didnt bother with Komires actions, even going so far as to take Master Komires 'Noises' as clues to be quiet... Even the Duchess, and the other Mandalorian representatives present, looked rather 'off' as they gazed at her Master with annoyance, or just plain curiosity, while he fiddled with his helmet, and disturbed the discussions while doing so.

The one thing Ahsoka found odd though, was the 'Flamboyantly' colored Mandalorian across from her. The 'girl' had been staring at her Master since they had entered the room... and she didnt know what it was, but her gut started twisting when she saw the blatant stare coming from the 'woman'... but also... it felt as if Ahsoka 'knew' the person but yet, couldnt explain 'how'.

With all that Ahsoka had been through she started thinking the stress from earlier had caught up with her... that or she was hallucinating due to fatigue.

Shaking her head to clear the random thoughts from her mind, Ahsoka refocused on the meeting.... and although her Master didnt show it outwardly, she knew he was paying attention as well.


With everything happening around him, Komire was attempting to reactivate the inbuilt sensors in his helmet, as well as just minding his own business... he was however, subtlety influencing the discussions around him through the Force... and since Ahsoka had cut off mostly all but a sliver of her connection to the Force, she was unable to sense these fluctuations, but the Jedi could... as if Komire was holding a vibroblade at their backs, the Jedi could feel the minor threats pointed at them if they strayed from the subject at hand.

He was also trying to figure out several other problems that had come to his attention earlier before the meeting... but mainly the problem he was most focused on at the moment, was involving his stay on Mandalor with Ahsoka.

With everything that has happened, Komire wasnt sure it was such a good idea to remain on Mandalor for the time being... he didnt want to be the one in charge anymore like his past life, even if he HAD to develop his own Empire... he didnt want all those endless meetings and political B.S, not to mention the fact of reworking the entire Mandalorian culture to what it should have been... if he had to do it, so be it... however... He wasnt going to be tied down to an office again, not in this life....

Looking up and listening to the argument happening before him currently... he was gradually losing his patience... the Jedi Kenobi, and the Duchess acted like an old married couple with their bickering, and the arrogance in Skywalker's voice towards the silver armored Mandalorian was causing more harm than good... sighing, and shaking his head in disappointment, Komire looked back over at the four across from him and Ahsoka, and used the Force to silence the four troublesome individuals directly clamping everyone's lips shut.

Using as little pressure as he could, he slowly, 'squeezed' the air around everyone present... besides his apprentice of course... causing the atmosphere in the command room to turn rather heavy.

"First off, you!" Komire said, pointing at Obi-wan Kenobi to his right, " And You!" turning to his left to point at Sabine, "Just grow up and get married already, ich meine komm schon!" Komire says exasperatedly.

"And you, young Skywalker..." Komire continues, while walking around the table to stand in front of Anakin, " ...Just grow up, and stop being so childish and petty!"


Back with Ahsoka, the young girl couldnt quite make sense of her masters actions at all... 'wasnt he going to help calm the situation? why does it seem he's just adding fuel to the fire?'... these were the thoughts going through her mind at the start of her masters interventions involving the Duchess and Obi-wan... but then, seeing Skywalker being talked down to like a child, Ahsoka couldnt help but visualize 'Skyguy' as such, especially with the current understanding of her new, and old masters... an image that caused her to start laughing softly to herself.

The words her Master said towards the end however, snapped her out of her imagination. mainly because they felt weird on her ears... they didnt sound like any dialect she has ever heard before, but yet she felt as if she has heard something similar somewhere else in the past...

Not paying attention to the scolding of two Jedi, and the Mandalorians representatives going on in front of her, Ahsoka kept trying to remember where she had heard the language she was thinking of... only to feel a cold chill creep up her spine through the Force... Something... or Someone... was watching her.

Slowly turning her head to look behind her, Ahsoka found herself looking down a damaged corridor... wires and debris scattered everywhere, and at the end of the tunnel... a black fog floated, stretching from wall to wall, and deck, to ceiling... when suddenly two glowing Red eyes open wide in the fog... focusing entirely on her.

The most terrifying part, was the voice that greated her ears when she glazed back at the glowing orbs... the grating and scratchy voice was like something out of Ahsoka's worst nightmare...

"J'us're Nenx Nuyak Meistras, Kuris Aras Tu?"

[Authors Note: sorry about the long wait... I'm currently very busy with stuff IRL... so I am not able to do much actually righting except basic guidelines in my notepad ????, I hope yall understand, and I hope yall will continue to help me with my writing, I have had an awesome reader helping me with minor grammatical problems that I am currently trying to fix, and I greatly appreciate the readers that enjoy my writing, thank you for your understanding, and I dont know if I'll have a stable update planned yet, but it may not be very often...???? just know that this is Never being dropped... and May the Force be with you!!!

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