
Robert was currently surrounded by a large number of people all discussing with Padme about the various wedding preparations that needed to be done, he listened as they discussed what type of flowers they should have, where they should be placed, who should be invited, and from what world's, who should they invite to help strengthen their bond with other world's, or who couldn't be trusted with keeping their marriage a secret from Jedi Order.

Every so often Padme would lean against him cuddling herself into his embrace and would ask his opinion about various matters, such as what food should they serve, what did he enjoy eating, should they serve their guest food, or was it better to let them choose for themselves from a large selection of various dishes more of a buffet style. She asked him what type of music did he want to be played at the wedding and did he know how to dance, and what date did they want to have the ceremony.

Robert seeing her in such a happy mood didn't want to spoil the day for her and answered the best he could but being a former Jedi he wasn't quite prepared to handle this type of situation, in fact since Jedi didn't marry, he had no clue of what would be appropriate suggestions, lucky for Miranda she was just as clueless as he was but was able to flee the area after coming up with an excuse about being needed at the academy.

Padme quickly learned that he was pretty much useless in this situation but still did her best to include him in the decision-making, but would often make changes based on suggestions from many of her female friends and planners that they had hired for the occasion.

After he had mostly recovered from his injuries, Padme rarely had time to spend alone with him, they both had many duties that needed to be seen to, so she was thrilled to be able to spend this time together with him, she had dreamed about the perfect wedding and wanted everything to be perfect, although she never imagined that the man she would marry someday would also be marrying another woman at the same time.

After spending time with Padme on making preparations for the wedding he was ushered off to another part of the palace without her, where he was sentenced to the torture of having to try on many different types of clothing to wear for his wedding, this lasted hours before he was finally allowed to leave.

He decided that he would head back to his room to rest after this and then figure out what he was planning on saying for his wedding vows.

*Time skip*

It was finally the day of the big wedding! guests from all over had started to arrive at the palace where the wedding was to take place.

Over the last couple of days, the palace had undergone many changes to prepare for the wedding, decorations and flowers could be seen all over, the grand palace had only become even more majestic and festive once preparations were finally done and subtly in the background you could hear heavenly festive music being played for guests.

The ceremony was grand and large in scale! with trustworthy guests from all over attending. Robert silently watched as the flower girl and ring bearer made their way down the aisle.

Soon the music swiftly changed and he was stunned as his two brides made their way down the aisle, they wore stunning white bridal gowns, as his heart skipped a beat he swore they were the most beautiful things he had ever laid eyes on.


Robert (POV)

"I Robert take you Padme to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and to cherish, as long as we both live"

" At my darkest hour, you were one of the few that were there for me, when I was down and out, you didn't abandon or forsake me, instead you shouldered my burden and took it as your own"

"I vow to you now, to love you and cherish you, to respect you, to care for you and protect you, your enemies will be my enemies, your victories my victories, your defeats my defeats"

"I vow for all eternity, to be your faithful and loyal husband". Said Robert to Padme.

Padme (POV)

Padme hearing Robert vows now gave hers.

" I Padme, take you Robert to be my husband, my partner in life, my one true love"

" I vow to cherish our union, to love and to respect you, to support and to defend you"

" when all hope was lost, you were my beacon of hope in the dark, the savior of my people"

" I swear to you now, to love and respect you, to be your faithful wife, to be at your side through the good times and burdens, to be your light in dark"

" I give you my hand, my heart, my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live".

Now turning to Miranda.

"I Robert take you Miranda to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and to cherish, as long as we both live"

"You are my friend, my lover, and soon my wife"

"In my darkest hour, when others had forgotten and forsaken me, you were there"

"I vow to you now, to love you, to cherish you, to respect you and care for you, to protect you, your enemies are my enemies, your victories my victories, your defeats my defeats"

"To you I now vow, for all eternity, to be your faithful and loyal husband," said Robert to Miranda.

Miranda (POV)

" You are my friend, my lover, my soul mate, I would search across vast stars for you, take blows for you"

"I vow for all eternity to love you, to be your faithful wife, companion, and friend"

" I will be your sword against your enemies, a shield that protects you"

" Even against a thousand foes, I will remain at your side"

"You have my heart and my love forever"

Said Miranda to Robert.

Robert (POV)

Turning to face his two brides he kissed them both and they were declared married.

Now that they were married they were expected to mingle with their guest, Robert talked with local governs and leaders from other planets, he drank and danced.

After a few hours, he and his brides were ushered outside and climbed aboard a moving platform.

In front of them was a long line of performers, bands, dancers, and soldiers. They all slowly started making their way through the city.

The sidewalks were packed with people celebrating their wedding, the city was decorated with many colorful ornaments to celebrate. The performers, dancers, and band performed wonderfully in entertaining the crowds.

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