Star Wars: Reborn In The Star Wars Universe

Chapter 12 - Chancellor Ambition

*Chancellor office*

Darth Sidious sat at his desk looking through various reports on the state of the Republic, it seems that different factions within the senate had already started making moves against their enemies, small newly constructed fleets from the various world's already started moving to expand their borders.

For now, it was just isolated moons of planets, and asteroid belts that were rich in resources that were being taken over.

None of the worlds doing this had officially withdrawn from Republic as of this moment, but he knew it was just a matter of time before they did. He was suppressing any news of these incidents from leaking to the rest of the galaxy, he didn't want the Republic to fall completely apart just yet! he wanted to extract as many resources from the various planets for as long as possible before full-blown civil war broke out.

In a few years, his clone army would be ready! on the surface, he was slowly building up the Republic fleets but in secret, he was shifting resources around to build many massive fleets in secret!

Although the scale of war to come was suddenly much more difficult and larger than he expected, he still felt comfortable with his preparations. He planned to force the Jedi into a situation where they would lose many of their gifted masters early on in war only to be rescued by his new clone army!

Where the Jedi had failed his troopers would not! not only would they rescue the helpless Jedi survivors but would also push back a larger military force! of course, this would all be planned and arranged beforehand.

To the rest of the galaxy, his clone army would be viewed as superior to the Jedi and more reliable. It was one step in his plan to make Jedi seem unneeded to the rest of the galaxy.

Reviewing one report after another he came upon one that was about various planets requesting emergency aid, it seems the taxes and the mass exportation of resources from these planets were starting to put a strain on these planets, many were complaining of food shortages and lack of supplies.

Sadly, these planets were expected to fall once the Republic fell apart, being situated outside the borders of his new planned empire he wasn't going to waste resources on them.

Instead, he was going to try to take as many resources as he could before these planets fell into enemy hands. He'll let the new owners worry about fixing and rebuilding those worlds after they conquer them.

So... sadly there request for aid and resources would have to be declined and instead, he would go about taxing them more instead.

As he moved on to a new report he was surprised to learn that Naboo had officially seceded from Republic!

They had closed their embassy and called back all their ambassadors, and he was no longer receiving updates from the spies that he had stationed on the planet.

Although he was worried that it would encourage others to leave the Republic, it ultimately was a minor inconvenience. He knew that many worlds were already preparing to leave the republic.

He wasn't worried for he had already started the construction of many secret Venator-class Star Destroyers, they would make short work of Naboo fleet! if the young queen was foolish enough to challenge him.

The fact that the queen of Naboo had fallen out with the young skywalker had also greatly pleased him, he could feel the raw emotions of hate and jealousy within the young man!

It was now far too easy to corrupt and turn him to the dark side of Force! the boy would make a powerful Sith in the future. He was gleeful with the idea of turning the Jedis "CHOSEN ONE" against them!

His future apprentice would be very powerful! he of course wouldn't be able to handle all the tasks that Sidious would require of him, so he already started to secretly train a group of Force-sensitive children in the ways of the dark side. Of course, would never become Sith but would become powerful pawns in the future hunting down any Jedi survivors for him.

Looking out the window he couldn't help a smile to spread across his face. In a few short years, he would become the most powerful man in the galaxy! no force would be able to stop his rise to power!

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