Miranda (POV)

Guided by Force, she had made her way world by world across the galaxy, for brief moments she could only sense him, it was in those moments where she was able to adjust her heading, slowly she made her way towards him.

Finally! she had arrived at an unknown world, by day the surface of the planet would burn with fire while in the direct sunlight! at night the planet would freeze! it was a hellish world without life, this is where the republic built one of their most secure secret maximum security prisons.

The prison was built upon a tall mountain with steep cliffs on all sides, the only way off was by a small troop transport that visited every so often, it had many armed guards, anti-air cannons, watchtowers, high walls, and electric fences.

If you managed to get through all that! the troop transport wasn't allowed to take off until all prisoners were accounted for. If it left while unauthorized the anti-air cannons would automatically shoot it down! on top of this, the transport itself was rigged with explosives and would automatically detonate after a certain distance if it didn't receive the all-clear signal from the prison.

Observing the prison, she knew she would need help breaking in. Sighing, she only knew one place where she could get it.


Shortly after arriving on Naboo, she was stunned to hear about the wedding of Robert and Padme! at first, she thought it was just a rumor but as she walked down the streets she would often overhear many people gossiping about it.

"I wonder when he was planning on telling me about his wedding!", Said Miranda out loud.

Storming her way through the streets she made her way towards the palace! upon reaching the main entryway she forced slammed the guards into the surrounding walls!

Gathering the Force she blasted through the main doors leading into the palace! In a matter of moments she had already reached the throne room, a trail of wounded and battered bodies could be seen behind her, slowly she approached the queen!

She confronted Padme about who would be marrying who! and soon a fight broke out between the pair!

Padme was obviously on the losing end of the fight but she had secretly been training alongside the others at the academy and her combat power had drastically improved!

She was determined to no longer be the damsel in distress! a weak person who always needed to be protected!

Throughout the catfight she had managed to get a few good blows in, of course, the fact that Miranda couldn't really kill her also helped her survive longer than she should have.

The military quickly responded to the distress signal from the palace, and within moments they had landed a few troop transports outside the palace. They quickly moved through the courtyard and then proceeded to storm their way through the broken doors of the palace to reinforce the forces inside.

Upon arriving in the throne room, they witnessed several broken chairs and tables! the throne itself was neatly cut in half! as if someone had attempted to cut the queen in half as she sat upon it.

The walls had various blaster holes embedded in them as well, several burn marks from a lightsaber could be seen here and there, small holes likely from small explosions could be seen spread out over a small area. Immediately after observing the surroundings, they spotted two individuals rolling around on the ground beating each other!

A group of politicians and maids could be seen cowering behind a pillar not too far away, clearly shaken by what they had just witnessed. A few of them looked like they had accidentally got caught or were too close to one of the explosions.

*Two weeks later*

Inside a troop transport sat two women, both were starring daggers at each other!

They had both come to an understanding, Padme constantly being hounded by her people and military staff to marry (which she wasn't really opposed of doing).

She needed to rescue Robert, her workload had become too much! she had to handle all his affairs on top of her own duties during his absence, and certain factions on her planet desperately wanted him back.

Miranda needed Padmes fleet and authority, so after a couple of rounds of destroying the throne room! they came to an agreement, they both needed him. Padme would marry him first and Miranda would marry him after becoming his second wife.

The Arquitens-BTT upon reaching prison maneuvered next to it, upon pulling up beside the wall of the prison the Arquitens-BTT walls on its sides opened up and ramps came crashing down!

Soon, explosions came shortly after creating many entryways inside, after the ramps came down many troops waiting inside the Arquiten-BTT stormed out into the prison.

In the courtyard, landing platform, and the roof of the prison, many troop transport landed. The fighters and troops quickly took out the anti-air cannons, within moments the outside of prison had been overrun and secured.

Miranda upon exiting the transport quickly made her way inside the prison, she cut down every one or anything in her path! Force blasting her way through any security doors that they used to try to stop her made the troops behind her make mental notes to never piss her off!

Miranda could sense him! he was near! Cutting through one last door she saw him! hanging on a wall from chains, covered in wounds and bruises! hanged Robert! they clearly weren't providing him proper treatment.

"hahaha... about time you got here... was starting to think you had forgotten about me", said Robert.

Angered! she used the Force to rip his chains off the wall and caught his body as he fell.

"It's ok now, everything going to be ok", said Miranda as she hugged his battered body.

Padme standing in the doorway was shocked by what she saw! How could the Republic allow this! They were clearly torturing him.


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