Aria (POV)

Aria was training in the temple courtyard when she was approached by temple guards, they took her to a room where they questioned her for many hours about her master, they asked about missions, and any meetings that she knew about.

A few days later she was released and learned that her master had been banished from Order! now she was alone and due to the reputation of her Master, nobody wanted her as their padawan, if nobody excepted her soon she would be forced to leave! or if she wanted to still serve the Order she would be allowed to join the service corps, likely farming providing food for the Jedi Order.

A few weeks had gone by and still, no Jedi Master or Knight had accepted her, resigned to her fate, she was preparing to leave the Order.

Having gathered her few belongings, she was prepared to leave, making her way toward the entrance of the Jedi temple she was suddenly approached by a Jedi Knight named Moradin Goran, who accepted her as his new padawan! she was saved from leaving the Order! it turns out that he was a friend of her old Master!

Her new master was skilled in many forms of lightsaber combat, instead of focusing on just one form and mastering it, he instead decided to practice all forms equally, he claimed that yes, practicing one Form would allow him to gain strength quickly! but mastering all forms! would ultimately make him the strongest later on.

He used grand master Yoda as an example of one who had mastered all forms of lightsaber combat. It had taken a long time for Yoda to truly master all the Forms of Lightsaber combat, but eventually, he became so powerful that few could beat him.

The few times that Yoda lost a spar, Moradin wasn't entirely sure that he didn't deliberately lose the fight to help motivate the other Jedi.

As the weeks went by, and as she trained with her new master, she quickly learned that his attacks weren't as fierce as other masters, that his defense wasn't as sturdy as her former masters, but his ever-changing combat forms had their own strengths.

Switching between Forms, often changed the pace of the duel! it wasn't uncommon for her to get lost in his tempo during the fight! anytime she started getting used to one combat Form, he would suddenly change Forms again! changing how he attacked and defended, it was like fighting an entirely different person.

*Time skip*

A couple of months have passed, Aria was currently sparring against other padawans in the training courtyard when she overheard a young man badmouthing her former master!

Confronting the padawan named Anakin! she challenged him to a duel, after a hard-fought duel she managed to beat the boy.

Not wanting to allow the boy to catch up with her, she went to train with her master, not only that, she sought out her former master's master, and asked her to help train in Form Two Makashi.

She was determined to not let Anakin surpass her! if he trained one hour then she would train three.

As she fought against Anakin, she was shocked to learn how fast he could improve! he was the type that would come back even stronger after they were beaten.

She finally had to start avoiding the young man, or he would soon surpass her and use her as his stepping stone to becoming stronger. She decided that she would never show her true strength while fighting him or would just make him become stronger faster.

Miranda (POV)

It has been a few months since her lover had been imprisoned and banished from Order.

Currently, she was starring at her wall, her mind was a chaotic mess! her days were passed in misery and she was just blindly going through the motions.

the only source of comfort she had was when she would train her padawan, despite her depression she made sure to not neglect his training.

It was after a training session with her padawan when she was sitting down and they both were meditating, that she suddenly for just a moment! she had sensed her lover! he was very far away and in pain! he needed her!

Padme (POV)

Sitting on her throne, she was attending a meeting with her governors and military leaders. After she had fended off the invasion of Naboo without the help of the Republic, many of the governors and military leaders had demanded that Padme become the permanent queen of Naboo!

Only under her leadership did they feel secure. With many in the military wondering when they would break out her future king from prison!

As she Listened to her advisor's speak she had a large headache! ever since Robert was imprisoned, she had to deal with an increase of responsibilities, many on the planet knew that they jointly constructed the shipyards on the planet and are equal business partners.

After his imprisonment, Padme was approached by the Gungans and multiple mercenaries and business organizations that Robert controlled!

They were all aware that whenever Robert visited the planet or whenever she visited the Jedi Temple! that the pair would often be seen together.

They had often seen the love-struck look upon her face every time they were together, with many just ȧssuming they were a couple! the fact that many would often ask her when they were planning on getting married didn't help her situation.

In the past, she would neither deny nor acknowledge their relationship, leaving others to just ȧssume Robert wasn't ready to leave the Jedi Order yet, and that they still needed to keep their relationship a secret.

Now that he was no longer around, and because of how often the pair were seen together, many naturally just ȧssumed that she was now in charge! for she was technically the leader over the battle of Naboo, many of Robert's legal businesses had their headquarters on her planet, and he had even made her an equal partner in the construction of the spaceport and shipyards.

She had to deal with merk leaders updating her on their missions.

The Gungans kept reporting on the construction of a completely secret shipyard! that she knew nothing about! under the surface of the planet! of all places, hidden deep inside hidden water passages.

There was a military academy that had to be seen to.

Large corporations on the planet kept updated on the states of their businesses.

The most surprising of all was the secret Jedi Temple he had built on the planet!

This whole time! she found out that Robert had been collecting force-sensitive children and ȧduŀts! and had been training them and providing them free education at his academy.

If they couldn't find a way to get him back she wasn't how long she would last.. Many of her military leaders kept asking her to rally the fleet and risk war with the Republic! just to bring him back.

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