27 BBY

In a training yard of the Jedi Temple, a young 14-year-old teen could be seen sparring against his fellow classmates.

As they dueled it quickly became clear that the boy named Anakin had a higher skill level compared to the rest of the students.

Anakin (POV)

He was currently sparring but as the fight went on he felt like there wasn't much of a challenge so he decided to taunt a couple of his fellow classmates, his plan worked and now he was fighting 1 vs 3.

This is much better he thought, they are at least making me work a little bit now.

As his opponents attempted to surround, him he suddenly launched himself forward! Targeting the strongest of his three opponents he quickly took her out! sending her flying across the floor! having defeated one of them he next had to block and evade a series of attacks for his other two opponents that had caught up with him.

Having defeated one of them already, Anakin made short work of the remaining two soon after, having defeated them he went on to challenge another group. As he fought he couldn't stop his mind from wandering.

*Flash Back*

A few weeks back, Padme had once again returned to the planet, the now 14-year-old Anakin was thrilled to be able to see her again, soon after she had landed, Anakin had gone to meet her.

At first, she was glad to meet him and they discussed many things but the longer they talked the more Padme started asking about Robert!

Being young, he couldn't help himself from becoming jealous and would always answer her questions by trying to paint Robert in a bad light, hoping he could leave a negative impression of him on her.

A few days later the young Anakin would spot her at Temple walking next to the man he now hated! Secretly he watched her, he watched as she blushed and laughed while talking with him! he could clearly see that she had fallen for him.

*End of flashback*

Thinking back on the look that Padme had on her face while she talked with Robert caused something in Anakin to break! Gathering the Force! he pulled two of his opponents into the air! sending them flying away soon after, their bodies crashing into a wall! next, he bombarded his last opponent with a series of vicious blows! leaving him badly beaten upon the ground.

Realizing what he just did! Anakin looked around at the stunned faces of his peers.

Storming off! Anakin ignored them, walking down the hallway in a fit of rage.

As he walked his anger and hate only grew, without even noticing it, he had started coming up with a plan to remove Robert from Order! and planned to separate him from Padme!

There was a slightly famous smuggling organization that was quickly on decline, they would be perfect, he would use them for framing Robert.

Robert (POV)

He was casually walking down a hallway when suddenly he sensed that there were multiple hostile presences around him! quickly advancing upon his location! activating his lightsaber he waited a few seconds, quickly multiple Jedi surrounded him! seeing that they were fellow Jedi he allowed himself to be taken into custody.

Robert was currently shackled to a wall of a prison transport ship, on his way to a maximum-security prison.

A few days ago he was brought in front of the Jedi council to receive his punishment! It seemed they had received a tip that he was in fact the leader of a smuggling organization.

At first, the tip they received seemed fake, with the clear attempt to ruin the reputation of the accused Jedi, despite this they were obligated to investigate.

They expected to find nothing, but after raiding one of the main bases of the organization they managed to capture one of its leaders! who quickly broke under their interrogation.

He provided them with secret video footage of Robert that he had collected. He had planned to use this against the Jedi if he ever turned on him.

The video clearly showed that Robert was in fact the leader of the organization! and he could be seen giving orders to various personal and receiving reports on the various shipments that they still had left to deliver.

Having collected all the proof they needed, they stripped Robert of his rank! and banished him from the Order! they also charged him with a 20-year prison sentence.

Due to him being a former Jedi, they couldn't hold him at any old normal prison, so they were forced to send him to a maximum security one.

Robert (POV)

He should have disbanded all his criminal organizations sooner! he only had a couple of smaller ones left to help him smuggle any illegal goods he needed, he planned to have it completed shut down in the next couple of years, but one of his higher-ranking employees had seen the writing on the wall and had gathered evidence to use against him, just in case he ever needed it.

Arriving on some unknown planet, Robert was beaten! and dragged down a series of hallways, the guards here were very loyal to the republic and vented their anger out on him.

They were furious that a Jedi would abuse his power and become a leader of a criminal organization! the guards that had lost family members to slavers and other criminals, used this opportunity to get at least some sort of revenge! taking every opportunity they had to abuse the former Jedi.

(Sidious POV)

Unknown to Robert, the Chancellor had managed to find out more about his involvement with the battle over Naboo. Sidious didn't like the Jedi, he had managed to ruin one of his plans already, he wouldn't allow the Jedi to grow even more.

No, he would place some loyal men in this prison and they would make sure that if the Jedi ever did manage to leave this place that he would never be a threat to him again.

He had the guards inflict hidden wounds on the Jedi, they would break his bones! and they would use machines to quickly heal him. They would of course make sure that the bones wouldn't heal properly. Especially the ones they inflicted upon his spine! it would leave the Jedi with slight nerve damage.

He could kill the Jedi any time that he wanted, but he knew that Anakin would want to flaunt his victory over the Jedi in the future when he eventually fell to the Darkside.. No, he wouldn't rob his future apprentice of the satisfaction of killing the Jedi himself.

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