Having been summoned to the capital Queen Padmé Naberrie (Padmé Amidala) had to defend herself against the accusation of treason against the Republic, there had been charges filed against her, it seems that some senators were claiming that she was planning on rebelling against the Republic! and that was the reason why she was currently building up Naboos military fleet.

Thanks to having many supporters and sympathizers within the galactic senate the debate on what to do with Naboo and her had largely stalled, some wanted to make an example of her, others feared such actions would cause a war with Naboo, the Republic currently didn't have a large military force and didn't want things to escalate, they had failed to protect Naboo and many were still surprised that Naboo hadn't already left the Republic.

Padme was tired after debating and defending herself to the senate, largely the trip here had been a waste of time, she had refused to dismantle her fleet and the senate was hesitant to force the issue.

Having finished her business for the day she just wanted to return to her room to rest, making her way back she was escorted by two Jedi who was acting as her security and also making sure she wouldn't leave before the Senate finished their debate.

Thankfully, the two Jedi escorting her were ones she already trusted as they were the ones who had helped her in her time of need (Robert and Miranda). As they walked they soon were joined by a young Anakin who was eager to meet her once again. Now a Padawan he was eager to show off his new skills.

"I would like to thank you once again for saving my planet", said the queen as she stopped and faced Robert.

"It was no problem, your majesty it was my pŀėȧsurė to help", responded Robert.

Hearing his response, she once again couldn't help her heart from fluttering, quickly she turned away and started walking once again.

Ever since the time she was alone with the young Jedi, she struggled to look the man in the eyes without a slight blush forming on her face. She couldn't help thinking about his words he said to her that day "he wanting her!" (She clearly got the wrong idea).

The man before her had saved her planet, he was the hero of her people.

Before she hit the ground! she found herself being held in someone's arms before she could understand what was going on, she suddenly felt her ċhėst being fondled!

The rouge! he had taken the opportunity to fondle her ċhėst! panicked and unsure of what to do she fled down the hallway.

Having run a fair distance she ending up finding herself lost, not sure of where she was she suddenly heard a sound behind her, turning around she came face to face with the man she had just fled.

She was now alone with the man! as he got near her, he suddenly pushed her against the wall! his mouth locking with hers! she could feel his tung briefly roaming within her mouth! she couldn't believe how bold the man was! ȧssaulting her in public like this!

"No! we mustn't do this! at least wait until we're in private" squeaked the queen in a quiet voice.

Before the man could respond to her, Padme heard the activation of a lightsaber, and before she understood what was happening the young man in front of her was flying through the air!

Anakin (POV)

He would finally be able to see her again!

He had waited for this moment for a long time! he imaged that the next time that they would meet would be when he was older, then she would see him as a man and not as a boy. Still, he was glad that she was here.

He thought that she would glad to see him! but all she did was pay attention to the Jedi next to him! he could see the way she looked at him and understood what that meant. Suddenly the queen had fallen and ended up in the arms of the Jedi Masters! seeing this the boy couldn't help feeling a sense of jealously and anger rise from within himself.

The queen seemly embarrassed ran off alone, quickly chasing after her he soon caught up, but what he saw further angered him, he watched as Robert approached his woman! in a fit of rage he gathered the force to himself and reached out to the rug in front of the Jedi, wanting Robert to embarrass himself in front of Padme, Anakin aimed to trip the Jedi, it was a harmless prank and he doubted the Force would consider it an attack and warn the Jedi.

Sadly his plan had worked too well! and he watched as the man ended up falling into Padme.

Miranda (POV)

As she escorted the queen, Miranda couldn't help noticing the flirtatious looks that she kept sending towards her man! before she had known it she had reached out with the Force and pushed the young queen causing her to trip.

Luckily for her, she had managed to restrain herself at the last second and ended up turning her push into a harmless nudge instead. With a smug look, she watched as the queen ran down the hallway embarrassed after having tripped.

Slowly walking after the young queen she started to feel bad and had planned to apologize for her action when she suddenly turned a corner and saw her Man embracing the queen passionately kissing her!

Angered! she activated her lightsaber and without knowing it she had reached out to the Force one again and picked her lover up into the air! and sent him flying into a wall!

Robert (POV)

Having heard that the young queen of Naboo was arriving at the capital, he utilized his connections to secure himself as one of her escorts, he had hoped to meet with her secretly in private to discuss the various happening on Naboo, sadly fate seemed to have other things planned instead, as he walked and talked with the young queen he suddenly noticed that she was falling! as he caught her, his hand seemed to have grabbed ahold of something soft.

Having been ȧssigned to escort and protect her, couldn't leave her side and quickly followed after her, as he finally caught up to her, he suddenly felt the Force fluctuate behind him and he was suddenly caught off guard and came crashing into the young queen!

For a brief moment, their lips had touched! quickly pulling himself off her! he was about to explain himself when he once again felt the Force fluctuate behind him, he was unsure of what happened next! as he had lost consciousness soon after.

Padme (POV)

The young queen was unsure of what to do, she was currently in her room nervously watching the door!

Would the young man visit her this night! thinking back on the day she couldn't help hiding her red face into her pillow! the rouge and groped her ċhėst and stolen a kiss after ȧssaulting her in the hallway! luckily for her, the other Jedi had managed to restrain him before he could go any further, having sent him flying into a wall knocking him out.

Robert (POV)

For some reason he suddenly found himself waking up in his room, he swore he had just been escorting the queen of Naboo.

Slowly getting up he suddenly felt that his body was sore all over as if someone had repeatedly punched him over and over again.

This was such a strange day for him, to make matters worse Miranda was giving him the cold shoulder and kept snapping at him! any time he tried to talk with her.

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