Robert (POV)

Sitting in bed, Robert read from a holographic projector that was being displayed in front of him from a mechanism attached to his wrist, not wanting to disturb his two resting wives sleeping on either side of him he quickly checked to see if he was disturbing their sleep before becoming engrossed with the information displayed in front of him.

All across the galaxy it seems small skirmishes were starting to take place, peaceful protestors had started to have enough with the current state of things and were slowly turning into resistance fighters against the Republic and their local leaders, the Expansion Region and beyond had been too heavily taxed, also do to the extreme exportation of food and supplies from these areas to the Core World's was causing the local prices to skyrocket, the poorest of these world's populations were struggling to live, now parents were starting to have to watch, as their children went hungry.

For a time the population requested aid from their local government's but after repeatedly being ignored they started to become more desperate, it wasn't long for local food stores and marketplaces to be raided whenever a large protest broke out.

His mercenary forces were also seeing a lot more contracts lately, due to them being secretly funded by him, their equipment was a couple grades above the rest of their peers and competitors, they flew better fighters, were better supplied, and he made sure the organization had their own private trainers to improve their teamwork and tactics.

The fact that his mercenary organization was contributing to the unrest of the Republic didn't seem to affect him as much as he thought it would.

Growing up in the Jedi Order he had spent his entire time preparing for war, his goal was to save the Order and the Republic, now having been exiled, tortured, and discovering the state of the world's, in and past the Expansion Region, he wasn't so sure what his goal was now.

The Core Worlds and colonies were prospering at the expense of the rest of the galaxy.

With so many sectors already preparing for war, was it still possible to save the Republic? what should he do with Jedi? what role should Naboo play in the conflict? should they side with Republic? perhaps they should create their own Empire?

Padme (POV)

She couldn't ignore the plight of the people across the galaxy any longer, after convincing her husband to provide her with financial support, over the last few weeks she had started excepting refugees from across the galaxy, expanding housing, greatly increasing the number of farms, investing in infrastructure such as roads, bridges, airport, schools, emergency shelters, hospitals, etc.

After the first refugees arrived she was horrified to see the condition of some of the children, some were extremely malnourished or missing limbs. The stories she heard after meeting them broke her heart, many families in acts of desperation had sold their family members into slavery, slavers were buying massive amounts of slaves at low costs but at least they were wealthy and their families wouldn't starve, they figured being a slave was better than being dead, many at first refused but after watching their own children die of hunger or watching the dying children of other families eventually forced many families, leaving them no choice but to sell their children or themselves into slavery.

Bandits and criminals had also started becoming bolder, raiding entire villages and small towns, raiding merchants and visitors in space. The women often suffer great hardships as a result.

The Republic in a poor attempt would send small fleets to areas farther away from the Core Worlds but would soon quickly leave broadcasting to the rest of galaxy of their great accomplishments, and shortly after leaving the bandits and raiders would simply return. The Republic of course would collect their taxes and supply quotas before leaving the planets, more often than not taking away far more food than the raiders did.

If they were lucky one of the few extremely rare Jedi would arrive, they would be able to stabilize a small area of a planet, and with their influence provide emergency aid, bring supplies and food. Even on planets with a Jedi, how much help could they really provide, most Jedi were in charge of multiple planets, with far too many large cities for these Jedi to inspect, not to mention the many smaller towns and villages.

Sadly more often than not the Jedi would never arrive, their planet's hardships were being kept a secret from the rest of the galaxy, the Jedi were spread too thin to be able to personally inspect every planet in every sector.

Miranda (POV)

For a brief moment, she knew that he had left Naboo and upon returning his new lightsaber was now yellow compared to the previous blue. It seems his time in prison had changed something in him.

She now knew that she was the strongest weapon he had and that later her skills would be greatly needed, if he decided to declare war on Republic then she would be his sword, if Jedi wanted to hunt him down, then she would become his shield.

Naboo had officially left the Republic, the Jedi technically no longer had any authority here.

Finishing her workout she next went on to teach her class, Robert had been recruiting force sėnsɨtɨvės individuals, as well as those who had failed to become a padawan in the Jedi Order, the ones who then went on to leave the Order or joined service corps. Many from the Service Corps belonging to the Jedi Order still had dreams of becoming stronger and wanted to continue their training.

For now, Robert and she were taking turns teaching large groups of students each, they would also have the students attend classes at the military academy learning tactics and various leadership positions, pilot training, officer courses, etc.

The number of students was growing and it was becoming more difficult to train them, they needed more help, after talking with Robert they had decided on requesting help from their old friends at Temple to see if they would join them.

There had to be some there that were not happy with the direction the Republic was heading. They were sure that some were also not happy with the state of the Jedi Order as well, many of their rules were hundreds of years old and were too restricting.

(Jedi Temple)

Miranda had reached out to their former allies at Jedi Temple, sending each of their old friends a message requesting them to join them, to leave the Order, and head to Naboo.

Aria had mixed feelings, she deeply trusted her old master but she was also loyal to the Jedi Order, it was their home and they were the protectors of the galaxy, she was unsure of what to do, she needed to speak with Moradin before deciding.

Senesha had been in her room meditating when she saw a vision of her padawan in a great battle! there was fire and bloodshed all around him, she observed as her padawan faced a large mettle door, soon a red lightsaber appeared piercing through it.

Her former padawan bravely fought his opponent but the robed figure unleashed a horrifying scream and quickly struck him down soon after, the robed man then walked away.

Next, she saw images of the galaxy and untold mountains of corpses as far as the eye could see, and there stood once again, the robed man, she wasn't sure but she thought he might have looked slightly different this time, something seemed familiar about him.

Suddenly! he turned to face her! quicker than she could react! he had reached out and grabbed her by the throat!

"Oh! it seems not all the Jedi were as useless after all!", calmly said the robed man.

It was at this moment that she recognized the bodies and broken structures around her, they were bodies of Jedi, old and young, the Temple was completely destroyed and in ruins.

It was then that she noticed that the robed man wasn't alone, not too far away were in fact other robed figures, they moved about as if they were not aware of her presence here.

Shocked! she opened her eyes breaking out of her meditation, covered in sweat and panting hard she was horrified with what she has just seen! it was at this moment when she had received a message from her old padawan asking her to join him.

Moradin after receiving the message had quickly made up his mind to leave the Order, he was sure a couple of his former and current lovers would be happy to leave as well, he was eager to no longer have to hide their love from others.

Obi-Wan had just finished reading the message but he was greatly conflicted, he wanted to help his friends but he also had a responsibility to train Anakin, the boy was the Chosen One! the one who would bring balance to the Force, there was nowhere better to train the boy than here at the temple.

Here he had the help of other great masters such as Yoda, who would help impart their knowledge to the young man.. He wanted to help his friend but he had greater responsibilities and couldn't leave.

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