Star Wars: Reborn In The Star Wars Universe

Chapter 16 - Defeat Defeat Defeat

* Flashback, Jedi Temple*

Anakin was very happy, he managed to remove his love rival from the Order, to top it off he furthered ruined the reputation of Robert by spreading as many rumors and taking every opportunity to bad-mouth the exiled Jedi.

It was during one of his rants about the exiled Jedi that a young padawan challenged him to a match, the ever ċȯċky Anakin wasn't one to back down from a challenge, accepted it.

Many of his peers were already aware of his skill with a lightsaber at this point and fully expected him to win the match, him included, so it came as a huge surprise to everyone when he was defeated.

He usually lost a few times a day but that was when sparring against his Master or other senior members of Order, he rarely lost to his fellow peers these days, this loss greatly shocked him.

His pride wouldn't allow him to accept defeat and after increasing his training he challenged her once again, after a furious battle he had almost managed to win against the female padawan named Aria.

He knew that he bȧrėly lost that match so once again he increased his training when he felt he had improved enough he sought the young woman out, he expected to defeat the woman named Aria once and for all after this match, but it seems that her strength had greatly improved and he was once again thoroughly defeated, causing many to believe that she was just the better fighter.

So, unable to accept this he started a cycle of training, then challenges, resulting in many defeats, as time went on he started hounding the young woman to spar against him a few times a day! soon it wasn't uncommon to find the young Anakin pestering the poor girl during their meals to train with him or to discuss various things about the Force.

Obi-Wan often told his Padawan that he was spending too much time with the girl and to make sure to not form any attachments, for it could be dangerous for him to do so, but despite his many warnings, his young foolish padawan wouldn't listen to him, so he decided to accept a mission from the Order that would likely keep them off-world for a couple of months.

*Time skip*

Anakin had just returned to Temple after accompanying his Master after a very long mission, they were sent to investigate a number of worlds and that were being raided out past the colonies, their investigation led them to a large smuggling operation dealing in slaves and stolen goods.

Unfortunately, they were too bold and ended up falling into an enemy ambush! and were forced to fight their way out, during this time many senior members of the organization had already fled, resulting in a long pursuit.

During this mission, he had experienced many life threatening experiences but ultimately they had completely destroyed this particular smuggling operation. He now felt that his strength had grown enough to defeat Aria and he was eager to test his new strength out against his rival, he was confident that he was the more experienced fighter now.

(Unknown to him, Aria had already fought on a large battlefield already)

He was sure that his experience gained during his mission helped to further sharpen his skills and it would give him an edge in their next spar finally allowing him to defeat her. Eagerly he searched the Temple for her.

Unable to find Aria he was surprised to learn that she alongside other fellow members had decided to leave the Order! there was a rumor going around that they had left to join the now-disgraced Jedi Robert.

It seems that around twenty Jedi knights had actually decided to leave as well, most taking their Padawans with them if they so choose to accompany them.

Enraged upon learning this! he consulted with his Master about the rumor but only got vague answers from him, his Master also didn't seem to be surprised about the situation, as if he already expected something like this to occur.

Upon returning to his room having just met with his master he sat down to meditate, he could feel his emotions ready to explode, failing to suppress his feelings he decided that he needed a walk, perhaps he would go and visit his new friend at the senate, he would often guide him on any touchy issues that he had.

Late in the evening he returned to the Jedi Temple having just gone to meet his friend for advice, he had hoped the meeting would calm him down and help him take his mind off things, it was during their talk that the chancellor had jokingly poked fun at him saying that it seems he was destined to always lose against the exiled Jedi, losing his crush and now his rival to that man.

Now alone in his room, he couldn't stop his anger from rising, needing to vent he made his way to the training courtyard to find a few unlucky partners to spar against.

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