
Robert stood staring up into the clouds high above the capital of Theed, today was the day that his master would be arriving at the capital, it seems she was arriving with his former padawan as well as a few Jedi knights accompanied by their Padawan's. It didn't take long before he spotted the ship and moved to greet them.

"Master! I'm glad you could make it", said Robert.

Glad to be able to see his master once again, both sharing a hug.

"I hear you have been slacking in your training! we'll have to work on that" said Senesha giving him a grin.

Suddenly! a young girl came crashing into him! giving him a big hug.

"Don't worry I've kept an eye on your padawan in your absence", chuckled Moradin.

Moradin as he walked past could be seen holding hands with another gentleman at his side. A small group of paired couples following quickly behind him eagerly talking amongst themselves, clearly excited to be here, free from the Orders' strict rules.

He wasn't surprised, he had seen her talents early on, she was one of the most gifted children amongst her generating and she even became a padawan a couple of years before her peers as well.

"Your welcome!", said Senesha winking at him.

He started leading the large group to his newly constructed Temple located not far from his military academy when suddenly a new ship started to land behind them.

Fay (POV)

In a far-off corner of the galaxy, legendary Jedi Master Fay who was centuries old but stilled retained her youthful appearance, appearing as a young teen even after all this time, being a peace-loving Jedi she was here helping the struggling people far away from the core worlds.

She had always been more of a lone Jedi, she was constantly in the field, helping out across the galaxy. Perhaps besides Yoda, she might be one of the most experienced Jedi Masters of this era. Even Yoda might not be able to rival her when it comes to her connection with the Force, she constantly let it guide her actions.

She had always had an intensely strong connection to the Force and would let it guide her actions, it had guided her here on this planet, where she had managed to save many people, she had become particularly close to a small female Twi'lek child named Yam'dori, but now she has suddenly felt a strong impulse from the Force to return to the Jedi Temple.

She had left the Temple a very long time ago to become a wandering Jedi Master shortly after becoming a Jedi, refusing to teach a padawan, she felt that her abilities were better suited to helping the residents of the galaxy.

She was a very peaceful person and didn't like using a lightsaber, in fact, some claimed she never used one, with none ever seeing her use one since she became a Jedi Knight. Unknown to them was that the few who forced her to use it never lived long enough to tell anyone. If they were a threat to the people of the Galaxy she shouldn't hesitate to cut them down, for others, her talent in the Force was usually enough to stop them.

Guided by the Force she had arrived at the Jedi Temple on coruscant and made her way towards the council chamber.

Upon arriving, she quietly observed as her fellow Jedi Masters debated about what to do with Naboo. Who they knew were secretly housing the escaped Robert.

After a long debate watching the council, she pondered to herself the reason why the Force would want her here at this moment.


Her ship had just landed at the capital of Theed, it seems the very man she was interested in meeting was near.

Walking down a ramp she was soon in front of him. The man never having met her before was clearly nervous, she could feel his uncertainty with the Force, it seems he couldn't decide if she was an enemy or not.

She couldn't help chuckling when Master Senesha slapped the young man on the back of the head when he attempted to question her.

"Master Fay! for what reason do we owe the honor for your visit?" asked Senesha.

Everyone could clearly see that she was fangirling over the Jedi Master.

Robert (POV)

He was stunned with how honest the Master was in front of him, she was clearly a spy sent her on behalf of Order, yet she didn't try to hide this fact, he couldn't tell if she was crazy or was she simply strong enough to not need to worry about it.

Regardless his Master quickly shot down any of his attempts at questioning the Jedi Master, going so far as to invite her to stay at the palace!

Despite being considered a possible enemy of the Jedi Order and the king of Naboo, he didn't want to argue with his Master and could only helplessly agree with his master's decision. He quickly prepared a room for her and then was stuck following the pair around the capital of Theed.

As a padawan he had never met the legendary Fay, only hearing rumors of her deeds. His master was clearly a fan and demanded that he allow her full access to anywhere she wanted to go.

To his horror she wandered all over the capital then made her way around the planet, visiting many forbidden areas and even inspecting his secret shipyards inside the planet. She went straight to each location as if she had been there before, if he wasn't sure of the security measures he put in place, he would have definitely betted that she had been there before.

After a while, she started asking him various personal questions about himself, clearly judging his character and his responses. Every so often she would get a far-off look in her eyes, before shortly snapping too and continuing to bombard him with another series of questions.

Finally, after a long day, she claimed that she had come to a decision! she didn't consider him the threat she was worried about! and that she would spare his life, then she went to go relax in her room.

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