Star Wars: Reborn In The Star Wars Universe

Chapter 18 - Updating the Jedi Council


Robert was currently looking at a large ship being built, it was an A-CSD (Arquiten Class Star Destroyer), cost 60,000,000, was in the same tier as a Venator star destroyer. The length was 1,100 meters, Heavily armored, had two oversized internal stationary turbolasers running stern to bow, and 80 point defense cannons to fight off enemy fighters. It was basically an upgraded Star Destroyer class A-CLAK instead of a Heavy Cruiser version.

Next to it was another ship being constructed, an Arquiten Class Carriers or A-CC, which carried five squadrons of fighters (20 fighters = 1 squadron).

It was a modified Arquiten, designed to carry fighters, its sides, and underbelly had entryways for fighters to land and take off from.

He was about to head back to his office when his master came and pulled him aside to train, she wasn't happy with his current strength and after witnessing him dying she told herself that she would make sure that he would train harder.

He already had various meetings and work that needed to be done for the day, being the leader of multiple organizations, teaching at the temple, under seeing the construction of his fleet, and his work at the academy. It all had him extremely busy.

Reluctantly he agreed that he would at least put aside time each day to train for a couple of hours.

Fay (POV)

An image of Master Fay was currently being displayed to the Jedi council members.

"As we suspected Naboo is already preparing for war and has amassed a fairly large fleet", said Fay to the Jedi council.

Fay was saddened by the fact that the peaceful Naboo will be joining the war.

"Continue your search Master Fay! we must find this Sith Lord you saw! before he has a chance to destroy the Order!", commanded Mace Windu

"Are you sure you fully understood your vision, Master Fay? none of us have received a warning from the Force about the fall of Republic and Jedi Order!", asked Master Ki-Adi-Mundi.

His comment received several nods from other order members.

"I am... certain of it Masters", simply responded Fay.

"For a second I thought they felt similar but after spending time with him I am sure he isn't the one we are looking for", said Fay.

"I have also seen this Sith Lord in a Force vision!", spoke Master Senesha to the council, her image showing up next to master fays.

Surprised Jedi Master Yoda urged her to continue.

" Next, I suddenly found myself surrounded by the dead bodies of fallen Jedi, that is when he saw me!... he then grabbed me! forcing my vision to end!"

"I believe I was only able to see this because of my connection to my padawan, being able to witness his final fate", responded Master Senesha.

She stood and then wiped away makeup from her neck revealing a handprint.

"He was able to touch you!?" asked Fay.

Master Fay made her way to Senesha and inspected her neck.

"Whoever he is, he intended to kill you!"

"You would have slowly died if this was left unattended!", gasped Master Fay.

She could feel a powerful dark force ability clinging to Senesha.

Closing her eyes she spent the next few moments cleansing the area around the handprint, it greatly exhausting her.

Yoda after pondering for some time commanded Master Senesha to stay and help train their former members on Naboo, if the Order truly was destined to fall, he wanted at least some of the Jedi to survive. Senesha gladly agreed, she wanted to be there when the Sith came for her padawan.

Mace Windu wasn't happy, their enemy had already planned out their destruction and they were still unable to find this hidden foe! although now it seems certain that the sith lord Obi-Wan defeated was likely the apprentice and not the master.

He would have to further stretch out their already thin forces spread out across the galaxy to search even harder to find clues about their unknown enemy.

What should we do about the state of the galaxy? already it seems certain that over two-thirds of worlds will leave the Republic!", asked Master Shaak-Ti.

"What can we do! this is not a dictatorship! membered worlds are allowed to leave at will!" snapped Mace Windu.

Sadly, clearly, not all members agreed.

In fact, the Senate was currently debating this current topic, in response to Naboo and other world's already seceding from Republic.

Fay not wanting to involve herself in the debate excused herself and ended the call.. Nodding at master Senesha as she left her room.

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