*Space above Naboo*

Robert was currently sitting in a fighter watching various pilots train and practice, he had 30 squadrons performing various maneuvers, mock battles, large formation movements, (1vs2) & (1vs3) dog fights, mock bombing runs, and survival scenarios.

He had produced enough fighters to form two Wings.

Each Wing was composed of five squadrons (four fighter squadrons and one bomber squadron)

Each squadron was made up of four Flights (Flight was made up of five fighters).

So one Wing had a hundred fighters/bombers neatly organized.

Most of his attention was focused on Wing One performance, they had the most senior pilots and were with him longest. They were currently performing a mock battle.

Wing One (POV)

Syala Hamne was the newly formed Wing 1 Commander and also Squadron One leader, she was currently having her Wing practice a bombing run.

"This is Wing Commander Syala and Squadron One Leader! requesting all squadrons to check in!", commanded Syala over comms from her fighter.

"Gonna have to disappoint you, Charlie squadrons going to stealing the show on this one!", said Ikar. A male Mon Calamari, Charlie's squadron leader (Bombers).

" This Bravo squadron reporting in! and don't worry I'm sure there are plenty of them to go around!", Said Bib'vida a male Twi'lek and Bravo squadron leader. (Fighters)

"This is Delta reporting in, awaiting Orders Commander", said Bria Enif, Delta squadron leader, she had blue skin, red eyes, and dark blue hair. (Fighters)

"Our mission, squadron leaders! Is to destroy as many supply depots on the surface of the planet as possible, the likely new recruits from the academy will be acting as our opponents and have set up multiple dummy supply depots all over the area, our weapons have been replaced with training ones and our ċȯċkpits will turn red if you are fatally hit! That means you are dead! and must leave mission area", said Wing Commander Syala.

"After entering the atmosphere I want Charlie squadron to split your bombers into four Flights, one for each squadron"

"Each squadron will quickly split off and quickly escort your bombers to your targets in these areas!", said Commander showing a map of the area to everyone's helmet display.

"We will quickly eliminate our targets before enemy forces can arrive! Next, we will all head North slowly forming back together and hitting every depot in our path, then high tailing it out of there! before the bulk of the enemy fighters arrive", said the Commander.

This got a round of serious acknowledgments from her Squadron Leaders.

Miranda (POV)

This exercise was set up to help train the new academy personnel and pilots to quickly identify incoming enemy fighters, quickly warn the base, and then launch fighters to engage the enemy.

Her squadron was composed of her hand-groomed Ace pilots, they were the best squadron in the fleet. They would be setting an example for all new fighter pilots fresh out of the academy. None of the pilots were told what time the attack would begin or on what day, and so they just had to nervously wait.

Finally, they got the enemy's incoming attack signal and they all rushed to their fighters.

Miranda's squadron was the first to arrive and launch, even before many of the other pilots even arrived, causing many of the new pilots to be stunned with how fast they were.

As soon as she got into the air she got an update on the enemies' movement and adjusted her course to intercept them.

It wasn't long before she spotted the enemy fighters in front of her, her squadron quickly moved to engage the enemy fighters, all the work and training she put them under trying to outfly a Jedi had greatly improved their strength.

In comparison, the enemy fighters in front of them when compared to the Jedi, made them all appear extremely weak and unskilled, her squadron was easily able to land lethal hits to over half of them in a matter of moments!

Alpha squadron (POV)

They had managed to reach their first target unhindered quickly taking out the dummy supply depots in the area, causing her Squadron to celebrate, they were soon moving on and heading North.

Jynna couldn't believe what she just witnessed, one enemy fighter had actually managed to land lethal hits on four of her fighters on just its first pass through her squadron formation.

She soon heard over half her squadron complain over comms about being hit and having to leave the battlefield.

"This is Alpha squadron!"

"We are heavily engaged with enemy fighters!"

"requesting immediate support!"

"We're being slaughtered over here!", broadcasted alpha leader over comms.

"Negative! you are to engage the enemy! Keep them distracted for as long as possible!", Came back the response from the Wing Commander.

"Alpha squadron do you copy?"

Unfortunately, Jynna couldn't respond. She had received multiple fatal hits, her ċȯċkpit was glowing red and she had no choice but to leave the battlefield.

Her squadron had managed to take out fifty fighters before the rookie pilots caught up, her Squadron suffered few casualties and still had over half their fighters.

"We'll let you guys handle the rest, we'll hang back and observe for now", said Miranda before breaking off from the formation, her squadron quickly went with her.

The rookie pilots were left stunned. Her squadron had taken out soo many enemy fighters.

Miranda watched as the rookie pilots moved to engage the leftover enemy fighters, they were quickly being taken out of the fight! but there was soo many of them that they were still slowly taking out the enemy fighters.

She also noticed that too many of them were falling for the distractions of the enemy fighters to divert attention away from the bombers.

Eventually, the rookies managed to win the battle, forcing the surviving enemy fighters to flee, it wasn't a complete victory, many of their dummy supply depots had been taken out. They won the air battle but failed to stop the enemy from achieving their objectives.

Robert (POV)

He watched the recruits struggle over the course of battle but it was expected, that's what these mock battles were for.

they would slowly become more efficient pilots over time. Wing One had managed to complete their mission but suffered over 90% casualties.

Each one of those pilots was skilled enough to become squadron leader! but each refused, all claiming they wouldn't leave until they were capable of defeating Miranda in a 1vs1 dogfight.

Did they realize that Miranda was a former Jedi!? her reflexes and connection to Force gave her a huge advantage. He honestly just thought they liked the respect they got from being in her squadron, they were known as the elite of the elite fighter pilots.

Next, he observed Wing Two's training, he watched as pilots were stranded in space and practiced on surviving.

Each fighter had emergency supplies for repairs in their cargo hold.

The pilots were stranded in space around the remains of a mock battlefield with a limited amount of time and air to make emergency repairs to fix their crashed fighter, if it wasn't possible they trained to survive for as long as possible in hopes of rescue.

Aria (POV)

She was training with the Second Wing today, having received the scenario of ejecting from her fighter she now had to survive in space or fix her fighter or one nearby.

She was currently floating in space, around her was the remains of destroyed fighters and starships simulating a battlefield, quickly she made her way to her supposed fighter with the help of boosters, she opened a rear cargo hold and inspected it for supplies, unfortunately for her, the fighter had a large hole in it and its cargo hold was completely empty.

With a dwindling oxygen supply, she scanned the battlefield, it wasn't before long that she spotted a few downed fighters far away, making a quick decision she boosted over to one that looked the least damaged.

She hoped one of the fighters had the supplies and tools she would need.

Marking the position in her heads-up display in her helmet she made her way to another downed fighter.

Over the next several hours she salvaged any supplies she could and started repairs, she has gotten the ċȯċkpit repaired and sealed off enough to handle the stress of travel, hopefully... if not she would quickly die trying to enter the atmosphere of a planet or jumping to hyperspace.

She was just about to complete her repairs when she received a signal on her heads-up display saying she was dying due to the lack of oxygen. Groaning she was soo close to repairing the fighter.

Later she was told that if she survived just another eight hours they had her scheduled to be rescued by an allied pilot.. If only she found a little more air, she would have rescued herself.

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