
Robert (POV)

He stood staring out across the vast planes located near the capital of Theed. After becoming the king of Naboo he alongside Padme had started recruiting from the local populations on the planet, Naboo had a population of over six hundred million but after the queen started accepting refugees, the population increased to over eight hundred million and growing.

They had already managed to recruit over a million people for their military. Having recruited so many, he decided that it was time to reorganize the military and divide it into different sections.

First, was the smallest section.

A Fireteam: led by a Corporal, consisting of four other individuals, or a total of 5 soldiers.

Squad: Led by a Sergeant, four fireteams, 21 soldiers.

Platoon: Led by Lieutenant, four squads, 85 soldiers.

Company: Led by a Captain, four platoons, 341 soldiers.

Battalion: Led by a Lieutenant Colonel, four companies, 1,365 soldiers.

Regiment: Led by a Colonel, four battalions, 5,460 soldiers.

Division: Led by a Major General, four Brigades, 87,365 soldiers.

Corps: led by a Lieutenant General, four Divisions, 349,461 soldiers.

Armies: Led by a General, had two corps, 698,923 soldiers. General rank is also determined by the number of stars they have, highest is three stars.

Army Groups: led by a Commander, two or more armies, 1,397,849 soldiers or more. Rank is further determined by the number of stars they have, having four stars is the highest rank.

The recruits over the last few months had been trained into proper soldiers, they were more skilled than fresh recruits right out of boot camp.

They were now doing large scale exercises out on the plains near the capital city.

Robert watched as two armies (around 1,400,000 soldiers) moved about on the plains, practicing different army formations, building temporary military encampments, fortifications, etc.

He watched as two battalions faced off against one another in a mock battle, he had been waiting for this moment, it was one of the reasons why he was here today.

The mock battle started and both sides were evenly matched, Robert sat down while closing his eyes.

In contrast, the other side had a feeling that they would win! morale skyrocketed, they felt like they had endless stamina! and they all started working together as if they were one entity.

What followed next was a massacre, one side completely dominated the other.

Robert opened his eyes after the battle and was pleased with himself, he had been working on his Battle Meditation, which allowed him to increase the strength of his allies while weakening the enemy.

He could only use this ability on around two battalions, but as the Commander in the future, he hoped to be able to help different army groups fighting on the ground, and help the battle happening in space at the same time.

He was pleased with the military and the space force, they were becoming powerful. Besides the Republic, trade federation, and Huts, he was sure that Naboo had one of the strongest militaries at moment.

That would soon change, the separatist movement was growing and it was clear now that many worlds would either be joining them or attempt to expand their own planet's borders.

Naboo had gotten a small head start compared to these planets but he knew that right now the Republic, Huts, and Trade Federation were the real major players at the moment.

Separatist worlds were spread out all over the galaxy and their military fleets were quickly growing, the Huts were slowly massing fleets near two major trade routes near Hut space (the Perlemian Trade Rout and Corellian Run), It seemed certain that parts of these two highly traveled routes would be secured by the Huts.

If the Huts managed to also secure the Hydian Way, then the Republic would basically be cut in half, they clearly couldn't allow this and were already massing forces near the area.

Of course, their high population also meant that the planet required a large number of supplies to be shipped to the planet.

His goal was to avoid the conflict as much as possible, but he was sure that either the Republic or separatist would turn their eyes on Naboo, if not one of their neighbors, they might try to invade the planet to expand their borders once the conflict broke out.

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