It had been seven years since the invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation back then had high hopes for the planet. They knew the planet was rich in resources and had hoped to strip the planet of whatever they could after the invasion, sadly their army and fleet were beaten, causing them a considerable loss.

Nute Gunray had been amassing a fleet and now hoped to retake the planet, it was widely known that Naboo had built many shipyards upon the planet's surface as well as a spaceport.

If he could retake the planet and capture those shipyards he could use the planet's own resources to build himself a decent fleet and get some revenge on behalf of the Trade Federation at the same time.

The Trade Federation had secretly taken control of the planets around Eriadu and even had a fleet stationed in the area. He would use this fleet to invade Naboo.

The Trade Federation already had small fleets all over the galaxy, this was one of them, they planned to save this fleet to control this portion of the Rimma Trade Route once the war broke out.

He was told to not have his fleet fight, the Trade Federation planned to aid the separatist once the war against Republic broke out.

Despite this, once he captures Naboo he knew he would be able to replace any destroyed starships and would be able to expand this particular fleet a few times over before the war started. As long as he quickly rebuilt his fleet he wouldn't have a problem keeping control of the Rimma Trade Route.


In the space above Naboo, a large space battle was taking place!

"Alpha Squadron! keep those bombers away from the fleet now!" shouted Syala as another A-CLAK was destroyed.

The 200 friendly fighters of Wing One and Two were battling around her. The Wing under her command was holding their own at the moment while Wing two with newer pilots was struggling a bit.

His bombers could be seen flying away from their destroyed target.


His Squadron was currently being swarmed by many enemy fighters, less than half of his Squadron was left.

"Delta! ȧssist Bravo squadron!", commanded Syala.

"Roger!", replied Bria Enif. Her squadron hadn't suffered any casualties so far, quickly they moved to support Bravo Squadron.

Bib'vida was currently being chased by four enemy fighters, his fighter had been hit multiple times! and was bȧrėly flying, suddenly he was hit again! and he went flying out of control.

Luckily his fighter didn't explode and he managed to stabilize it and came to a stop drifting amongst the wreckage from the battlefield, sadly it seems the enemy wasn't going to take any chances and he could only helplessly watch as they moved back around to finish him off!

They were closing in on him fast! when they suddenly broke off! he witnessed friendly fighters engaging them shortly after.

"Delta is here! hold on Bravo squadron!", spoke Bria over the comms.

He was standing in the command bridge of his ship watching the battle unfold, almost half his forces were engaged with the enemy fleet over Naboo, they were winning but the enemy fleet was larger than he expected and he would surely suffer more casualties than he initially thought he would.

Still, after he won the battle he would be able to replace his losses with help of the shipyards on Naboo.

Robert (POV)

It seemed the Trade Federation hadn't given up on Naboo. They had arrived with a large fleet and ground Force. From the looks of it, they wouldn't risk a ground engagement until after they delt with his forces above the planet.

They didn't want to risk losing their ground forces if the droid control ship was destroyed again. To be safe they brought more than one this time, but still, they wouldn't invade until they were sure there was no fleet in orbit to threaten them.

Noticing his forces were struggling he sat on the ground and closed his eyes. Soon the battlefield started to change, his forces started to become more organized, and quickly started pushing back the enemy fleet.

Seems the enemy wasn't happy with this and quickly brought their reserves into the battle. Robert smiled and then commanded his fleets hidden inside the planet of Naboo to join the battlefield.

He had been waiting for this moment! he wanted the enemy fleet to fully engage him. Once they did, it would make retreating harder.

He didn't want the Trade Federation to run here, if they spread out and started fleeing it would make tracking them down a lot harder, it would be even worse if enough of them survived and managed to link up with the rest of their forces spread out across the galaxy.

He needed to secure his section of the Rimma Trade Route, once he did he would be able to trade with other worlds and move unhindered to the local area, he could control the number of supplies entering or leaving the area.

If Naboo ever wanted to expand their borders they must take control of their section of the Rimma Trade Route.

Nute Gunray (POV)

The battle had been harder to win than he thought, the Naboo fleet had caused him to suffer many casualties but finally, they had them on the run, a little bit longer and their fleet would be destroyed.


"We are picking up incoming ships from the surface of the planet!" said a droid.

Soon many large ships joined the battle. At first, he thought they could handle these new ships but he quickly realized that the enemy fleet coming from the surface of Naboo was massive and they just kept coming!

Where had they managed to hide all these ships!

He was horrified to discover that the fleet above the planet was just the Vanguard, it was just around 1/10th the size of the military fleet he was witnessing leaving the planet and heading toward them!

"ALL FORCES RETREAT!!!", this battle was over thought Nute Gunray.

Quickly he had his fleet retreat. He had nearly suffered 80% casualties in this battle. It was just one of the Trade Federation smaller fleets but this loss would greatly weaken his standing in the Trade Federation.

He would need to spend a lot of money to keep his influence from falling within the Trade Federation, his rivals would also likely take this opportunity to attack in any way they could, in hopes of securing themselves his position by replacing him.

He doubted he would be able to secure the Rimma Trade Route, his fleet was mostly destroyed and the rest were in serious need of repairs.

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