25 BBY

Robert on the command bridge of an A-CSD observed a large number of starships around him. On his ċhėst, he wore four shining stars showing his rank of being a four-star commander, the highest rank possible in the fleet. He had made Miranda and Padme into three-star Commanders, just one rank below him.

He had split his fleet into three, he would command one while Miranda and Padme would command their own fleet.

Naboo was located in the Galactic South in the Mid Rim.

To the Galactic West of Naboo laid the southern part of the Hydian Way Trade Route.

To secure their part of the Hydian Way he first had to control Darknell, it was where he was currently at. Both fleets under him and Miranda were quickly securing the system.

The Trade Federation had a small presence in the area but had quickly fled, he now had full control of this part of the Hydian Way.

His next step was splitting the fleet in two, his part of the fleet would head more to the Galactic North to the Malastare System, it was one of the most developed systems in the Region of Naboo.

Due to being closer to the Expansion Region, there was a greater chance that he might battle either the Republic or the Trader Federation forces.

Once he secured it he would head North once again and take over the Pax system.

Then he would secure the Kira system to its Galactic East, It was a system that he had to take. If he failed to secure Kira then the Kalinda system was the only thing between it and Naboo.

In the future, if the Republic decided to declare war on them, they would likely have to invade from Kira! as it was the shortest route.

They could head farther to the Galactic East but would risk encountering the Hutt forces if they choose to invade Naboo from that side.

Separatist loyalists were currently trying to convince other systems left in the Republic to leave and join their cause, he figured they had less than a year before the full-blown war would erupt between Separatist and the Republic.

The second half of his fleet would be led under the command of the now three-star Commander Miranda.

From Darknell she would head to the Galactic South West and secure the Eriadu System located along the Rimma Trade Route with the Hydian Way intersecting it. Despite being located in the Outer Rim, a lot of trade still passed through this area.

From Eriadu Naboo would be able to trade with the systems further to the Galactic West.

With Hutt space to the Galactic East of Naboo and the Republic to the Galactic North, that left them no choice but to expand their borders to the South.

They would have to expand south farther into the Outer Rim, and to the West to secure part of the Mid Rim.

Padme was also a three-star Commander and would stay on Naboo overseeing the creation of new starships.

Once he and Miranda secured their objectives, she would command her own fleet once it was ready and would start securing the local system near Naboo, then she would start expanding south.

While his and Miranda fleets held their strategic locations, Padmes fleet would be allowed to expand safely farther east, a lot of these systems had been neglected by the Republic and she hoped that they would be willing to join us without a fight.

Her fleet had just entered the Eriadu System, it seems that the Trade Federation was waiting for them! since they had split their fleet her fleet was left more vulnerable, the Trade Federation decided that they would attempt to stop them from securing this part of the Rimma Trade Route.

If the Trade Federation could win here, they knew that they would eventually get reinforcements.

The Trade Federation had a smaller force but had waited in ambush! as soon as her fleet entered the system they had opened fire upon them, catching them by surprise.

She made the mistake of not sending a smaller scouting fleet ahead of her main force.

As the Commander of the fleet, Miranda had to take command of the forces and lead them. She wanted to be in the thick of the action fighting inside a fighter but her duty was to stay and command the fleet from here. The fleet didn't need a skilled fighter pilot, it needed a commander to lead it.

From her command center inside an A-CSD, she started commanding her fleet to target the enemies' largest starships, once she took them out! the threat to her fleet would be greatly diminished.

Soon the chaotic battle started to become more organized and the A-CLACs started synchronizing their fire alongside the fire from the A-CSD.

The Arquiten light cruisers started forming screens for the A-CLAC and A-CSDs, and the A-CC moved further back in the fleet to safely launch all their fighters.

The fighters and bombers had now regrouped, they started picking off incoming enemy fighters and organized attack runs on the enemy fleet, their bombers were quickly picking off vulnerable targets.

Miranda watched as the enemy launched one last desperate attack, a large barrage of enemy fire was being directed towards her starship. Watching a massive wall of enemy fire heading towards her! there wasn't much she could do.

It seems the Trade Federation wanted to at least take out her command ship before the battle was lost.

Right before the enemy barrage hit her ship! she noticed that an Arquitens-class light cruiser had fired its engines to the maximum!

Moving to intercept the enemy fire they clearly planned to sacrifice themselves to shield her command ship.

"Don't worry commander! we have you... *static*"

The communication was cut short as the Arquiten was bombarded by enemy fire! a large explosion occurred and the ship was violently ripped apart.

The crew of the command ship, could only silent salute their bravery! and watch, as the Arquiten was ripped apart in front of them.

Miranda observed a nearby screen to see if any of the crew on that Arquitens had managed to get to the escape pods. As she observed the screen she could tell that none had made it off the starship, the enemy attack had happened too fast! leaving them only moments to act in order to save her command ship.

The rest of her fleet was angered by the attack! and made quick work of the remaining enemy fleet ending the battle.

How many children on Naboo would never see their parents again! how many parents would learn that their children would never return home!

This was the first time that she was experiencing the horror of being in command of such a large force. Her mistakes had cost the lives of many people! their deaths would always haunt her, thousands of lives had been lost here.

She knew that she couldn't stop here, she had to move her fleet North along the Rimma Trade Routh to secure the Sullust system.

It was the next important system heading north along the Rimma Trade Route, with the trade federation beating here, this would be the easiest time to secure it.

After that she would attempt to head farther North, to secure Vondarc, which was located to the southwest of Pax.

With it secure, Pax could only be attacked from the North.

Resolving herself, she ordered the fleet to move. She couldn't mourn for the dead yet, she still had work to do. For their new empire! they had to secure these systems now!

Leaving behind a few ships to look for survivors, the rest of the fleet moved out.

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