Star Wars: Reborn In The Star Wars Universe

Chapter 3 - They Need to Improve


In a courtyard of the Jedi Temple, a group of Jedi initiates can be seen sparring against one another with their practice lightsabers, unknown to them a robed figure is observing them from above.

Robert stood perched high above a group of young initiates, looking down upon them, he can't help feeling a sense of worry, he knows that a war is coming but has failed to convince any of the senior Jedi, he hoped that they would focus on increasing their numbers and start preparing for war but without any proof, all he accomplished was making himself appear as a warmonger ruining his reputation among many of the senior Jedi.

Observing the young initiates practicing against one another, he couldn't help noticing that many of them were practicing half-heartedly and were simply having fun. Knowing that his warning about a war coming wouldn't be taken seriously, all he could do now was to help prepare the next generation of Jedi by increasing their fighting capabilities.

Trained Jedi are already considered elite when viewed upon by the rest of the galaxy but Robert knew that they were paper tigers, peace had already defeated the current Jedi, all they had to be wary of at the moment were large groups of thugs or ȧssassinations attempts from bounty hunters, or the occasional dark Jedi, compared to the Jedi of the past they had lost their edge.

Jumping down from his vantage point he landed while using the force, he pulled a couple of training lightsabers out of the hands of a couple of unsuspecting initiates, activating the training lightsabers he rushed into the nearest pair quickly disarming and sending them crashing into the ground! next he quickly went through each group, quickly defeating them all as he went.

Having defeated all the young initiates Robert stood over them and waited for them to return back to their feet, pretending like this had been a planned test he berated the initiates for allowing themselves to be caught by surprise, then went about pointing out their various flaws and lack of motivation to train. Having completed with this group of initiates he then went on his way to find another group.

It has been a couple of months since he started ambushing the young initiates, he managed to talk his fellow padawans into helping him train the initiates, turning it into a sort of game and competition, they would compete to see how many initiates they were able to ambush and defeat at once. At first, the senior Jedi were concerned and tried to find out who was committing these deeds but after finding out that no one got hurt, and that it was just the work on kids, they just wrote it off as harmless arguments among the initiates.

Robert was currently stalking a group of ten initiates, he observed that the group was much more vigilant compared to the past, it seems the ambushes were starting to have an effect upon the initiates, as usual Robert rushed at the group, using The Force he grabbed a couple of lightsabers and started pulling them towards him but this time they both stopped midway, with outstretched hand a pair of initiates were attempting to retrieve their stolen lightsabers from him, rewarding their efforts he allowed the lightsabers to return to their owners.

"Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way today", he said.

With a slight smirk upon his face. Impressed with the initiates he waited for the other group to make the first move.

The initiates quickly activated all their lightsabers and went about surrounding him. Next, they launched a coordinated series of attacks against him. Robert noticed that their skills with the lightsaber had improved slightly, but was pleasanltly surprised with how much their teamwork improved, using their smaller height against him Robert was often forced to flip in the air to dodge attacks aimed at his legs, the initiates not missing the chance to attack while their opponent was stuck midair launched attacks at him, using the Force Robert sent a pair of attackers slamming into the ground in order to escape, then he was forced to block and parry a series of attacks.

Surprised by the improvement of the initiates, he decided that it was time to become more serious, he was about to launch a counter-attack! when he suddenly heard a series of footsteps behind himself, looking around he noticed that another group of twenty initiates had ambushed him.

(unknown POV?)

Observing high above the battle, sat a little green man quietly chuckling to himself about the misfortune of the man below him, this would teach him to mess with his younglings.

(Robert POV)

Having returned to his room after he fell ambush from a bunch of young initiates, his body was covered with minor burns and bruises, he had won but he had to admit that the initiates had ended up landing far too many blows upon him, if they weren't using training lightsabers he was sure that left arm would have ended up having a deep wound on it.

"HAHAHA! looks like I'll have to try harder from now on!", laughed Robert to himself.

After changing his robes and freshening himself up, he left his room and made his way through the temple, he was looking for a certain special Togruta, upon spotting her leaning against a railing observing a lecture that was happening in front of her, he quietly made his way towards her and positioned himself next to her, she allowed his arm to slide along the side of hers and his other across her lower back.

Stopping the mischievous touching he stood leaning against the railing right next to her, their arms were almost touching and he could suddenly feel the heat of her body next to him, his heart skipping a beat in the brief instance when she leaned her body against him. Although it was only for a brief moment the pair were left breathless and flustered due to their forbidden public touching, both taking on a slight shade of red.

Robert knew that their relationship was forbidden and that it was dangerous for them to form attachments, but he didn't care about any of that, all he knew was that she was the most important thing in his life and that he would do anything to protect her.. As if she could sense his feelings, her arm moved closer towards him until they were finally touching, and that is how the secret couple stood silently observing the lecture enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies.

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