
Standing in a wrecked courtyard stood a robed figure that is currently being surrounded by a large number of criminals, observing as the group of men raise their weapons to fire, the lone figure suddenly jumped! causing the blaster fire to miss him and causing the stray various shots to end up hitting their own men instead.

While in midair, the robed figure activated a blue lightsaber! deflecting back a couple of blaster fire shots that were directed at him, landing amongst a group of men the figure quickly swept his lightsaber around, quickly cutting down everyone around him! with an impossible speed the figure quickly dashed forward! becoming a blur to those observing him, rushing amongst the group of criminals the figure slashed at them as it passed, after a few seconds the group as if by magic all fell down at the same time, each having suffered fatal wounds.

A low-level minion couldn't believe his eyes as they lay dying upon the ground, in less than 5 seconds! over twenty of them had been cut down, without even being able to scratch their opponent.

That was easy enough, master just had to leave the small fry to me once again while she gets to enjoy fighting the boss, thought Robert to himself as he lowered his hood, revealing his face.

Having completed cleaning up the remaining members of a local criminal organization, that located upon a small backwater planet, he quickly made his way towards the center of the compound, he had a goal he need to finish fast.

As he hurried along he could hear in the distance his master battle, she was clearly still battling it out with the boss of the organization, an insane amount of explosions could be heard and every so often the ground would shake.

He was slightly worried for his master, tempted to go help but he could also sense that his master wasn't in distress and was in fact experiencing a sense of excitement from the experience.

Walking up to a terminal he quickly searched through it, his goal was to secretly steal as much money from the criminal organization as possible, he would have to give most of it to the Jedi temple or risk being caught but he was sure he would be able to steal at least of a few million credits without anybody noticing. Having transferred the credits to a secret account he quickly deleted his activity and records and then sent the rest of the funds to the temple.

These last few years he had started to use the funds he seized from the various criminal organizations that he and his master investigated, he used the funds to help finance a number of small businesses he had created for himself, they were all under a false identity he created for himself.

He's currently the owner of a decent size farming company that has farm locations located upon several worlds, a small weapons factory, a private security/mercenary company, a small shipyard that creates and sells fighters, and he also owns a trading company that secretly sells various illegal goods.

On the surface the trading company was a legit business but secretly it sold various illegal products, one of their most profitable goods were drugs, Robert wasn't proud of it but he knew there was a lot of money in the drug trade and he needed the income and it was currently where most of his money was coming from.

(Senesha POV)

The Jedi Master was currently battling a large mechanoid robot, inside it was the leader of the criminal organization.

"YOU DIE TODAY JEDI!", shouted the crime boss from inside his machine.

His computer-guided system took aim at the Jedi, then fired a barrage of missiles and blaster fire at her.

Senesha currently had her eyes closed, with a slight grin upon her face. She switched from the dueling stance of Form Two to the more defensive stance that was Form Three. Next, she lept and went flipping through the air! an insane amount of blaster fire was being fired from four mounted guns located on top of the mechanoid that was currently battling her.

"Looks like I won't be dying today", said the female Master.

(Unknown to her in another timeline she had taken a shot to her leg and ultimately ended up dying here.)

Opening her eyes, she slowly deactivated her lightsaber, then stowed it upon her belt, behind her, the burning wreckage of the mechanoid could still be seen.

"I guess this form does have its uses", reluctantly said the Jedi Master as she walked away from the burning wreckage.

As she walked a large number of bodies in the area can be seen laid out across the area, among the bodies were the corpses of various famous bounty hunters and ȧssassins that were hired as private security, she had made quick work of them.

Walking back she could sense the emotions of her padawan, reaching out with the Force she could feel that he was having deceitful thoughts, closing her eyes she was able to tell that he was thinking about stealing a little bit of money, with a smug look upon her face she kept walking forward.

She often visited her padawans living quarters and knew that he lived very frugality and owned very little his room only having the bȧrė essentials, thinking back to when she was a young padawan herself she remembered a time when she had once stolen a couple of hundred credits so that she would be able to go into the city and have a little fun, sensing that he didn't have any malicious intent behind his actions she decided to turn a blind eye to it.

She knew that as he got older he would temper himself and move past such material needs, what she was really concerned with was the secret relationship that her padawan was having with the young Togruta female, it wasn't uncommon for those who gave in to their emotions to ultimately end up seduced by the dark side of the force and end up becoming dark side users, it was one of the reasons why romantic relationships were forbidden.

Far too often a Jedi would lose a loved one, and in a fit of rage and anger, they would seek revenge, ultimately falling to Darkside of the Force.

Upon returning to the temple Robert made his way to his room, upon arriving he activated a secret compartment in his bed and out popped an electronic device, upon strapping it to his wrist a screen popped up in front of him, he started reading various logistics reports about the various problems that his companies were facing, as well as numerous updates about his security teams and smuggling operations, after responding to all of them and making sure to delete any records he next moved on to inspecting his bank account, he currently had 1.2 billion credits, the various businesses he had started making him over 20 million each quarter or around 80 million a year in profits.

Most of his money came from illegal activities, despite knowing this he still decided to invest most of his money into his more legal businesses, he knew that there was a decent chance that his illegal activities might be discovered and that would be the end of his income from those sources, he made sure to leave as little evidence that would lead back to him, he wanted to make sure that if his illegal activities were discovered and shut down he would still have his legal businesses to provide him a source of income, ȧssuming that he wasn't in jail or being hunted down.

Upon completing his work he got up and left his room, he decided that he would go to the training courtyards and spar against some of the younglings to improve their combat skills, as he walked down the hallway and past many rooms he was suddenly grabbed by the hand and dragged into a room, the next thing he knew his lips were being viciously attacked by a young Togruta.

"I missed you too!" said Robert as soon as he was allowed to breathe again.

Not one to go down without a fight Robert made sure to attack in kind, his tung intertwined with hers, while they kissed his hands slowly explored her hɨps, eventually they slowly made their way up her back before finally ċȧrėssing her sėnsɨtɨvė Montrals upon her head.

Miranda couldn't help letting out a soft mȯȧn as he played with her body, wanting some revenge she playfully bit into his shoulder, she knew that this was secretly his weak spot that he enjoyed when she playfully bite and nibbled on him, a bit of pŀėȧsurė and pain.

"I've missed you soo much!" ġrȯȧnėd Robert as she nibbled on him.

Robert not being able to wait much longer, wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up.

"you're in trouble now!" he said.

"oh am I?" responded Miranda.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to the bed.

Upon reaching it the ȧssault upon his mouth continued once again, his hand exploring her body and were attempting to get under her clothing as they went, before long they both had slowly removed the clothes off each other, slowly he positioned himself above her while she wrapped her legs around him, rubbing himself against her moist lips he could feel her body spasm responding to the stimulation, just as he was about to thrust in! the door to his room opened and an annoying voice could be heard.

"hey I was wondering if you guys wanted to join us.....", came the voice of Obi-Wan.

Suddenly in the hallway a few moments later, a body of a young padawan could be seen flying out of a doorway and crashing into the opposing wall, a bunch of numerous objects quickly following after, smashing into the poor padawan, repeatedly smacking him in the face.

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