Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 4 - Mercenary

Republic cruiser Negotiator


I should work on my presentation. I almost gave Obi-Wan a hear attack. Perhaps the next time... But I digress. The Jedi sitting across the table from me, had a shocked expression on his face and a faraway look in his eyes. It was obvious he was thinking about all the little things that should have rang a warning bell in his head as far as the interaction between those two were concerned.

I decided that it was best to play ignorant. The outraged part about practically stealing children from their families needed no acting from me; by the Force even the Sith did not had it institutionalized as an official policy to basically kidnap children for training! And to think that the bloody Republic just accepted that... Granted, in a lot of cases the parents were glad that their kiddies were to become Jedi... In others, well not so much. Officially, only children willingly given by the their parents were taken into the Order. Unofficially, a mind trick or two done by an expect could persuade even the most loving parent that their kid was best with the Jedi… Throw in a few scary stories about what the Dark Side does to people who weren't properly trained...

"I gather that your reaction is based on something more than those two lovebirds putting the wool over your eyes?" I asked feigning innocence.

"That boy!" snapped Kenobi. "He has to stop it at once! He could be expelled for this!"

I raised an inquiring eyebrow at this particular outburst.

"Isn't that a bit harsh you know? Boys being boys and girls being girls... It's not like it's the first nor the last time something like that has happened. How do you think most of the Force Sensitive come to be? Usually the Force is not going around blessing random couples for the hell of it..."

Well I knew for a fact that it wasn't actually genetic but either being carried to term from Force Sensitive mother or if the father was powerful enough in the Force he could get Force Sensitive children even from a normal mother. Genetics really didn't come into it. One of my aquintances had been researching it extensively in his youth. I carefully never asked how many people died or were left broken during his experiments. He was too useful to risk what little was left of my conscience raising its ugly head.

"It's forbidden! Attachment and passion lead to the Dark side! He is too full of anger already and does not need further distraction! You saw Anakin when Grievous captured Padme on the Malevolence! If he had not suppressed his feelings..."

I snorted in disbelief. Ah, the powers of self-delusion! I wonder how the Jedi survived the last millennium like that.

"I call bantha poodoo on that! I came from an era when seducing Jedi to our side was a national sport! Let me tell you, there was not one of them who fell to the Dark Side because of love! Those who had someone to be in love with were the hardest to turn! And some of these people came back to your precious light precisely because of that love! So don't give me that nonsense you've been spoon fed in the Temple. You can think for yourself!"

"How can you say that!? Now that my eyes are opened for Anakin's indiscretion..." I chuckled at his words, "I shudder to think what he would have done if Padme was wounded or if the worst happened!"

"And what is the worst, Kenobi? That the Senator could have gotten herself killed and thus removing a temptation for your precious chosen one? Or that he might have sought vengeance? You Jedi are deluding yourselves! You are not automatons without feelings! Dismissing them only makes you weaker! Why do you think that we were so successful in turning Jedi left and right during every major conflict? Because there were always some of you who wanted to cut off your feelings and that makes your kind such easy prey! What do you think happens when one of you Jedi is confronted with what he's been so busily ignoring for his whole life?!"

I could see the gears turning in Obi-Wan's head despite his persistent glaring.

"That's not what I mean and you know it! I don't wish anything bad to happen to Senator Amidala! If we do not discard our emotions we become vulnerable! They cloud our judgment! How could we fulfill our role as guardians of the Republic's peace if we let ourselves be swayed by our feelings?" Obi-Wan spoke passionately.

"Kenobi, despite the short time I've known you I am well aware that you are not that thick. Stop recycling those slogans and think for yourself! How could you guard the people of this galaxy if you could not understand them? Have you ever wondered how the average citizen sees your Order and its members? I'll tell you how! You are like a scary space wizards who prompt fear and distrust. You can't cut off a vital part of what makes you a living, breathing sapient being and call it an achievement!"

"It's worked for a thousand years! The Code is the foundation of what means to be a Jedi!"

See, there?! He did not argue that many people see the Jedi in a less than a flattering light!

"Only because these new Sith were not interesting in a bunch of new recruits and decided to stay low! Your Code was not given to the Jedi by the Force itself!"

Obi-Wan looked to be deep in thought.

"No it wasn't. Yet it served us for the longest recorded period of peace!"

"A time when there was no one obvious to challenge you! And now you are playing in the hands of a Sith Lord. There are always emotions no matter if you try to discard them or not! It's one thing to achieve an inner equilibrium and not let your emotions rule you! There are other feelings that fear, hatred and rage. You know that, right?" I asked rhetorically.

"I know that!" he whispered through clenched teeth. "It's not about whether we can or not let ourselves be somewhat influenced by our emotions when not on mission! It's about the temptation! How do you cut yourself from your feelings when it counts if you do not do it all the time?!"

"You don't. You simply train yourself to be in charge of your emotions so they do not control you." I said more calmly. "And that is not a Sith idea. We had to know our enemies in order to fight them effectively. What you are doing in today's galaxy has very little in common with the Jedi of old. Find a balance that works for you while you keep your feelings. You won't fall to the Dark side by doing that. On the contrary, you'll be not only stronger for it but it will be easier to resist temptation that way."

For a long time Kenobi was silent. When he choose to speak again a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Is this the way you turn Jedi from the Order? With logic instead of threats and torture?"

"Look at me and tell me, Obi-Wan, when do you think that I fell to the Dark side? "

He gave me a dirty look.

"How in the name of the Force should I know?!"

I allow a smirk to form on my lips.

"I'll tell you a deep, 'dark' secret, Kenobi." Sarcasm was dripping from my words. "As the Jedi of my time saw it, I never fell."

Obi-Wan gave me an incredulous and disbelieving look. It seemed to say 'Yeah, pull the other one'.

"I flirt and struggle with the Dark side every day. It is a part of my existence. A never ending conflict and I am stronger for it. To fall to the Dark side is not so simple as using it and reveling in it in combat. It means being lost to her and becoming the raging beast you Jedi believe all Sith to be. The danger is that it's always there, whispering to you. She is the sweetest seductress that there is. She promises ultimate power. A chance to sate all your passions. You just have to let go and let yourself be under its sway. Well, you know what happens then. I believe that most of the scary tales you are whispering about the Sith come from people that lost that struggle. In fact most did."

Obi-Wan contemplated my words. I believe he was comparing them to what he thought he knew about the Sith. And this time actually thinking.

"How do you do it? How do you stand it?"

I sit back and give him a long look.

"It requires iron will and unwavering discipline. But neither of those are the true secret." I leaned forward and whispered. "I know that all the promises of the Dark side are lies. The way to power through it lays in subjugating it to your will and never letting it control you. For that way lies madness."

"That's not what I expected."

"Do you want me to talk about the glories of the Dark side? About how it's stronger? Heh. Neither side is stronger, Kenobi. The Dark side simply makes it easier to progress in different fields then that of the Light. Where you excel in mediation, defense and healing, the Sith are masters of warfare and destruction. It is not only our philosophies, but what natural aptitudes the different sides of the Force are more suited for. I can as easily kill as heal with my powers but with me being Dark if you will, I simply find it more draining to mend wounds than a Jedi would."

"Hmm. You've given me a lot of food for thought. I'll think about it."

"That is all I am asking. I have no intention, or need even, to turn you into a Sith. We should continue this conversation at some other time. So, pray tell what are you going to do about Skywalker?"

"That boy will be the death of me!" Kenobi ġrȯȧnėd.

"Obi-Wan, as things are now, it does not take a genius to figure out what your Council will do with such information. They will force Skywalker to choose between his Queen and the Jedi. And let me tell you something. I've seen a lot of young men and women just like him. Both Jedi and Sith. His primary loyalties are to people, not organizations. If he is forced to choose between her and the Order, there is no contest. He'll always go to Amidala. I think that, in his mind, the loyalty to whatever Jedi friends he has is what makes him loyal to the Order. So thread carefully. He is probably the Jedi with greatest potential of this era. Do not make something happen that you'll later regret."

There was another stretch of silence as the Jedi Master digested my words. When he spoke it was with resignation in his voice.

"I've always suspected that this may be the case but hoped that he'll change as he grows older."

"What about you, Obi-Wan? What would you do? You have to choose between someone that you obviously see as your little brother and the Council. Will you betray him? Because make no mistake, if you are the one to tell them about his feelings for Amidala that's how he'll see it."

"Bastard! You planned that all along!" His right hand fell over the hilt of his lightsaber.

I gave him a cheerful smile.

"That's correct. Just not for the reasons you think. Skywalker is one of the keys for the future of both the Republic and the Jedi. With the current dumb policies of the Order, he is forced to hide his relationship with the Senator, no matter what it is. That is not something that inspires trust. In that regard, he has to see the Jedi as adversaries. What do you think will happen if the Sith Lord behind the CIS finds out about it? He'll use the feelings of those two against them. Instead of a source of great strength, as it should be, their relationship will be turned into a deadly weakness. Because Skywalker would have no one to whom he turn to for help. Don't look at me like that. Depending on how long their relationship has been going on, he might be so wary of the Jedi Council that he'll not confide in you either. Only disaster lies that way."

I stood up.

"You've a lot to think about. See you around, Obi-Wan."


The next morning I was awoken by a grumpy Jedi Master who looked like he has not slept (or meditated) well last night.

"What did you do this time?!" That was his greeting.

"Mmm... Nothing untoward as far as I know. My gambit for galactic domination is scheduled to begin tomorrow. Why?" I quipped, and wondered what that was about.

"Very funny." he deadpanned. "We just received message from the Chancellor's office. Apparently words of your exploits on the Malevolence had reached his ears. He has requested your services for a mission."

Well, well. The plot thickens. Palpy had sniffed something. The question was how much he knew, what he suspected and what he thought he knew.

"Palpatine is concerned for the safety of his former queen. As you may know, he was the senator from Naboo." Obi-Wan said.

"And if the rumors I heard are true then Amidala has a knack for getting into trouble." I finished for him.

The whole thing was obviously meant to be some kind of test. Despite his "wounds" Grievous may not have been believed. Nothing like blaming a boogey man to cover your ȧss. And the loss of the dreadnought had to be a major sore point for the Separatists. Besides, while on the Malevolence, I did a lot to downplay my skills with the Force. Liberally using the weapons I usually carried as backups should have helped sell that deception.

"So let me get this straight. The Chancellor wants me to do what? Babysit the senator?" I asked incredilously.

"In a manner of speaking. She'll be visiting the Rodian's home world before the week's end. The Chancellor wants her to either travel on board of a Republic cruiser or get herself a bodyguard."

"What I am? The new rage amongst the politicians on Coruscant?!" I chuckled. "I hope the pay will be decent."

Kenobi's only answer was an amused smirk.

"So I'll have to keep Skywalker's girlfriend in one piece. If what I saw on the Malevolence is anything to go by, I'll have my hands full. I'll want additional hazard pay for this..." I muttered, playing up my fake freelancer persona.

My mind was busy calculating and discarding plans. Keeping such a high profile politician in one piece would do wonders for my reputation. With the war going on if I wanted my own command from the ranks of the GAR (one of my primary plans for dealing with the mess counted on such a developments) that was something I'll need. Especially considering the fact that as things stood the Jedi would do their damned best to block such an idea. I needed friends in high places both within the Senate and the GAR high command.

If this was during a peace time I would not have considered such a course of action. Sidious would have the deck totally stacked against me. But there was no peace to be found. And I had the knowledge of a good Sith general. This conflict presented a lot of opportunities.

This was the opening move of the great game between me and Sidious. I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine. After all the prize was nothing less than the galaxy itself.


Part 2

High orbit


Arriving at Coruscant was achieved with a fighter that was loaned to me. My craft exited hyperspace in the outskirts of the star system containing the Republic's capital world. Call me paranoid but I preferred to take it nice and slowly instead jumping near Coruscant – I blame my paranoia about that. The few times I've visited that world in the past weren't fun. Most of them were covert insertion in order to clean up one mess or another, or cause trouble for the Republic.

Besides, jumping blindly in the space around Coruscant wasn't the best idea even for a Force Adept. Everywhere around the capital world of the Republic was usually cramped with both military and civilian traffic, which was even worse during a hot war.

So I jumped in the outer system in a region that felt safe. A Venator was patrolling the local space hailed and scanned my ship. The comm officer directed me to one of the defense stations orbiting the capital world of the Republic. I was instructed to refuel there and wait for Senator Amidala's transport. He also gave me the coordinates for a military staging area in high orbit of Coruscant, where I was to meet Padme some time later.

After I landed on a Golan I station, my Torrent was checked up by a group of clone engineers while a pair of droids refueled it. I chatted up a bit with the technicians while they were going over my craft. As expected they knew a lot of rumors but nothing I thought was credible. Most of it was speculation about a Republic fleet that was resupplying nearby and where it would be going once that was done.

I was out of the ċȯċkpit to stretch my legs a bit while looking over the various small craft and transports landed in the dock. They had teams of engineers scurrying all over them. I turned to the entrance, where through the soft bluish glow of the force field containing the atmosphere I could see Coruscant. To tell you the truth, despite having seen the planted from orbit multiple time, the city world still looked incredible. The sight was made even more awe-inspiring because the station was holding orbit over the dark side of the world. The surface was blazing with countless lights in spreading in starburst patterns from various cities and country sized industrial zones.

I wondered how many trillions made their homes upon the world strewn bellow me.

If looks were anything to go by, Coruscant was a fitting place for the seat of the government that ruled most of the galaxy. It was too bad that the Republic was bȧrėly functioning house of cards.


Amidala decided to be a pain in the ȧss from the moment we spoke on the comm.

"This is a peacekeeping mission. Diplomacy is needed, not some more warmongering. I don't want any accidents! We aren't going there to provoke the Rodian government or attack them! I want you on your best behavior, is that clear?!" The Senator snapped waspishly at me the moment we had established connection.

Gee. I didn't make a good first impression, did I? Where do I start?!

In my experience there were very few problems that could not be made to go away by attacking them and employing overwhelming firepower – preferably from orbit. That usually did the trick. I wondered if Amidala was pissed at me personally or I was just a convenient target for her vitriol after being overruled by Palpatine about needing a babysitter. Before leaving the Negotiator and heading here I heard Kenobi mentioning something about the Chancellor threatening to stick her with at least a platoon of clones if she persisted with her suicidal stunts. Or perhaps it was an Acclamator with a full complement of fighters and ground troops because she got in enough trouble to warrant such a response...

"Senator Amidala, this little exercise was not my idea. I'll do anything in my power to fulfill my contract which is to keep you in one piece and bring you back here alive. If that means ruffling some feathers, then so be it. Please do not forget that I am not under your command. Now, if you've finished unloading your grievances with whoever decided that I am the best man to be your bodyguard onto me, are you ready to depart? I was informed that you wished to visit an old family friend on Rodia ASAP. Is that correct?" I spoke in deceptively calm voice.

The last Republic Senator with such an attitude I spoke to died screaming, the wanker.

"Yes I've known senator Farr since I was a child. His world is in crisis and his people are starving."

"Said world is in a middle of a war zone in the Outer Rim. To be honest, Senator, in order to guarantee your safety I'll need a bloody fleet but that is something you apparently refused. Most unwise in my opinion. Eh, it's your life. Shall we head to our destination?"


Planet Rodia

Outer Rim

I was glad that I had to spend the last couple of days strapped in the ċȯċkpit of the Torrent. The alternative – being stuck in one small ship with Jar-Jar Binks, wasn't something I wanted to think about. I would have snapped and murdered everyone on board by the end of the first day.

At least it was a quiet trip because Amidala choose not to speak with me beyond the bȧrė necessary for coordinating our course.

We exited hyperspace near the gravity well of Rodia. It was a green lush world covered by multitude of small islands and huge swamps. Almost as bad as Dagobah in that respect but at least it had some high tech cities and industry. Not to mention it wasn't a pocket death-world. Nevertheless, it was definitely somewhere that I wouldn't spent any time longer than strictly necessary by choice. While we were descending from orbit I felt a small tremor in the Force. It was a warning. As if I did not know that we were heading for some kind of trap after his Sithinesss arranged this field trip. It was not like I could accuse the Chancellor of being Sith without proof. By the Force, even if I had some kind of evidence the Jedi Council may well dismiss it as a fabrication because of what I am, and that wasn't taking into an account all the contingency plans Sidious should have in case his true identity is discovered.

The Senator's Nubian transport and my fighter arrived at a group of facilities (or were those the local towns?), that were covered by domes made of some sort of crystal. A sliding doors opened to admit our craft. I landed to the right of Amidala's ship and popped open the canopy of my fighter. To my pleasant surprise not only it was not too humid under the dome but Padme left the transport alone! She had the good sense to let goldenrod and the gungan on the ship.

However, I would have take points for not having a guard or two, or at least waiting for me to disembark – she could have been shot or something before I could leave the ċȯċkpit.

Amidala, who was wearing white blouse and pants had a purple hooded cloak hugging her shoulders, gave me a small nod and we departed. I took a position to her right and we followed the Rodian who was sent as our guide. The inside of the building looked like it was made of stone. It was a curious blend of old and high tech look that was pleasant to look at.

We were led to a courtyard surrounding a tower made from yellow metal. The Senator we met there and Padme exchanged greetings in Rodian which passed over my head. That was not a language I knew. After few pleasantries that you'd expect when someone meets an old family friend, the politicians got straight to business.

"You are talking about a friendship I could not see, Padme." said Ferr as we were walking around the tower.

I drew on the Force and used it to expand my senses. Let me tell you, I didn't particularly like what I felt.

"Where was the Republic when our ships were decimated?! Where is it while my people are starving? We were left out here alone! Isolated without help from anyone!" The local senator was quite agitated. I could feel his anger, fear and shame all combined with increasing amount of nervousness.

"The vote was slowed down but I can ȧssure you, uncle Comm, you will receive the food soon!" Padme tried to calm down the Rodian.

So Palpy was back to his old tricks in the senate. Business as usual. Sometimes I wonder why no one tried and succeeded in overhauling the way the Republic was run. Then the obvious answer came unbidden – the member systems liked the Republic just as it was – somewhat useful, but not too strong or effective so they could conduct their business in relative peace.

"I'm sorry. It is too late." Ferr shook his head.

Ah, he was ready to spring the trap, wasn't he?

"Oh, you will be, Senator Ferr. Do you think that the welcoming committee is strong enough?" I spoke for the first time since landing.

"Veil! You will not threaten a Republic Senator!" Amidala snapped at me.

Damn it, the woman was oblivious. Small surprise she got into so much trouble.

"I am not. You are no longer with the Republic, are you, Ferr.?" The Rodian blanched at the menace contained in my voice.

He glared at me and returned his attention towards Amidala.

"I am sorry, dear. Nute Gunray, the leader of the Separatist promised us generous help. In the end I must do what is best for my people." he said while looking sad. There were waves of remorse suddenly washing over me coming from the wretched being.

Huh. He actually didn't want to betray Padme, though I couldn't say the same about his feelings about the Republic. I was almost sure that he won't be losing any sleep over the latter.

Ferr proceeded to tell us how good the Neimodean's help had been so far. Certainly much more than the distant Republic could have done considering the strategic situation. In the end, Rodia was a small world which wasn't too important when there was a galaxy spanning war raging all around us. Truth to be told, in this case I could honesty say that both sides were right. From their point of view. Ferr, was doing his duty to his people. It was too bad – for him – that today his decisions made him my enemy.

"I did what I had to. For my people's sake." The Rodian sounded apologetic and I sensed he meant it.

"It doesn't really matter. This is a mistake that you may even live to regret." I smiled under my mask. I could hear the clanking of metal feet moving our way as well as sense the droids approaching us.

My primary problem was that we were in too open a place. If I engaged here it was likely that Amidala would be hit. It was time to improvise. I removed a personal shield mounted into an armband and placed it on Padme's right arm.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!" Amidala exclaimed.

I ignored her and activated the defensive screen which snapped to life and enveloped her snugly. A bit of radiation poisoning was preferable than being blasted to pieces.

Instead of grabbing her and running away, like most bodyguard would have done, I waited. The Force whispered to me that doing so would be for the best. What little I remembered from the episode of the Clone Wars that dealt with the events that were unfolding around me meant that we needed to bide our time. An opportunity awaited that way.

We were surrounded by twenty B-1's and a couple of Super Battle droids. Most of them were pointing their weapons my way. I just grinned and gathered the Force around me. I just knew that it would be any time now…

The traitorous Rodian retrieved a palm sized disc from his robes. It was a holocomm. Over it appeared a blue hologram of an ugly (as if there was any other kind) Neimoidian who was wearing garish clothes.

"Viceroy. That's unexpected." Amidala sounded surprisingly calm, though her emotions revealed the truth – she was torn between anger, fear and feeling betrayed.

"You won't get away this time. We made a deal with your friend and you are an important part of it. Your henchman won't help you either!" Gunray announced gleefully.

"I am sorry my dear. I had no choice in the matter." Ferr lowered his gaze.

"You are making a mistake! There is always an alternative!" Padme pleaded.

"Take her away." Ferr ordered without daring to look at Amidala.

A pair of B-1's grabbed Padme's arms and started dragging her away.

"That was a wise decision. I will be there within the hour to bring the promised supplies and collect the senator." sneered the Neimoidian. He looked at me. "Kill the spare." The overgrown toad ordered before cutting off the connection.

I laughed. I hoped that Gunray would arrive as scheduled.

"I'm sorry." The Rodian senator muttered and looked at the droids.

"You heard the Viceroy. Kill him." Ferr pointed at me.

"Do you really think they're up to the task?" I chuckled.

"Roger, Roger!" answered the droids and opened fire.


Part 3


Outer Rim

I used the Force to activate a shield unit that was placed around my left arm.

The protective field enveloped me like a sheath just as Ferr ordered my murder. I held still for a fraction of a second while making sure that Amidala was distant enough from my position. Once that was done I unleashed telekinetic wave all around me. A sphere of invisible power exploded from my body and engulfed the short droid platoon that was surrounding me. My shield absorbed the few shots that the CIS troops managed to get off before the sh0ockwave threw them in all directions.

I watched with satisfaction how Ferr bounced off the ground and stayed down. Only his groaning gave indication he was still alive. I called my blasters from their holsters with a thought and jumped to find their way into my outstretched hands. My first two shots took off the heads of the cannon fodder that was escorting Amidala to some dingy cell. I ignored Padme who wasted few precious second by gawking at me before she grabbed one of the weapons of her disposed of captors.

While I kept a small part of my mind occupied with tracing Padme's position, most of my attention was concentrated on taking out the robots that tried to kill me. Before the machines could recover from my surprise attack I had blown to pieces three quarters of the B-1's. Those fragile things needed only a single, well placed blaster bolt.

Only four of the mass produced irritants were left when those remaining were able to grab a weapon and return fire. It was at that time when the SB droids had recovered and unleashed hail of crimson death in my direction.

Thanks to my deep connection to the Force I knew in which direction they were aiming and where their fire was about to go. I twisted, turned and weaved around a hail of blaster fire.

Two shots turned the torso of a B-1 into a scrap. I moved my head to the left just in time to avoid getting my brains evaporated. Without looking my left hand moved and I snapped a shot behind my back. I knew it will find its mark before the blaster bolt hat left the barrel of my gun. A snap shot destroyed the weapon of another mass produced clanker. My shields whɨnėd in protest as I ducked a moment too late and was caught as one of the SB's stitched a line through the air with its repeaters.

I answered by snapping shots in its direction as fast as I could press the triggers. Seconds later its armor was a melted river running down its front and it fell like so much scrap.

A barrel roll took me from the line of fire of the remaining Super droid. Amidala's accurate fire had disposed of the last two B-1s by now. We concentrated our firepower on the last machine standing and shortly the droid caved under our onslaught.

My shield had gotten as low as fifteen percent. Not too bad for a piece of ancient technology.

A glance at Padme showed me that she was thinking on her feet. She had a communicator in her hand and was talking in it. If her droid and the bloody gungan had not destroyed the Nubian transport yet there were good chances that they'd be able to signal for reinforcements.

After checking for enemies in the immediate vicinity and founding nothing I turned to Ferr who was still mȯȧning on the floor. I holstered my weapons and, with a gesture, had him suspended in the air in front of me.

"Senator Ferr, how good of you to wait for us."I smiled as I used just enough pressure to make him struggle for each breath. "Please tell me what Separatist forces are stationed in this facility and on the planet."

Amidala came to stand next to me.

"Uncle..." she whispered in horror. "Veil! Put him down! We are not torturing prisoners!"

"I won't hurt your friend too much if he cooperates, Senator Amidala. Besides I am not part of your precious Republic." I told her with emotionless tone. Then I tilted my armored head in the Rodian's direction. "Please resist. It will be more fun that way."

Needless to say he sang like a canary after he saw that I was serious and was ignoring Padme's threats and protests. There was additional platoon of B-1 droids with a dozen or so Super Battle droids and couple of droidekas rolling around. He also told us that there was a powerful communicator at the top of the central tower.

I let Ferr to fall to the ground where he slumped and gasped for air.

"See? That was easy. Now, Senator Amidala, if you are finished with berating me with your morality, we have to prepare for the Viceroy's arrival. But first we need to take that tower." I pointed upwards "and make sure that the remaining droids do not raise an alarm."

I waved the pissed off former queen to follow me and headed up towards the comm tower. On the way there I had to listen to her ranting about how evil were my actions. She was wearing my patience thin. I didn't really touch the guy! I just held him somewhat tight! It could not compare to Vader throwing a temper tantrum much less something that the Empire would have considered a proper interrogation.

We made a short work of the few B-1's which were guarding the comm station and after a brief chat with a Republic task force which was conveniently nearby – they'd be all over our location in one and half hours, it was time to plan the reception of Gunray. That thought cheered up Padme who had by now had her frustration and outrage under control.


I waited in the shadows behind a stack of crates near the landing pad. A terrified Senator Ferr and a bunch of his underlings who were formed in half circle in front of the location where the Neimoidian ship was supposed to land made up the expected welcoming committee. They had a squad of B-1s as an escort. Apparently the droids stationed here were at Ferr's disposal unless his orders conflicted with detectives given by CIS personal. Getting the show in place was surprisingly easy. Even better, all the fear that the Rodians felt after I demolished most of the droids stationed on this little piece of land would be attributed on them fearing the Separatists.

A large transport headed our way just in time. I'll give the Neimoidians that one, they knew how to be punctual. A pair of vultures were escorting the Viceroy's craft but they broke off and headed back to space. No much choice with their limited operational time. According all the Intel and hands on experience the GAR had, those droids only had fuel for thirty five minutes of flight.

The transport turned around so that its engines and the loading ramp in its back pointed towards the waiting delegates and landed. It slid to the ground revealing Nute Gunray who was escorted by a pair of B-1's and two cloaked figures. I was suddenly glad that thanks to my perpetual paranoia I was masking my presence in the Force.

"The citizens of Rodia salute you!" Ferr made a theatrical bow to Gunray.

"Yes, yes, as they should. Now where is the Senator?"

"Up in the tower."

"He is anxious. I can smell deception all over him." rasped one of the cloaked figures.

So those two were Palpatine's test. I could sense the Dark Side pulsing around them. It was like an open, sore wound. Those idiots had fallen to it completely. My lips stretched in an unpleasant smile. I've been hunting down the likes of them for decades.

I was going to slaughter them, but I had to hold back a lot. Making it look too easy was going to ring too many alarm bells among both the Jedi and the Sith. I simply didn't need such a scrutiny and I had to work under the ȧssumption that this fight would be recorded and distributed.

On the bright side, at least I was going to have a bit of fun – if I went all out this battle would be over too fast to enjoy it.

My mind raced over the currents of the Force. It was as if I was outside my body as I looked at the Confederate transport from the side. I pushed with my will and the Force obeyed. The CIS craft shuddered. The two Dark side users looked around wildly in a search for the threat. The ship lurched to the left as I exerted my will over it. The spacecraft lifted without the help of its repulsors guided by my mind and the Force alone. Just a bit more effort was all it took and I violently pushed it over the side of the landing pad. There it fell in the swamp. Dirty water and almost liquid mud started leaking through its open ramp. That thing was not going to fly away any time soon.

As everyone's attention was focused on the transport's demise as a space worthy vessel, two of Ferr's retinue drew already active Ion Grenades from their clothes and threw them at the nearby droids. One was cut down by a B-1 who for a change was fast on the uptake but it was a split second too late. The Ion Grenade was already in the air.

The two Force users tried to push the explosive devices away but now that my attention was no longer on the disabled ship, I could use the Force to make their efforts futile. The grenades stopped short of Gunray but were far from harmless. Their dual discharge was enough to fry all remaining droids and stopped short of the Viceroy and its special escort. The machines fell down turned into inert mass of disabled weapons and alloys.

The Rodians fared much better – they just got some light shocks and mild energy burns. That left a mȯȧning delegation trashing on the ground and a Viceroy who looked positively ill. I headed their way.


Part 4


Outer Rim

I was glad that my last two Ion grenades all but finished the droids escorting Gunrey. Twenty minutes earlier I had Ferr order the all but a few of the machines stationed on this facility to gather in one place and took out the unlucky droids with most of the grenades I brought with me on for this excursion. Only the six B-1's who were used to make the welcome committee look genuine did not share the fate of their brethren. Until now.

I walked towards Gunray who was even grayer than normal thanks to his fear and the two cloaked figures who were his "escort". The Rodians, who were recovering from the shock scrambled to get away from me as I went to meet the Viceroy.

"Gunray. Fancy meeting you here. And you've brought some entertainment supplies." I nodded at his companions. "How thoughtful of you."

The men sent to test me discarded their black cloaks. When I saw them I wondered if they were really twins as they looked like or whether Sidious had some limited success with cloning force sėnsɨtɨvės…

They were about hundred and eighty centimeters tall, with short black hair and identical goatees. The one to the left had a nasty red scar running from his right temple, pass his eye, down to the edge of his jawbone. His twin had no visible scarring on the face.

"See Karoc? He does not look like much. I am sure that Grievous kriffed up against Skywalker and Kenobi." said the twin to the right.

"You saw what he did with the ship and those grenades, Vinroc. Do not underestimate him, brother." The other favored caution in the face of the unknown. He was probably the brains of their little family operation.

"Doesn't matter. Our Master ordered his death. So he dies. That is all, Karoc."

"You are correct, Vinroc."

Mentally unstable brothers... I wondered what else Sidious and Dooku would reveal next. Those two acted like a bad actors from third rate holo-drama.

"So, we have here Dumb and Dumber. Aren't you supposed to be Sith or something? The Jedi are all losing their heads over some supposed Sith Lord that's been running around and messing up their boring lives..." I taunted the idiots. From what I could sense, they bȧrėly classified as competent acolytes and that was me being very generous.

"He mocks us brother." said the scarred one.

"That he does Karoc. We are servants of his excellency Count Dooku and members of the Dark Acolytes."

"A single Dark Jedi won't stop us! We studied the ways of the ancient Sith and were trained by Dooku himself!" They boasted as one.

Don't you love it when the bad guys start ranting and reveal information you'd have to tear out of their bleeding bodies otherwise? The idiots who let themselves be controlled by the Dark side are no exception.

"You've learned the ways of the Sith?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Then by all means, show me!"

They moved around Gunray, who was hunched and looked like a terrified, wild animal.

"He wished to test himself against us, Vinroc."

"We are more than willing to oblige him, are we not, Karoc?"

They retrieved simple lightsaber hilts from the depth of their black tunics and activated the weapons which hissed revealing red blades. Karoc immediately went into a Makashi dueling stance while Vinroc fell into Soresu form. I summoned the hilt of my sword and its crimson blade ignited with an eager buzz of scorched air.

I placed my weapon in the traditional low Makashi guard stance and waved the twins to come on. The scarred one came first while his brother went to my right in a flanking move. I dashed towards Karoc, bringing my blade in a sweeping upwards strike. It was easily parried by the Dark Jedi who sneered at me. As a user of Makashi himself he was well aware of that style of combat greatest weakness – it was developed as the ultimate expression of one on one duels and suffered against two or more adversaries more than anything else… if the opponents were of equal training and expertise.

His sneer was short-lived. I erased it from his face when I locked our blades together and pushed his sword to the left. Then I spun around while staying in place and delivered a cracking backhand hit faster than he could react. The armored glove covering my left hand struck him on the side of the face with enough force to send him stumbling away from me. I could see blood leaking from his mouth.

I twirled the hilt of my blade in my hand, changing my grip in a backhanded Juyo one and moved my arm upward in a frothy five degree angle to deflect a broad slash form the other twin. The fingers of my left arm twisted like claws and I made a punching motion at Vinoc's open torso. My palm was mere centimeters from his ċhėst when I unleashed a punishing blast of pure telekinetic force which threw him away as if he weighted nothing.

Battle ŀust sang within my heart as the Force flowed through me like a never-ending river. I ducked to the left, evading a thrust of Karoc's ruby blade. I spun again and used the weight of my body and its momentum to deliver a diagonal slash at the man who tried to skewer me from behind. The scarred twin rolled forward, passing a hairbreadth from my blade. I saw that Vinroc was still on the ground twenty meters away so I switched back to Makashi and made a beeline towards Karoc who was rising to his feet.

Damn it, even when I was holding back, those two weren't putting much of a fight. This was supposed to be fun!

We met with a flurry of clashing blades and the air was filled with the scent of ozone as energy discharged between our laser swords. We exchanged short precise stabs and slashes faster than normal being's eyes could follow. Our motions were blur of crimson death waiting for the tiniest of openings.

The familiar weight of my lightsaber hilt, comfortably snuggled in my hand... Having the Force within my grasp and directing it to do my biding...My heart joyfully hammering within my ċhėst... The knowledge that my very life was balanced on the edge of my bloodthirsty blade and was in my hands... For a Sith the old saying "Live by the blade, die by the blade!" had completely different meaning. It was a moment defining our existence. A conflict placing us on edge between life and death with us relaying only on our skills and cunning! It was glorious! At that moment even the ever persistent whispers of the Dark side were silent.

It was too bad that those two weren't a real challenge that I could properly enjoy. It was pity really.

Our blood red blades of pure energy met with a crack as I dueled Karoc. My opponent was a competent swordsman. His technique was well-trained and precise. For endless seconds he was able to hold his ground as the tip of my blade persistently probed his defenses by placing him under a downpour of feints and stabs. Then his guard was pierced and the scarred man had to jump back or be eviscerated by scorching energy.

Karoc regained his balance and smiled viciously when his brother came back to his side. They moved to flank me again and I sensed a warning from the Force. Their signatures meshed and I could see a connection being opened between the twins. Oh, boy. If they were properly trained that would have been troublesome. Perhaps a real challenge even. As it was, I had to be careful not to show how easily I could use their connection against them.

From the right came a rain of precise strikes aimed at my vitals while from the left I was subjected to the wide sweeps for which Soresu was so well-known. Suddenly the brothers were acting like a well-oiled machine with a single will.

I deflected a swipe that tried to take off my left hand and side-stepped a thrust from the other side. I grasped my weapon with both hands and got into the high guard of Djem So. I jumped over a low strike aimed at my legs. On my way down my blade arched in a lethal arch towards Karoc who staggered under the force of my blow. I rotated around the out of balance twin in such a way that he was between me and his brother. The connection they shared and now used had suddenly raised their threat level. Not by much, but it made our little training exercise a bit more interesting.

"Good. You are finally showing some semblance of promise! Show me what you've got!" I encouraged them. Who knew, they might still surprise me!

I bent the Force around me giving me additional speed and strength. I rained blow after blow at Karoc who struggled valiantly to retain hold over his weapon. I moved in such a way as to keep him between me and his brother. I could see the frustration etched on the other twin's face as I blocked his way by interposing his sibling between us. As I got closer and closer to cutting down Karoc, his brother darted forward with a war cry emanating from his lips.

I smirked at his action. So predictable.

I battered away the blade of the scarred man and fell in a crouch from where I delivered a sweeping kick that took his feet from under him. I send him tumbling away with a push of the force and twirled to meet the attack of the Soresu user. I met his slash head on and reposed after deflecting his attack by sending his blade upward. I executed my counterattack by bringing down my weapon while the twin's saber was still pointing in the air. When his attack failed and I pushed away his lightsaber he stumbled slowing his reaction for a second. It was all I needed. My blade flashed downward and took of his right hand between the elbow and the shoulder. The crippled man screamed in agony and fell backwards.

Before he could recover from the shock I summoned him to me with a wave of my arm and he flew straight at my outstretched blade. I buried my lightsaber to the hilt in his ċhėst and burned his heart to a crisp.

"Vinroc!" keened the only living twin. "You! I'll slaughter you for that!" Karoc spat and charged me.

His eyes were blazing yellow and he was gripped by a Dark Side controlled rage.

I shook my head at his stupidity. For a Makashi user, what he was doing was pure foolishness. Without thought and precise control that style was nothing!

I used my irritation at his display to fuel my charge and met him halfway. Our blades crashed in each other and I send him reeling back. I easily deflected his wild swings and stabbing attempts, and turned my defensive moves into devastating counter strikes which Karoc was bȧrėly able to evade thanks to his still deft footwork. He was retreating before my blade, trading distance for a small measure of safety. I was not about to have any of that. I banished the fried B-1 droids at him as a distraction for a force enchanted jump.

Karoc snarled in anger as he slashed a limp robot in two and then ġrȯȧnėd when the rest of the machines hit him. He staggered under the rain of metal and then I was upon him.

Thanks to his rage enhanced strength he was able to hold onto his sword for dear life when I landed next to him and delivered a powerful overhead slash. Karoc was brought to his knees but managed to keep the buzzing blades a centimeter from his head. I continued to press down, locking the lightsabers in a deadly vice. I easily twisted the blades away thanks to my superior leverage and smashed my right knee into his face. The durasteel guard protecting my joint shattered his nose and he fell to his back, stunned for a moment. My blade screamed down in a crimson arc and struck the left shoulder of the man who was dazedly trying to stand up. Karoc fell back bisected in two as my lightsaber exited his torso under his right armpit.

I turned my attention towards the only other living thing in the courtyard. Nute Gunray was pressed to the wall near the entrance to the landing ramp where his ship used to be. He was trembling and muttering to himself in his native tongue. I headed towards him when Republic LAAT's buzzed overhead and flew heading at my position. Behind them I could see the descending form of an Acclamator which was escorted by wings of fighters. The Assault Cruiser was disgorging waves of troopships. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the Force. I could sense at least three more of the capital ships moving in the general vicinity of this facility and there was a familiar force signature in the leading LAAT.

I grumbled. Why the hell the Reinforcements were early the one time I did not need their bloody ȧssistance?! I was already under observation by the first flight of LAATs so simply cutting the head of Gunray without provocation would not do if I wanted to keep my reputation as a levelheaded fella and not a raging lunatic.

Before the first armed transport could land its side doors opened and a familiar form jumped out followed by an unknown female Jedi. I deactivated my lightsaber and grabbed the Viceroy by the neck of his robes and led him towards the Jedi.

"Hi there! Nice to see you again!" I beamed at the newcomers.

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