Star Wars Rogue Knight

Chapter 5 - Ghosts of the past

Part 1


Outer Rim

I stared at the two Togruta females who were first to disembark the lead LAAT gunship. The one I sensed – Ahsoka Tano – led the way. She jumped out and started bouncing around, obviously unable to contain her excitement. What she was doing here without her master I had no idea.

The appearance of the second, who I didn't recognize, halted me in my tracks. She was about my height if you do not count the curved horns, which were crowning her head. Her lekku caught my undivided attention. The were colored in soft blue and white stripes swung in a way which brought painful memories of my wife. I stared at the coloring she had over her eyes and went all up to her temples. It was snow white, with red rectangles over her eyes – which were, black and serene. The older Togruta returned my stare calmly and studied me in return.

The Jedi were followed by disembarking troopers, but I paid them little attention until a clone commander who had his helmet painted green came to me and stood at attention.

"We received your signal. We are at your disposal, sir!" he gave me a crisp salute.

I smirked under my helmet and wondered how many of the Jedi on the Council would have conniptions if they heard about this exchange. I returned the salute and pointed at the sniveling neimoidian.

"You may get this sorry excuse for a sapient being out of my sight, commander. This facility should be reasonably secure but it won't hurt to sweep it for surprises left by the Separatists." My tone was all business – something I was proud of, considering I just saw someone who for a moment looked damn close to my dead wife.

"Right away, sir! Men, take that scum away!" he ordered a squad of troopers. No one liked poor Gunray. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

My attention returned to the Jedi and I absentmindedly twirled my still ignited blade in my hand before deactivating it.

"Delkatar! Is Padme all right? Who were they?" Ahsoka pointed at the remains of the Dark Acolytes while bouncing around.

I wondered if she had overdosed on Caf, ate all the desert or something else in that vein.

"Slow, down kiddo. As far as I know the senator is all right. I left her up at the comm tower." I pointed at said building. "She may need a bit of anti-rad treatment. I loaned her one of my personal shields but it was damaged a bit and leaks a small amounts of radiation."

Hearing that, a team of clone-medics and two squads of infantry rushed acting as escorts rushed for the tower. Good men. Never trust that an AO is secure unless your own men had swept it for enemies, and if you are smart you won't ȧssume it is clear even then.

"As for those idiots they were a couple of Dark Jedi trained by Dooku. Nothing special." I shrugged.

"Uhuh." said the younger Togruta, clearly unconvinced.

"Ahsoka, won't you introduce us?" I nodded at the older Jedi, who was observing our interactions carefully. She was guarding her emotions well – the only thing I could sense from her was a hint of amusement at Ahsoka's antics.

"Ah. Yeees. Sorry." Tano looked a bit sheepish. "Master Shaak Ti, this is Delkatar Veil. I am not sure as what to introduce him today... Bounty hunter? Dark Jedi? Or something else..." she trailed off.

"Master Ti, under other circumstances I'd say that is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you. However, I do not believe in coincidences. The Council found records about me from the war, didn't they? That's why they sent you here, isn't it?" I had to give them that – today's Jedi sure were devious bastards. It was almost enough to make me reconsider my stance as far as the Order as a whole was concerned.

The older Togruta gave me a small nod. Ahsoka looked between with confusion.

"And you people claim that the Sith are the manipulative bastards." I chuckled. Seeing that Ahsoka was confused, I decided to elaborate. "Ah, I see you've not been briefed yet considering that they sent you too, Ahsoka, you should know."

"Umm... What's going on here?'' Tano asked in a small voice. It was plain to see that she was not liking where this was going or being in the dark. Understandable.

"Once upon a time I was married to a Jedi. A Togruta woman." I nodded at Shaak Ti.

Ahsoka's eyes widened with realization. I could see her fighting to restrain her rising anger.

"It just happened that Master Ti was sent to patrol nearby with you in tow just when I had a mission in the area… If you believe that, I have some prime farmland to sell you. On Tatooine." I snarked.

"It's not the most cunning plan that the Council ever had, is it?" Shaak Ti gave me a rueful smile.

"It's a test at best and a provocation at worst. I'll leave it for you to decide which is the truth." I nodded at Master Ti.

I was torn between exploding with unrelenting fury and appreciation of the Jedi Master's trilling voice. So much for the idea I had gotten over Ashara's death. Oh, how mistaken I was. At that moment I could understand and almost agree with Sidious plan for permanently dealing with the Jedi. Kriffing Council!

"You are my newly minted minder, are you not? You, Master Ti do not want to hear my thoughts on the Council right now. Trust me about that." I managed to keep my tone civil.

If I started speaking about the Emperor damned bastards I won't stop cursing for hours. Instead I turned to humor, even if I was sure that the females would not appreciate it.

"Well, at least they didn't sent you to seduce me in order to keep me under control, did they?" I smirked. Not that I would resist too hard to being seduced by Shaak Ti. Even under the unflattering cloak and robes preferred by the Jedi she had a great figure and I hadn't gotten laid in too damn long.

"What!? NO! The Council... They'd never... Arrgh!" Ahsoka spluttered.

"Not yet anyway." she deadpanned. "Considering your history they thought that I would have better chances to get away in one piece if you went berserk as most of them expect."

"I find their lack of faith disturbing." I quoted Vader.

Kriff it, even four thousand years or so later, the Jedi still found a way to be a major pain in my ȧss.

"The Council will do what they got to do." was Shaak Ti's neutral response and it explained nothing. Or perhaps everything, depending on how much credit someone was ready to give the Jedi in general.

"What about you, Ahsoka? I thought that Skywalker needed someone with a bit of common sense to keep him out of trouble."

The younger Togruta shrugged.

"Master Kenobi called him for some kind of mission. Almost at the same time my request to visit my home world and reconnect with my roots was unexpectedly accepted. I was ordered to join Master Ti and head to Shili with her after the patrol was over."

I really hopped that the old goats on the Council did not expect me to try seducing both females. Ahsoka was a kid damn it – young enough to be my granddaughter. Nevertheless, with me being a Sith they wouldn't have put it beside me… if they thought about that being an issue. And if I did so it could easily be used as a Casus Belli to deal with me – corrupting young and impressionable Jedi and other such nonsense would be a great justification in their eyes. Of course such thing would have most likely destroyed Ahsoka's future but who cares!? Sacrifices must be made for the greater Good of the Order.

'JEDI!' There was so much venom in that thought that it would have been enough to drop a whole Republic army.

"Well, I have an errant to run on Shili and after this patrol was over my forces were scheduled for a bit of R&R. Unfortunately that plan is now shot." The Jedi Master sighed and shrugged in a way that was painfully similar to Ashara.

I heard before sensing or seeing the approach of Senator Amidala. She was arguing with a medic who was waving a hand held scanner over her. She was followed by C-3PO who was bemoaning his fate and to my ever greater dread – Jar-Jar. The bloody nuisance didn't had the good sense to get himself shot. Or the damn droids were just that bad at it.

"Senator, it's good to see that more trouble failed to find you. This time." I said instead of greeting.

"You dealt with the droids and scared the Rodians to death. What trouble should have I found?" She snorted but there was a hint of disapproval in her voice.

Then she took one look at the dead Dark Jedi and her attitude changed.

"I saw your fight from the tower. Thank you. With them around its unlikely that I would have been able to escape." Amidala actually apologized. I think – her tone remained quite frosty.

This particular senator showing common sense? A bit reassuring. Besides its' been a long time since anyone had thanked me for something, which felt kinda nice.

"You are welcome. I just did my job – a well paid one I hope. Even Ferr is in one piece for what that is worth. What's the plan for him?"

Padme looked at me with resigned expression. Without me around, she might been able to spin some tale how the courageous politicians had helped deal with the separatists. And if the twins were not here, which they were only on my account, she might been able to pull some crazy stunt on her own and capture the Viceroy. However that was not the case. And I had a video evidence thanks to a recorder build in my helmet. It was great for AARs (after action reports).

The senator or former one as very well might be the case, was brought to us by a pair of clones. Before we could speak more about his fate I felt cold shiver running down my back. The Force screamed a warning and I was spinning around. My right hand had a death grip over my lightsaber's blade. I saw a clone technician place a holocomm emitter on the ground. I had to struggle with a stab of fear as it dawned to me who would most likely be on the other side of the interstellar call. I slammed my mental shields down and used every little trick I knew to help shield my signature in the Force. The Jedi looked at me with confusion.

Palpatine's holographic form appeared in mid air and the Chancellor started speaking.

"Senator Amidala informed me what happened and what your people need Farr. I already dispatched a convoy to Rodia. You however..." Sidious shook his head becoming the perfect picture of regret.

The traitorous senator looked at the ground. His small antennas hanged limply.

"I congratulate you for your courageous role in capturing Nute Gunray. It will be taken into account when your fate is decided, Ferr." Then Palpatine turned his attention on me. "More than anything I want to congratulate you, Delkatar Veil. Your actions today not only dealt a great blow to the Separatists but kept a dear friend of mine safe." Sidious smiled graciously and waved at Amidala.

If I didn't know better, I would have said that Palpy was actually the genuine and friendly old man he appeared to be.

"I simply did my job, Chancellor." I gave the man a courteous bow. It was not the first and probably far from the last time I had to be polite to people whose guts I hated or planned to dispose of.

"I hope that the Republic could benefit from your services in the future." Palpy gave me a winning smile that reminded me of a hungry shark.

"I am thankful for your kind words, Chancellor, but that is unlikely. The Jedi Council and I do not see eye to eye. I believe that there are those amongst them who would do their best to insure that my talents are not used. The Jedi frown upon people using the Force for their own benefit instead for that of their famous Order's." I snipped at the Jedi Order and hoped that Palpy would jump at the opportunity to snub them.

"That's uncommonly harsh view to have towards the Jedi, my young friend. They've been guardians of the galactic peace for a thousand years. Surely your view of them is somewhat biased?" Sidious asked sweetly.

If I did not know better I would have believed his honeyed words. Ever across the stars I could feel a subtle pressure to listen to him. And I think that he was not even trying! That was just his aura! Truly there were few Sith Lords I met that could pull that off. It would be interesting to see how he compared to them. Even if he was the strongest Sith Lord to rise after the fall of the Empire I served, that did not mean that he would be unstoppable juggernaut. When all is said and done, despite his apparent power, Sidious hadn't had to fight every step of the way against countless Sith vying for his position. Right now there wasn't a horde of Force Adepts supposedly working for him who wouldn't like anything better than to replace him.

"Perhaps, your excellency." I shrugged. "Time will tell. May I ask for a small boon?"

"If it is within my power. You did a great favor to the Republic I serve."

Riiight. Pull the other one…

"I would want to join whoever escorts Gunray to his final destination. I caught him and do not wish my efforts to go to waste." That would also give me a better opportunity to not only observe the Clones in action but possibly make a few useful contacts. Besides, ensuring that Gunrey would be unable to escape would be a boon too. He had to have some useful information locked up in that head of his.

Palpatine looked at me and frowned. I think that he expected that I'll ask for more – probably a rise of the promised payment for my services. Well, I would and soon, though this was an opportunity for more than just a monetary gain.

"I can ȧssure you that the Jedi Council and GAR high command can manage but if you wish to provide additional security so be it. It's the least I can do." Palpatine nodded after a short time to think.

"Thank, you Chancellor."

With that the connection was cut. I exhaled a breath in relief. I could feel him probing my mental shields which easily held. However that was not particularly reassuring. He was not dumb enough to try mind raping me while there were two Jedi behind me. But I can tell that he was interested in me. In the Emperor's name! I hoped that the old crafty bastard won't decide to groom me as his next apprentice. Those who aspired to that position tended to end badly. Cut in two, missing appendages and lava burns... It was hazardous for one's health.

I ignored Ferr who was begging Amidala for forgiveness and looked at the females who were giving me curious looks. Ahsoka was about to start bouncing again.

"Who gave the kid all the Caf and sweets?" I asked the Master Jedi.

Shaak Ti glanced at the full of energy teen and smiled.

"Oh, don't worry. I know how to make use of that. Padawan Tano, you've got some excessive energy to burn. You can never be in good enough shape. Start running around the courtyard without using the Force to rejuvenate yourself." The Jedi Master ordered.

"There must be more battle droids around here! Or something else to do! Mater Ti! Please?" Ahsoka whɨnėd.

"Start running, Padawan!" Shaak Ti snapped with a voice that would have made any self-respecting drill instructor proud.

The younger Togruta pouted but started jogging.

"Tano! I said RUN!" Shaak Ti snapped in a perfect drill-sergeant's voice.

Ahsoka jumped as if stung and sprinted away from the ire of the older woman.

"You seem able to manage her much better than Skywalker."

The Jedi Master snorted with amusement.


Part 2

Munificent Class Frigate Shadow's Veil

Location Classified

"The capture of Gunray is a serious threat to us. That fool was warned not to step foot on Rodia, at least until it was clear what danger Veil represents. He will break under Jedi interrogation. Even faster if this mercenary is allowed to get his hands on him." Sidious ranted at his apprentice.

Dooku was kneeling in front of a hologram of his master and listening about the unexpected debacle that had befallen CIS. His anger spiked when the spineless Viceroy was mentioned.

"I am dealing with it, master. My best agent, Asajj Ventress will gain entrance to the Jedi's ship and deal with Gunray one way or another. Perhaps the mercenary too." Dooku outlined his plan.

"You have a great deal of faith in your pet, my friend. Especially when she had failed so often in the past. Alas I am afraid that she may not be enough. Not with a Dark Jedi of unknown power playing mercenary ȧssisting the Council's puppets. Send Artel Darc with her. He should be close enough to intercept them. Between the two of them they should be able to silence Gunray if not deal with the mercenary too."

"As you command, master." Dooku immediately agreed.

When the comm signal was cut from Sidious' side, the Count rose up, revealing a frown marring his face. 'Damn that fool, Gunray!' he thought. With the information that slug had in his too small a brain, the Republic could wreck unholy chaos upon the Confederacy.

To make matters worse, there was a new element in an already chaotic situation. Ever since the visions of the future he and Sidious could gleam were shrouded by ripples in the Dark side a few weeks ago, any further complications weren't welcome. For the first time since swearing his allegiance to Sidious, the Count was facing an uncertain future. It was not something he felt comfortable with. 'And isn't that thought such an understatement!' Dooku sneered.

The Count was still quietly fuming, when the armored doors leading to the bridge slid open and Ventress glided in. She was moving with the practiced ease of a trained predator.

"Master." Her voice was quiet, almost sultry.

"Sidious has a task he wants done. One we can't fail. You could afford no mistakes, child. A failure could spell disaster for the Confederation and our master will be most displeased. I do not need to tell you what that entails. You must prove that you are worthy to be my apprentice, Asajj." Dooku tried to impress the gravity of the situation to his protegee.

"I am worthy, Master. I will prove it to you." The ȧssassin practically purred. Her lips twisted in a cruel smile.

"You're to intercept a Republic ship carrying Nute Gunray who was captured just a few hours ago. Either retrieve or dispose of the worm. Be advised, there will be at least two Jedi on that ship plus a new variable – a mercenary." Dooku began laying down the mission parameters.

"That won't be a problem, master." Ventress looked confused.

"Do not underestimate the mercenary accompanying the Jedi, Ventress. I sense danger when thinking about that man. He's a Dark Jedi of some power, Asajj. That's why my master deemed it best to sent Darc with you. The man is expendable in the great scheme of things. Use the his talents as you see fit. Just get the job done."


On route to Republic cruiser Tranquility

Rodia's orbit

Outer Rim

After my civil conversation with his Sithiness himself, I was in for a boring day. Not that I minded the opportunity to stretch my legs and get a nap in a real bed after spending almost three days cooped up in the ċȯċkpit of my Torrent before arriving on Rodia.

The reason for the delay was typical one. The Jedi Council couldn't make their mind about how best to transport the Viceroy after they were informed that I'll be tagging along. Gunray spent that time in a small tower near to the one from which we called reinforcements. It had a cell meant for Amidala after her capture, which we used on the Neimodeian. I appreciated the irony of the situation. It served the bastard well.

My only problem was that I was not permuted to interrogate him myself. Shaak Ti declared that the Council had not decided how to deal with him. The infernal woman was following me everywhere except the fresher not allowing me to have a quiet chat with the prisoner! And that infuriating, small smile... that made her face so different and alive compared to her usual severe expression... She was baiting me on purpose!

What were orders from the Council anyway? For her to infuriate me into a murderous rage and get herself killed?!

Ahsoka was no help. After Master Ti ran her into the ground, the Padawan was too busy sleeping, ahem, meditating to be a nice conversation partner.

Shaak Ti appeared to be a quiet, private woman who I sensed would have liked to keep to herself but was unwavering in pursuing her duty. So no fun there. She was not interested in talking and I was not about to start pointing all the flaws of the Council and Jedi dogma before I knew her better and figured out what approach would work with her. If the Jedi leadership was consistent, I most likely would have time to figure her out, with her being my new minder.

I could not even get a heart to heart conversation with the Clones at the facility! They were wary of the Jedi tagging along. And some of the bloody bastards were chuckling at my predicament. Cheeky bastards.

That leads me to the present. I was on board of a Consular class frigate which was used to ferry us to the cruiser tasked with carrying us to our destination. After the Jedi were unwilling to include me in the escort detail, Palpatine evidently threw his considerable weight around and arranged for the prisoner's transportation.

I was with Ahsoka and Master Ti in the ċȯċkpit of the relatively small craft. Behind us was Gunray who was wearing chains. That was my idea. A bit of creative use of the Force and the manacles which were meant for Amidala were holding him secure.

When we approached the cruiser one of the clone's piloting our frigate contacted it. On a screen over the windows of the ċȯċkpit appeared an image of three men in blue armor. Senate commandos. It will be a wonder if a single one of them was not faithful to Palpatine first. Or perhaps not. An attack aimed at rescuing the Neimoidian could be a good cover to dispose from dissenters in the ranks…

The Jedi Master took charge of the situation.

"Cruiser Tranquility, this is General Shaak Ti. We have the prisoner secure and request permission to dock."

"You have it. We are awaiting the prisoner."

"Thank you, captain Argyus."

Meanwhile, I could hear Gunray trying to bribe the clones guarding him. I wondered how that would go down. With me and two Jedi on the frigate it was obvious that even if they wanted the troopers won't agree. But what interested me was how and why they would decline.

"This is a most generous offer, Viceroy. Considering that because of you and your cronies my brothers fight and die all over the galaxy, I'll have to decline. But I'll make you a counter-offer. Keep your damn mouth shut and I won't have to do it for you." Growled the clone commander. That was the same one who I met yesterday after dispatching the twins.

As we were about to dock through the hanger in the belly of the Venator, Ahsoka muttered: "Finally we'll get away from him."

To be fair, Gunray's whining was more than irritating and if it was not for my image as a level headed Sith, I would have seriously considered the benefits of ripping out his tongue as the phantom of Darth Vael suggested.


Shaak Ti, Ahsoka and me plus Commander Green were the ones escorting the CIS leader to the detention center of the cruiser. Near it we were met by five men in blue armors led by the blonde captain with who Master Ti spoke.

"Greetings, General. We have a nice, dark cell waiting for this traitor." said the commando officer.

"Excellent, Captain. Commander Green, lead the way."

"Move!" the Clone shoved Gunray in the back.

"How in the Force did such a worm as Gunray deserve the attention of senate commandos?!" exclaimed Ahsoka.

I lightly tapped the back of her head.

"Ouch!" she glared at me. "Why did you do that?!"

"By himself, that walking pile of slime is not dangerous. However as a high ranking leader of the CIS he undoubtedly knows a lot of their dirty secrets, not to mention relevant strategic information. With the delay between capturing him and the Council making up their minds about the manner of transporting him it is virtually guaranteed that the Separatists would make an effort to free or silence him. "I pointed at the commandos walking in front of us. "That's why they are here."

"Your friend is correct, Jedi." The captain concured.



Leaving High orbit of Rodia

I was with the two female Jedi in the cell where Gunray was chained for an interrogation table. I had the dubious "privilege" to observe how the protectors of the Republic tried to extract information from the Neimoidian. To say it was underwhelming would be a generous understatement. The way it was going there would be no questions answered. Just me, snapping and strangling the offensive politician with his own entrails. For ten minutes Shaak Ti asked the same questions and tried to gently persuade him to speak up. Then, suddenly things became much more interesting. I could feel anger rising within Ahsoka. The young Togruta had a low tolerance for Nute's particular kind of bullshit. I could sense her tensing and briefly brushing with the Dark side before the anger became too much for the kid to handle and she lost her composure. Her anger spiked and she slapped her palms over the table in frustration.

"Liar! Liar! Stop your sniveling and tell us the truth!" Ahsoka snarled.

With one elegant motion she drew her saber and an emerald blade sprang to life from its hilt. Tano dashed forward and placed the humming beam of energy centimeters from the throat of the Neimoidian who was struggling with the manacles chaining him to the table.

"Tell us the truth right now, before I gut you like a fish!"

I was smirking under my helmet and watching the show. The girl had fire in her! Knowing that at some point she had ended up expelled from the Order (the damn fools!) and never came back, I was determined to help her. Such potential! Obviously she was not one of those who could not see past the Jedi's Dogma!

Shaak Ti moved in a blur, grabbed Asoka's sword arm and pulled the blade from Gunray's neck. The prisoner slumped to the ground hyperventilating.

"Padawan Tano! What in the name of the Force do you think you are doing?! The Jedi do not use fear as a weapon!" Shaak Ti snapped at the younger woman.

"Even when it can end a battle or a war much faster thus saving a lot of lives?" I asked.

Then I turned to the girl and by the way she stiffened I knew she could feel my glare despite my helmet.

"As for you, Ahsoka, that was disappointing. You let your anger rule you instead the other way around! That's the problem with you Jedi! You have no damned idea how to handle your feelings! You do not fight your anger when you've been suppressing your emotions for as long as either of you had! You let it flow through you and channel it into something useful! "

The younger Togruta was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Do not dare lie to me young lady!" I snapped at her. "Giving us some story that you really did not mean it won't fly with me! I could feel your anger! You were deadly serious and that slug," I pointed at Gunray who was now terrified, "has important information in his head. Intelligence that your precious Republic needs! What would have happened if you went and cut off his head?! "

"I'm sorry." she mumbled. I could see her eyes becoming heavy with tears.

Bloody hell. I hate to see girls crying. Strange for a Sith, I know.

"Don't go moping around and instead learn from you mistake so it does not happen again. Ahsoka, you are a bright, you woman with her whole life in front of her. Do not waste it by giving in to your anger."

Sniff. "Thanks." Tano muttered.

"That's not what I expected from you, Delkatar."

"Not this again! Why the hell would I want to turn Ahsoka into a murderous lunatic controlled by the Dark side?!" I bemoaned. How many times must I have the same damned conversation with different Jedi?!

"It's the Sith way. You walk in the darkness. While most of your actions are atypical for one of your kind, I could sense the Dark side on you. It's so intense that I could almost taste it." Shaak Ti spoke quietly. Just loud enough for me to hear her.

"Because it is not, damn it! Unless you want to turn a bunch of Jedi into a bunch of half-mad dogs seaming for blood. Good to use as shock troops but little else. That is not something I want for Ahsoka." I huffed with exasperation. "You saw her! One of this days, the Jedi would have to admit to themselves that you do feel. You can't cut off your emotions. Instead of burying your collective heads in the sand, re-learn how to deal with them."


"You've seen my record. The Jedi of old were not blind enough to pretend that they had no emotions. 'Emotion, yet peace.' Does that ring a bell?"

"That's..." Master Ti's eyes widened when hearing that line.

"Yeah. If you want I'll tell you more about the Jedi of old. But now we have a job to do, don't we?" I asked and looked at the prisoner.

Gunray gulped.

"Ah. I was a bit hasty, wasn't I? Shall we negotiate?" He smiled nervously.

I snorted derisively and raised my right hand. My palm pointed at him and he could see lightning sparkling between my fingers.

"You answer all our questions truthfully and completely. And I do not practice my lightning on you. I can tell when you lie, Viceroy. Do not mistake me for a Jedi as those two fetching ladies. I am like your master."

His eyes grew wide to a comic proportions.

"A Sith!?" Gunray squealed like a little girl.

I sensed a tremor in the Force and moved driven by instinct. The ship shook under our feet and Mater Ti lost her balance when she tried to steady the still distraught Ahsoka. I caught her before she slammed into the table.

"Your friends are here, Viceroy. Do not count on them getting you out of this mess."


Part 3

Republic cruiser Tranquility

Rodia star system

Outer Rim

"We have multiple droid fighters and boarding ships incoming! Brace for impact!"

I could hear the captain's voice coming from the communicator build in the left arm-guard of Commander Green. When the skipper of the ship you are on becomes frantic you know that the situation is dire. That thought was neatly punctuated when four nearly simultaneous shudders rand down the bulk of the cruiser.

Commander Green had deployed his company in such positions as to block any push towards the brig. I hoped that it will be enough.

"You two feel it too, right?" I asked my Jedi companions.

The moment Tranquility was struck by what I presumed were boarding pods, I felt a disturbances in the force. We had company of the lightsaber wielding kind. If I had not kriffed up the time-line too much by now one of them should be Ventress. However this time she had decided to bring a friend or two.

"No! Check your fire! He has lightsaber!" A desperate shout came over the comm.

"Green leader, respond!" ordered the clone commander to no avail.

"There are at least two of them, Master Ti. Who do you want?"

"Ahsoka, guard the prisoner. We'll deal with the boarders." ordered the older Togruta.

For once Tano did not argue and took position in front of the cell, which was flanked by two senate commandos.

The determination shining in her eyes and her fierce voice brought back memories best forgotten. A fresh, spicy smell... A soft touch and hot breath washing over my skin... I shook my head. The past was dead and buried. By now not even dust remained. I had to keep my head in the present.

"Go help the troops. I'll hunt down the other one." said the Jedi Master.

I smiled. I could hear it in her voice. The trill of the hunt was burning within her heart. The instincts of the predators from which her kind evolved demanding to be unleashed. I just knew that she wanted to growl with eagerness that she had a prey to hunt. Pity that her Jedi training was restraining her.

"As you wish. May the Force serve you well, Master Ti."

"May the Force be with you this time, Sith."

We separated at the elevators and headed in different directions.


I met the remains of Green company soon enough. Those were four clones, one of whom was wounded and being tended by one of his brothers. The other two had their blasters pointed at a sealed blast doors which were being slowly but surely sliced open by a lightsaber.

"Move to the next intersection and use the side corridors as cover. I'll deal with this nuisance." I ordered.

"As you wish, sir! Good luck!" They didn't argue but scampered back. The clones dragged their wounded brother with them as they ran for cover.

I prepared an Ion grenade that I "liberated" from the troops occupying Rodia. When a circle was cut into the blast doors, it was blasted away by a strong push with the Force. It was followed by a solid wall of blaster bolts which scorched the bulkheads but otherwise did not cause any damage. The next to come were Super Battle droids which tried to squeeze inside one by one. I lobbed the grenade after the first had passed and jumped away. A pulse of ion energy washed over the floor, walls and ceiling. The battle droid which had passed through the breached blast door fell in a twitching heap.

Another wave of force shoved the unfortunate machine away and a blonde man who was about my height rolled through the hole. Once he was on this side he immediately jumped on his feet and activated his lightsaber. I followed suit after drawing out my own.

He raised his weapon in a high, Djem So guard. His hands were over his head and the sword was slightly tilted backwards.

My answer was to fall in a Juyo stance. I held my weapon horizontally above my head and pointed to the right.

"Another of the so called Dark Acolytes wish to commit suicide or are you just lost?" I snarked.

"Tsk." The blond man glared at me. "You must have some skill to have dealt with the twins, but I am nothing like those weaklings!" he scoffed.

"Your name would be appreciated. I'll need it for the After Action Report. Who knows? I may get a bonus for you!" I grinned in typical mercenary fashion.

"Arrogant much?" the Dark Jedi scowled at me.

"Just sure in my abilities, whelp. Can you say the same?" I taunted.

For a moment I considered going all out and simply crushing the man, but threw that idea away. This had to be another test, I was sure of it and who knew how many cameras and witnesses there were nearby.

So it was another show for an unknown audience. It was kriffing irritating. I charged in a blur of a motion before my last word finished leaving my lips. Our crimson weapons slammed in each other with a flash of surging power. As our lightsabers met again and again, the discharged energy which escaped the containment fields surrounding our blades cast a sinister light over the corridor.

I let all the frustration, all the doubts and the uneasy feelings I had since I was reminded of my wife to flow freely through me. They were washed away by waves of battle ŀust and fierce joy as I clashed with my opponent.

Our lightsabers locked together. My opponent leaned over the hilt of his saber in an attempt to push the buzzing blades into contact with me. I chuckled as my wrists twisted in just the right way to overbalance the Dark Jedi when I stepped to the side and let him 'win' our contest of strength. He spat a curse as he rolled forward to gain distance and prevent me from easily stabbing him in the back. However I had no intention to do so right now. My free hand was busy throwing live frag grenades through the hole cut by my adversary in the blast doors. I knew that Super Battle droids were somewhat resistant to Ion pulses and a single Ion grenade was enough to only disable them temporarily. I wanted to deal once and for all with the incapacitated machines so they did not interrupt me while I was busy with the Dooku's pawn. Three grenades flew through the breached door while my blade was slicing to pieces the only SB to pass through.

The blond man darted at me with his saber ready to deliver powerful overhead strike. I banished the glowing scrap of few droids at him. The Dark Jedi displayed an impressive skill in acrobatics. He sidestepped the first piece, moved his head to avoid a second and jumped in the air, twisting his body horizontally so he passed between two more fragments of machines I dismembered. It was a quite colorful and beautiful move. Also quite dumb.

I blasted him with a wave of telekinesis while he was still in the air and the man slammed in the bulkhead to the left. I jumped at him as the grenades on the other side of the blast door detonated in a shower of fire and lethal fragments. I caught the edge of the blast wave which propelled me faster to my target. The blond managed to roll away in the last possible moment – just I slammed my blade in the deck.

I withdrew the energy beam. The fingers of my left hand twitched and drops of molten plating flew at the Dark Jedi. He threw his arms in front of the molten metal and it froze in midair. The chunks of cooling deck bounced between our feet as our blades met again.

I parried a decapitating strike and slammed an armored fist in my enemy's face. He tried to kick me while our weapons were still locked but I moved my left leg so the attack landed on my shin. Then I threw him with the Force so his back slammed in the bulkhead to the right. I was on him in the next heartbeat and he was bȧrėly able to interpose his blade between my lightsaber and his neck. I pushed with all my might and the beams of energy came nearer to him. His own saber was pushed backwards and the upper half of its blade bit at the bulkhead leaving a melting rend. As I redoubled my effort his own saber was coming closer and closer to his face.

With a surge of a desperation fueled strength he pushed me away and rolled to the left as I brought down my blade which cut deeply in the bulkhead. I dropped to my knees as his lightsaber slashed overhead in a swipe aimed at my back. I rotated to bring my weapon to bear at the blond who was doing the same. He pushed my blade at the wall and kicked me twice in the ribs. I grunted in pain as I felt something in my ċhėst cracking. I snarled as my left hand moved to parry another kick which slammed me into the wall.

I used the brief opportunity while the Dark Jedi was pulling back his leg after he kicked me to readjust the way I held my weapon's hilt to a backhand grip. I used the mass of my whole body as I surged away from the bulkhead and broke the saber lock trapping my blade against the armored wall. I counter-attacked by using my momentum to rotate my body and swept my crimson lightsaber in a circle around me. The blond wonder used the same technique to regain his balance and counterattack. Our ruby colored blades struck each other with enough momentum to buckle their hilts within our grasps.

I was pissed off at the way I underestimated my opponent and channeled my building anger into my attacks. A web of blazing energy formed between us as I rained attack after attack at the Dark Jedi. With each strike he was stepping back. His attention was focused on me as he desperately parried the storm of slashes aimed at cutting him to pieces.

I looked behind him and gave a sharp nod. I saw a single moment of horrified realization in the blond man's eyes before the three, still hale clones, shot him in the back. His body shuddered as the blaster bolts hit him and he stumbled. He was already dying and unable to parry my next slash and my blade flew through his right wrist and my return strike took off his head.

"Note to self. Do not underestimate the kriffing Acolytes. Getting ċȯċky will see me killed." I spoke for the audience, though my anger was real.

Getting killed by the likes of Dooku's groupies would be kriffing the height of idiocy. I deactivated my lightsaber and gave a respectful nod to the clone troopers.

"Great work men. Get your friend to the med bay and then head to the detention center." I suggested.

I headed towards the cell block a bit slower than I could. My mind was preoccupied with calming me down and using the Force to mend my cracked ribs. While in the heat of combat I bȧrėly felt a tingle of pain but now it flared as if I had a dagger sticking from my ċhėst. The second kick might have done a bit more damage than I realized. I grunted as something shifted within my ċhėst and my left side was gripped by a brief lance of agony before a wave of warmth drowned it. I could feel my bones fusing together and whatever internal damage there was shrinking under the gentle ċȧrėss of the Force.

My brief distraction cost me when the ship lurched under my feet and I stumbled. Armored helmet met a bulkhead and my head bounced inside the cage of durasteel supposed to keep my brain intact. It was as if the captain was performing evasive maneuvers in a kriffing fighter!

"What in the nine Corellian hells is going on?!" I growled and stood up. The main power was obviously off and emergency lighting were snapping on all around the ship.

I ran towards the cells. I was halfway there when my comm cracked to life.

"This is Commander Green! We need back up! The Jedi went after Ventress and we are under heavy attack by commando droids!"

"I am on my way, commander! Hold your position!" I said to the clone and pushed myself to run even faster.


It took me a minute to reach the elevators leading to the detention center. I got there moments after five black humanoid droids. Four of them were holding blasters and the last had a blade forged from some kind of dark colored metal. If its creators had any sense it was at least covered with cortosis.

The droid wielding melee weapon sprinted towards me while its cronies opened fire. In that moment it jumped out of the way and ran over the left wall!

Thanks to the Force, which was not only enhancing my reflexes but showing me where the blaster bolts would go the instant before the droids fired I was able to easily deflect them. However the machines were not standing still. Advanced predictive programing guided them as they rained fire upon me and moved in such a way as to minimize the chance of a deflected shot hitting them.

It was not good enough. A droid crumbled to the ground after a bolt of energy shattered its neck. Another had its blaster smashed.

Then the blade wielding droid was upon me and the hail of gunfire tapered off. It jumped from the wall and flew towards me with its weapon leading the way. I caught the droid commando with fingers of invisible energy and held it as a shield. The little hut spawn tilted its head and his arms moved behind its back. I heard a familiar click and hurled it towards its brethren with all my might. As soon as it flew away I gathered as much Force as I could and molded it as a shield in front of me. The grenades the droid had activated obliterated it short of its comrades. The remaining robots were obscured by a solid wall of flames and shrapnel which hit my shield like the fist of angry Titan. My armored boots scrapped over the deck as I was pushed backwards by the shock-wave. I could feel my armor heating up and the Emperors cursed explosion was still going on!

I snarled and pushed more Force into my shield, hoping it would be enough.


Part 4

Planet Shili

Ehosiq sector

Expansion Region

I was racing over a field of thick, red grass which stretched as far as the eyes could see. My speeder's engine whɨnėd in protest as I pushed it far beyond the speeds for which it was rated. Only my iron grip over the Force allowed the straining machine to continue moving at the breathtaking pace I was pushing it. The vehicle was moving at nearly four hundred kilometers per hour but it was far from enough. I could sense it in my bones and no matter how hot the rage I felt was getting, it did not change the facts. Barring a miracle I was going to be too late!

I could almost see how my wife was fighting for her life more than two hundred clicks away. Even from here I could sense the men and women attacking her. From time to time one of their Force signatures winked away but it was a drop in the bucket. There was at least a platoon of Republic commandos and a strike team of Jedi. To make matters worse, the kriffing sons of banthas were there for me but instead were attacking my wife and her apprentice!

Half hour. It was all it took me to get there. It felt like eternity. I experienced every single bruise, the smallest of cuts that Ashara received. Her fury when Selit Roak, the kid she had taken under her wing was cut down. The impact of blaster bolts splashing on her shields and the ones scarring her armor.

She was weakening. Laser swords and cortosis forged blades were keeping her in the center of a lethal whirlwind as she did her best to keep the weapons away from her. But now and then an attack slipped through her defenses. One nicked her left shoulder, another – her right thɨġh.

I was only five minutes away when my heart was torn away from my ċhėst. Ashara made one mistake and three lightsaber blades pierced her ċhėst. I sensed the Force trembling as all the energy she used to keep up with the people murdering her dissipated.

For one last moment the connection we shared for years flared to life and I could hear her saying "Goodbye Vael. I..."

I felt her soft hands touching my face and a brush of a feathery kiss over my dry lips. A ghostly outline of angelic face smiled at me sadly and disappeared in a thousand moths of bluish light.

My screams of unrelenting rage sent the wildlife running in panic for dozens of kilometers around me.

When I reached the small house which used to be my wife's family ancestral home, it was burning fiercely. I could see Republic troopers tending to their wounded and a female Jedi kneeling next to a prone form which I instantly recognized as my wife's body.

With a furious below I jumped from my speeder. My lightsaber flew into my outstreched hand and roaring to life. With a wave of the Force I sent my ride flying at a group of surprised commandos. The energy field that I maintained to keep the speeder in one piece evaporated and the machine blew up taking the shocked troops with it.

I landed between a pair of commandos who were struggling to rise up their weapons. The one to the right few back bisected by my blade. The other one grasped his trachea as I used the Force to pulverize it. He gurgled and fell to his knees, drowning in his own blood.

The female Jedi, a white haired Echani woman, stood up and looked at me with shock and fear etched on her horrified face. A torrent of lightning blew her away from my wife's body which she was busy desecrating.

My head turned to the right where a commando was pointing a carbine at my head. He opened fire as I was rising my sword to deflect his attack. Azure bolt of energy raced straight at me…


Republic cruiser Tranquility

Near Rodia

Outer Rim

My eyes snapped open and starred at the barrel of a blaster. It fired from point blank range and almost blinded me when its red bolt dissipated over my active shield. Funny. I did not remember activating it.

I clamped my left hand around the weapon's barrel and twisted it away despite the metal fingers gripping it from the other side. I glared at the scorched droid which tried to end me. An echo from the fury I felt during my dream of the past empowered me. Fury fueled power coursed through my whole being coloring the worlds with crimson hues. The commando droid struggled with me for possession of the rifle but that abruptly ended when my attention got back to the machine. It shuddered as its torso was squashed by fingers made by the Force itself.

I threw the pile of scrap behind me and stood up on unsteady legs. The explosion almost did me in. Those were not frag grenades the droid used to blew itself. Oh, no. Thermal detonators. If it was not for me subconscious activating my energy shield as well as throwing that wall of Force between me and the explosion I would have cooked in my armor. At best.

As it was I was only knocked out for couple of minutes if the clock inside my still active HUD was correct. The silver lining was that the detonation had dealt with the remaining droids with the notable exception of that one which tried to shoot me in the head. I could not feel others of their kind around.

I wasted another minute to retrieve my lightsaber which was in the back of the corridor under some debris. At least it was intact.


When I got to the detention center I found pandemonium. More than a dozen dead clones and all but one of the Senate commandos were littering the floors. They had taken twice their number of commando droids down but that was small comfort. I headed to the only living being in this facility – Commander Green who was slumped on the deck in front of Gunray's open cell. I retrieved a med pack from the small of my back and used it to hastily patch up the man. Then I opened my senses and ran towards the main hangar.

I could feel Ahsoka and Shaak Ti fighting with a Dark side user. Ventress. But I ignored their struggle. The Neimoidian was near to the frigate with which we came aboard! I could not let the bastard escape yet he was too far away to reach before he boarded the smaller ship!

My thoughts raced frantically until a crazy idea occurred to me. I sealed my armor and headed towards my new destination.


Nute Gunray was dragged through the cruiser by that rude captain who was in the employ of Dooku. He did not like the human but at least the traitor was getting him away!

The Viceroy was thankful to all Deities that might exist that the Sith that captured him and was about to interrogate him was not shown himself. It was very good thing that Ventress was distracting the Jedi. That little Togruta was insane!

They were few meters away from the frigate's docking ramp. If it was not for the need for a brief detour to open the hangar doors they would have been on board by now.

The pair gawked when an escape pod screamed through the opening in the belly of the Venator and skidded to a screeching halt nearby. Its airlock was torn away and a figure in black jumped out. Captain Argyus grabbed the neimoidian by the neck and used him as a live shield against the unexpected visitor.


'I couldn't believe that worked!' I thought when I exited the escape pod and faced the traitor and the prisoner.

Using it to sling around the cruiser and to enter the hangar while the escape attempt was nearly successful had actually worked! It was good enough that after that memory of Darth Vael I had enough control over the Force to steer the small pod on the needed course.

"Viceroy. It is not polite to snub our hospitality in such a way. We were just getting to the interesting part." I snarled. Dreaming of my wife's murder while briefly unconscious had my control over my fury wavering. My Mask was close to cracking and that way laid only madness.

"You want him alive. So we are going to board this ship and leave peacefully." The commando tried to appear tough.

I smiled at the fool.

"That ship already left. There are three Separatist frigates on the way and the reinforcements from the planet won't reach us before them. With this cruiser crippled the only reason they are not blowing us away is Ventress and Gunray. You are not leaving." I shook my head.

"Then surrender and I may yet show you mercy!" sneered Gunray. "Or I can pay you! You're a mercenary, right? What do you want? Credits? A ship? Weapons? I know! Women too!" Gunray nodded frantically.

"Women?" I hissed. The two women I loved in this existence were long dead. Did he really thought he could buy me with whores?! I saw red. My fury needed an outlet and those two fools just volunteered.

Before either of them could react I threw my lightsaber at them. I gently willed its activation buŧŧon to press down and its blade activated mid-flight. It speared them both.

The feeling of their shock and despair as they comprehended that this was the end of their path was like a sweet wine for my senses. But I had no time to enjoy the destruction of two minor enemies.

Feeling them die made my fury abate for a moment – just long enough that I could rein it in and place it under my control instead of the other way around.

"Captain, do you copy?" I spoke in the comm unit build in my helmet.

"Who is this?"

"Delkatar Veil. I'm with the Jedi. I have an idea of how to even the odds a bit but I need everyone who knows how to pilot a small craft in the hangar yesterday."

"I'll give the order. We need all the help we can get. The main reactor is scrammed. We are on auxiliary power and won't last long against these odds. The only reinforcements that will reach us on time are a squadron of fighters escorting a wing of bombers. Then an Acclamator a few minutes later. The rest of the task force won't make it here before its all over."

"So what's new?! Just get me these pilots. And turn the ship so the lower hanger is hidden from the Sep's view."


Munificent class frigate Revenge

Near Rodia

Outer Rim

General Grievous glared at the crippled Venator on which his target waited: Gunray, that worthless worm. Hopefully he'll get himself killed this time. However, the Viceroy was not what interested him. That Sith spawn that cut off his limbs was said to be on board that ship! But he could not just blast it into little pieces! Not with Dooku's precious apprentice there. If he did so the Sith would have what was left of his guts for dinner. Another failure so soon after the debacle with the Malevolence wouldn't be tolerated. The General seethed quietly.

His Task force was racing towards its prey. All fighters were already launched as a screen covering the two scores of boarding craft. With any luck he'd have the man who humiliated him so easily!

"Uh, sir. A frigate class ship just appeared behind the cruiser. Now its launching fighters."

"Blast them all! Fire!"

Grievous watched as his droid fighters and the turbolasers which would bȧrė fired on the approaching red frigate. To his surprise, the Torrent fighters were using the shadow of the small ship as a cover from the heavy barrage.

The frigate was speeding up, obviously hopping to somehow survive the onslaught long enough to escape into hyperspace after covering the small craft. He knew that it was very likely that Gunray was on board that ship so he ordered a Munificent to physically block its flight.

If he could he would have grinned. The frigate's shields were straining and the craft was unlikely to survive passing through his formation. And with the speed it had gained it was too late to try breaking off. That left only the Republic fighters as a threat but they'd be dealt with by his own after the boarding ships were all over the Venator.


I grinned. The frigate I was controlling was holding a bit better than expected. The shields were tatters but I had dumped all power either in them or the overloading engines. In front of me the closest Munificent, which was the on the right flank of the enemy Task force was becoming huge. The small fleet's commander had maneuvered its ships to prevent the frigate from jumping into hyperspace. Physical objects on the way tended to do that.

The frigate shook as a stray turbo-laser bolt slipped through a gap in its failing shields but it was too late to stop it. I watched with a smile as the armored nose of the CIS ship raced towards me. Even if the collision did not take out the Munificent, it would shatter its shields and permit the Torrents to salvo their concussion missiles in its fragile bridge.

All I could see was the bulk of the enemy frigate rushing towards me then everything went dark.

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