Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 10: Picking a Ship

"Alright, your Highness. I will go pick up my ship and be back soon." I said

I turned away from the Queen, and headed out of the throne room. As I was about to exit the throne room, I turned to HK-47 standing at the entrance.

"HK. I want you to stay here and protect the Queen." I commanded

"Query: Why must I protect a meat bag, Master?" HK said

"I want you to protect her because I don't trust the strength of her Royal Guard." I said "You are strong enough to wipe out her entire Royal Guard, and I know you will be able to protect her."

"Affirmation: I am stronger than all of these meatbags combined, Master." HK said "Statement: I will protect the Queen then Master but I would rather kill some meatbags"

"Don't worry, you will be able to fight in the future" I said while walking out of the throne room with R2-D4 right behind me.

"Master, where are we going?" asked R2-D4

"We are going to pick up our ship and bring it back here." I said

"Oh, we have a ship? I can't wait to see it." said R2-D4

As we walk through the marble halls of the Royal Theed Palace, we soon approached the main entrance into the palace. The guards at the entrance stood there in place as they eyed me leaving down the palace steps. I traveled through the main roaded leading out of the city.

I traveled 5 miles outside the city, and I am now in the middle of a large grassy plain. I took out the [SWTOR Class Ship Voucher] from my ring, and crushed it in my hand.

'Ding' {You have used the [SWTOR Class Ship Voucher] please select a ship you want.}

Six golden screens appeared before with the names of the ships and information about them.


Classification: Rapid assault/deployment craft

Manufacturer: Rendili Hyperworks

Dimensions: 96 x 61 x 80m

Standard Armaments:

Heavy laser cannons, missiles

Features: Command briefing room, onboard armory, medical bay



Classification: Patrol craft

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Dimensions: 68 x 74 x 58m

Standard Armaments: Three retractable, independently powered weapon foils

Features: Compact frame, force cage, long-range capability


Classification: Light corvette

Manufacturer: Rendili Vehicle Corporation

Dimensions: 71 x 94 x 29m

Standard Armaments: Twin laser cannons, missiles

Features: Meditation chamber, diplomatic amenities , library, large cargo hold, strengthen hull, latest hyperdrive engines


Classification: Interceptor

Manufacturer: Sith Empire

Dimensions: 100 x 88 x 33m

Standard Armaments: Precision laser cannons, missiles

Features: "Strike foils" for increased close-range mobility, interrogation chambers



Classification: Prototype covert operations craft

Manufacturer: [CLASSIFIED]

Dimensions: 80 x 94 x 18m

Standard Armaments: Heavy laser cannons, missiles

Features:Stealth hull plating, high-power sensor array, capacity for limited short-term use of cloaking device

[XS Stock Light]

Classification: Light Freighter

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Dimensions: 88 x 108 x 27m

Standard Armaments: Heavy laser turrets, multiple concussion missile launchers

Features: Secret Compartments, Strengthen Aft Hull, latest engines

The six golden windows also shows me pictures of the inside of the ships, its like looking at apartments online. I then narrowed down my choices to the Defender and the X70B Phantom.

I like both of them but they both have their pros and cons. The Phantom has great stealth capabilities and speed but its hull can take a lot of damage while the Defender has a strong hull and good speed but it has no stealth if I want to sneak up on someone.

I also find that the inside of the Phantom was kind of dark, and the Defender was more to my liking since it has bigger space so it can carry more people and has better light. Plus, it has a library, and a large cargo hold I can use to continue my training while my ship is flying to a destination.

After thinking for a few seconds, I decided to go with the Defender because if I need a stealth ship, I just need to kill Maul and take his. So basically, I will have two ships soon.

I placed my hand on the golden window that shows the Defender Corvette.

'Ding' {You have selected the [Defender Corvette]. Do you wish to make any customizations to the Ship? (Yes/ No)

When I recieved the notification, I selected yes.

A screen appeared before me again with options of customization. The first customization was the color scheme of the ship's hull. For that choice I picked white as the main color and black as the seondary color which represents the Yin-Yang of the Chinese philosophy of good and evil.

The second choice was my quarters on the ship. I was able to increase the size of my bed to hold 5 people, and I switched the two statues in the room to statues of Revan with his arms crossed in an X shape holding his two lightsaber hilts and I added a huge Eternal Alliance Symbol on the wall between the two statues. I then add a metal wardrobe which can hold 15 pairs of clothings.

The other options where for the common room where I hanged Eternal Alliance banners on the wall and there was much else to do so I decided that everything was now good. So I ended the customization.

[Do you wish to finish your customizations? (Yes / No)]

I selected yes. When I selected yes, the golden screen disappeared, and a bright light appeared in front of me so I used my right hand to block the light.

After a few seconds, the light was gone and when I brought my hand down before my eye was a white and black Defender Corvette ship.

I slowly walked into the Defender by using the ship's lowered ramp. As I got in, I started to explore the ship. It looked just like it did in the game except for the few customizations I added. After exploring the ship for 6 minutes, and loving the look and feel of the interior, I decided it was time to head back to the Royal Palace since I still need to do my job as a bodyguard.

I went to the cockpit, I saw the three main seats of the cockpit with the pilot's seat on the left side of the holomap thats placed in the front middle of the cockpit, a copilot's seat on the right side and a third chair for the captain placed right in front of the holomap.

I sat down in the pilot's seat and started the Defender up. Thanks to the [Intermediate Piloting] Skill I got from one of my level ups, I know how to fly to this ship. The ship started to lift off the ground, and I started flying it towards Theed.

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