Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 9: Advising the Queen

I heard a knock on the door to my room. I turned to face the doors, and waved my hands and used the Force to open the door.

Standing there was Captain Panaka.

"Mr. Jerid, Queen Amidala is having her meetings so its time to do your job as a bodyguard" said Captain Panaka

"Alrighty then, Captain." I said while standing up to my feet. "Take me to the Queen."

"HK, RED come with me." I said to the droids standing in the room doing nothing.

HK-47 and R2-D4 started to follow behind me.

We walked for a few minutes before we were back in the throne room with a bunch of minister from the Naboo Royal Advisory Council sitting down in some chairs discussing with the real Queen Amidala in her Naboo Queen outfit.

"Stand beside the Queen and make sure she stays safe" commanded Captain Panaka

"Don't worry, I am a man of my word. If I say I will do something, I will do it." I commented to Captain Panaka.

I walked into the throne room, past the Advisory Council and around Padme's desk to stand besides the throne, while I commanded my droids to stand at both sides of the entrance into the throne room.

"Hello Queen Amidala, its good to see you not dressed as a Handmaiden this time." I whispered to her while beside her.

Queen Amidala stayed silent while she started to discuss political issues with her Advisory Council.

"Please continue Governor Bibble." said Padme

"Before we continue your Majesty, who is this man?" said Governor Bibble

"This man is a bodyguard that I just hired to protect me." said Padame "He is a Force user and he calls himself a Force Knight."

"I see but can he even be trusted?" said Governor Bibble "We don't even know who he is or what he wants? He might be an assassin after your life."

"I have a feeling that we can trust him" said Padame "Besides if he meant me harm, then he could of killed me earlier today."

"If you say so your Majesty" said Governor Bibble as he was eyeing me. "Let's get back to the matter at hand, the matter about Captain Quarsh Panaka's request to create a military force for Naboo."

"Please continue Governor." said Padme calmly

"Captain Panaka has requested the increase in our armed forces which I strongly advise against besides we already have the Royal Naboo Security Forces." said Governor Bibble firmly "We don't need a military, the Security Forces is enough for us. So please your Highness, deny the request."

"We need more than just Security Forces to protect ourselves" shout out Captain Panaka "The Security Forces are a policing organiztion, they aren't trained well enough to handle military situations. What will become of the people we were ever invaded"

"I believe the Security Forces is enough to protect us and besides, Naboo is part of the Galactic Republic, there hasn't been a need for a military force in the Republic for ages." said Governor Bibble "Also the Naboo people are a peaceful people, and everyone knows that, no one will harm us since we haven't harmed or been rude to anyone. We are safe and sound as we are now."

"Hmmm" said Padme while thinking. She turned her head to me and said "Sir Knight, what are your thoughts this matter."

When she asked for my opinion, the whole room turned their attention onto me. I didn't think that she would ask for my opinion on such a subject. So I started rubbing the chin of my mask and started thinking, just like you would see wisemen or scholars do when they were thinking.

"Youjr Majesty, why are you asking this man? He knows nothing about our people and we don't know if we can trust him yet." said Governor Bibble

"For me, I believe that a strong military will bring peace and order" I said while rubbing the chin of my mask. "Its better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. Also if you have a strong military, you will never be bullied and protect your people from harm."

"The Naboo people are a peaceful race, and we don't condone violence, so we don't want a military because they are representation of violence." said Governor Bibble

"I know, the Naboo people are a peaceful race, but will that stop a violent and warring race from attacking you" I said to the Governor "Also if you don't want a military, just make a compromise, you should build a Naboo Self-Defense Force. You can have 1,000 to 2,000 people join, and they will be trained in only defensive warfare to protect Naboo."

The Advisory Council, Captain Panaka and Padme started thinking about my advice when the Governor started to speak.

"But Defensive Warfare is still violence" said Governor Bibble "It's not peaceful at all"

"You are truly a foolish old man." I said while shaking my head "You need a way to defend your people, if your planet is invade and your people are being slaughter, will you still try to protect them with your peaceful and naive way. If you still try it your way, then your whole planet and people will be doomed."

I turned my head to Queen Amidala and started talking. "Queen Amidala, I believe you should make a compromise between Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka by creating a Self Defense Force, because its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"

Padme started to think with her hand cupping her chin.

"I will need time to think about this" said Padme "So we will end the meeting for today."

After everyone except the Royal Guards left, I leaned down to Padme.

"Your Majesty, I need to go out and fetch my ship." I said softly to her "Would it be ok for me to pick it up and store it in the Royal Hangar?"

After hearing my request, Padme was thinking for a few second and looked at me.

"You may do that" said Padme.

She turned her head to Captain Panaka and spoke to him "Knight Jerid is going to leave and pick up his ship, and he will return and store it in the Royal Hangar."

"Yes, your Majesty" said Captain Panaka "I will inform the the Space Fighter Corp and Royal Guards about this immediately."

He started to walk away and communicate with the some people on his communicator.

"Alright, your Highness. I will go pick up my ship and be back soon." I said

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