Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 15: Making a Deal with Darth Plagueis

After putting on my Darth Nihilus outfit, I could felt the range and strength of my Force Power, [Force Drain] increase a lot but it wasn't to the range level of draining an entire life force of a planet like Nihilus once did but I felt I could probably drain the life force of everyone with in the range of a battleship or small town.

After feeling the increase in [Force Drain], I exited out of my bedroom and headed towards the Main Conference Room on my ship. In a few seconds, I went into the Main Conference Room, you can see in the middle of this round room was a Secure Holoterminal and in the very back were couches and my personal library full of history and philosophy Holobooks ranging from the era of the Old Republic to the Clone Wars Era to the New Republic and First Order Era.

I slowly approached the Holoterminal and started typing on the keyboard and soon there was a Hologram of a female alien behind a desk in the middle of the Holoterminal.

"Hello, thank you for calling the Intergalactic Banking Clans" said the figure "How many I be of assistance?"

"Hello, is there a Magister Hego Damask II there?" I asked the alien receptionist in a sinister-like voice

"He is currently busy at the moment." said the Receptionist "If you wish, you can leave a message and he can call you back"

"No that won't be necessary." I said "Tell him there is a man who has information about Plagueis and Sidious. Once you tell him this, he will take my call."

"Alright then, please wait a moment while I go and inform the Magister." said the Receptionist

After waiting for 30 seconds, the hologram was soon transferred to another hologram, this hologram was of an alien man, from the alien species known as Muun. The hologram of the man was none other then Magister Hego Damask II aka Darth Plagueis, the master of Darth Sidious.

He was glaring at me with a questioning look like, wondering who I am.

"How do you Darth Plagueis?" I said "I am not disturbing you am I."

"Who the hell are you? How do you know who I am?" asked Darth Plagueis

"You may call me Darth Nihilus." I said "Also I known who you are because I know and see all through the Force."

"So are you a Sith like me then, also what the hell do you want?" ask Darth Plagueis

"I am here to give you a little forebode warning" I said chuckling behind my mask "Unless you want to die in your sleep?"

"What do you mean?" asked Darth Plagueis while he was startled about him dying

"I saw your future, and you were killed in your sleep." I said to him "Do you want to know more? Do you want to know who kills you?"

"Yes, I want to know." answered Darth Plagueis "What do you want for this information?"

"The only thing I want is your loyalty and you to become vassal in my Holy Empire" I said "and If you serve me well, I can even make you an Immortal."

"WHAT!!!! screamed Darth Plagueis "YOU HAVE FOUND A WAY TO IMMORTALITY!"

"Yes I have" I chuckled "I know you have been researching a way to become an immortal for many years, so I can help you become immortal but you have to serve my Empire."

When I told Darth Plagueis, my requirements for making him immortal, he started thinking about my offer but I know he will accept my deal since from my memories I know that he has been researching ways to become an immortal for all of his life.

After thinking about my offer for a few minutes, Darth Plagueis started talking again.

So how long do I have to serve you until you make me immortal?" asked Darth Plagueis.

"You only have to wait for maybe 10 or 15 years until my Empire is strong enough to conquer everything in sight." I said "But before then I will adjust your midi-chlorians and make you stronger and able to live longer so you won't die anytime soon."

"I am willing to serve your empire then if you can actually make me an immortal" replied Darth Plagueis "Now tell me how did I died in your vision?"

"Your precious apprentice, Senator Sheev Palpatine will kill you in your sleep once he becomes the Supreme Chancellor. Your plan to make him the Supreme Chancellor, and yourself his Co-Chancellor will not happen." I said to him "On the night before his election into office, he will get you drunk with wine and kill you because you will have outlived your usefulness to him."

"I see, that is the way of us Sith isn't." said Darth Plagueis to himself

Also don't even think your Sun Guard will save you, they are now in the pockets of your apprentice." I said to him. "So do we have a deal?"

"Fine, we have a deal, I will serve your empire so long as you make me immortal." said Darth Plagueis

"That's great, so long as you serve me you will be immortal but if you ever betray me, I will take away your immortality and drain away your life so that you will suffer the most painful death but if you never betray I will treat you well" I said smiling behind my mask " Ok now that that is out of the way, my first order for you as your Emperor is to let Palpatine go along with your old plan so that there will be great civil war"

"What is your plan?" asked Darth Plagueis

Don't worry about my plans, but if everything goes according to my wishes, then I will rule this galaxy and create an everlasting Holy Empire with me as it's Immortal Emperor." I said

"So you really do know the way of gain immortality!" said Darth Plagueis with excitement in his eyes.

"Of course I do. I know you have been researching ways to become immortal, just know that I know multiple ways of gaining immortality, so rest assured that I will make you and your love ones immortal." I said

"Ok, my Immortal Emperor. I will follow your orders" said Darth Plagueis

"Also make sure you distance yourself from Palpatine and your Sun Guards since they can't be trusted. Only stay in contact with Palpatine through Holoterminals and never meet in person." I said "You should also get yourself a small army of Battle Droids or Asssassin Droids to be your bodyguards since they can be programed to be loyal to only you."

"I will do as you say" said Darth Plagueis "Will I be able to see you in person?"

"I will meet you in due time." I said "Now go about your business and continue with your old plans of causing a Galactic Civil War."

"Yes, my Emperor" said Darth Plagueis with desire for immortality in his eyes.

I cancelled the call with Darth Plagueis and the Holoterminal went dark.

"Know that I have my first vassal for my Empire, all I need to do now is to wait for the Jedi to come then the real fun will begin." I said out loud

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