Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 16: War is inevitable

"Know that I have my first vassal for my Empire, all I need to do now is to wait for the Jedi to come then the real fun will begin." I said out loud

*DING* [You have complete a mission]

[A Growing Empire: Gain a Vassal - Reward: Force Power - Transfer Essence]

I looked at the notification and noticed the reward. This Force Power was a godsend for me, especially when I am so close to the Clone War Era. With this Force Power, it will give me another way to become the Immortal Emperor I wish to become.

When I thought about becoming an Immortal Emperor, it made me think of two other Emperors that used [Transfer Essence] to achieve immortality. They were Emperor Sidious from The Rise of Skywalker movie and the most powerful emperor in the Star Wars Universe from the SWTOR game, Emperor Vitiate aka the Sith Emperor. With Sidious using clones to gain immortality and with Vitiate stealing other people's bodies.

If I need to I plan on using clones instead of stealing other people's bodies since I prefer my looks and body.

After thinking about becoming immortal, I decided to train and mediate my powers and skills.

-1 month later-

During that month, Padme was waiting for the reply for help from the Senate while I trained to increase my strength since I need to be powerful enough to fight Maul and eventually Sidious.

So to increase my strength I increased the time that I trained my lightsaber skills, and the time I mediate. From 2 hours of meditation to 5 hours, then 3 hours of lightsaber training to 3.5 hours and I kept my Force Training to 2 hours. With my usual 7 hours of bodyguarding Padme, I am barely getting 6.5 hours of sleep. I really wish to find a cheat like meditation technique that I can do while I sleep so I could increase my exp even more.

Thanks to the 5 hours of meditation, I was able to gain 500 exp a day and with a whole month of meditation I was able to gain 15,500 exp.

Then one day while I was guarding Padme in the Throne Room, she was discussing with her Advisory Council about the Trade Federation when I sensed a ship coming out of hyperdrive. I turned my head and looked up as I was able to sense two Jedi on the ship appearing in Naboo space.

As time passed by in the throne, I sense an explosion on the main Trade Federation ship.

'It looks like the time has come for my plans to begin' I thought

While I was thinking and focusing on the Trade Federation ships, Padme started talking to her Advisory Council when she received a message. As she was reading, she started to smile a little

"It looks like the Ambassadors sent by Supreme Chancellor Valorum should arrived today to end this illegal blockade by the Trade Federation." said Padme "Connect us to the Viceroy"

"Yes, your Majesty" said Governor Bibble

Soon, the Holoterminal was connected and a hologram of Viceroy Gunray appeared

"Again you come before me, Your highness. The Federation is

pleased." said Viceroy Gunray

"You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say,

Viceroy...Your trade boycott of our planet has ended." said Padme with confidence

Viceroy Gunray smirked when he heard Padme

"I was not aware of such a failure." smirked Viceroy Gunray

"I have word that the Senate is finally voting on this blockade of

yours." replied Padme

"I take it you know the outcome. I wonder why they bother to vote." smiled Viceroy Gunray

"Enough of this pretense, Viceroy! I'm aware the Chancellor's Ambassadors are with you now, and that you have been commanded to reach a

settlement." Padme said angrily at the Viceroy

"I know nothing about any must be mistaken." smirked Viceroy Gunray

Padme was surprised about what the Viceroy said so she tried to study his reactions very carefully, to see if she could she whether he was lying or not but since she was still inexperience, she was unable to tell if he was lying.

"Beware, Viceroy....the Federation is going too far this time." replied Padme with a look of angry

"Your Highness, we would never do anything without the approval of

the Senate. You assume too much." laughed Viceroy Gunray

"We will see." said Padme while squinting her eyes at Viceroy Gunray

Padme then disconnected the call with Viceroy Gunray.

"Governor Bibble, connect us to Senator Palpatine immediately." commanded Padme "I want to know what is going on"

In a few minutes, the holoterminal projected another hologram, this time the figure appearing was Senator Palpatine

"Senator Palpatine, what is going on?" asked Padme "I was told just now that the Chancellor's Ambassadors aren't here yet, what is the meaning of this?"

"How could that be true? I have assurances from the

Chancellor...his Ambassadors did arrive." said Palpatine "It must be


The hologram of Palpatine started to become blurry and fades away.

"Senator Palpatine?!?" said Padme then she turned to Captain Panaka "What's happening?"

Captain Panaka turned to one of the Royal Guards in the Throne Room

"Check the transmission generators" Captain Panaka commanded to the Royal Guard

"A malfunction?" asked Governor Bibble

"It could be the Federation jamming us. Your Highness." said Captain Panaka to Padme

"A communications disruption can only mean one thing. Invasion." said Governor Bibble with a look of horro

"Don't jump to conclusions, Governor. The Federation would not

dare go that far." said Padme

"Don't be too sure about that" I said to Padme "There is a force behind them that is going to make them invade Naboo."

"That shouldn't happen. Her Highness is correct, if they did invade then the Senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished." said Captain Panaka refuting what I said

"We must continue to rely on negotiation." said Padme

"Negotiation? We've lost all communications!...and where are the

Chancellors Ambassadors? How can we negotiate? We must prepare to defend

ourselves." said Governor Bibble

"This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army." said Captain Panaka

"I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war." said Padme with conviction

"I am afraid you will not have a choice in this matter, your Majesty" I said while standing beside Padme "War on Naboo is inevitable, you have no way to stop it."

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