Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 17: Queen Amidala is Captured!

"I am afraid you will not have a choice in this matter, your Majesty" I said while standing beside Padme "War on Naboo is inevitable, you have no way to stop it."

"What do you mean, Sir Jerid" asked Padme curiously "Why is war on Naboo inevitable?"

"There is a dark force pushing for the invasion of Naboo." I said "The Invasion of Naboo is just a tiny part of their plans, in their big scheme against the Galaxy."

"Who are these dark forces that want to invade my planet" ask Padme with a tinge of anger in her eyes

When she asked that, I suddenly felt movement from the Trade Federations ships surrounding the planet. I turned my head upward and felt 3 C-9799 landing crafts departing from the surrounding 6 Lucrehulk ships, for a total of 18 C-9799 landing crafts.

"It looks like its too late, the invasion has already begun" I said

"What!?!?!?" shouted out Padme, Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble

"The Trade Federation has just started their invasion, they are sending their landing crafts down to Naboo as we speak" I said

-On the Main Lucrehulk Ship-

"The invasion is on schedule, My Lord." Viceroy Gunray says to a holorgram of Darth Sidious

"Good. I have the Senate bogged down in procedures. By the time this incident comes up for a vote, they will have no choice but to accept your control of the system." replied Darth Sidious

"The Queen has great faith the Senate will side with her." curiously asked Viceroy Gunray

"Queen Amidala is young and naive. You will find controlling her will not be difficult. You have done well, Viceroy." said Darth Sidious sinisterly

"Thank you, My Lord." replied Viceroy Gunray

-20 minutes later on Naboo-

Padme is looking through a window in the palace overlooking an army of B1 Battle Droids marching down the main street of Theed and dispersing to take control of the city while I stand behind watching the droid army as well.

"Why are they doing this to us?" asked Padme "We are a peace loving people, we have done nothing to them so why are they doing this my planet and people"

"People are like this, your Highness." I said calmly to her "People will be motivated by many things. For instance, you. You are motivated to help your people and make your planet prosper, you fight for a good cause but you don't have the power to make it happen, while others can be motivated by money, women, and power. They will take what they want because they have the power to do so."

Padme sighed very sadly

"Let's go back to the Throne Room to discuss with the Advisory Council on how to handle this situation ." said Padme

-15 minutes later

While Padme was discussing the current crisis with Governor Bibble and the rest of the Advisory Council with her Handmaidens behind her, soon 20 B1 Battle Droids stormed into the Throne Room and surrounded everyone in the room.

After the B1 Battle Droids secured the Throne Room, Viceroy Gunray and his Settlement Office Rune Haako came into the Throne Room, soon they were standing in the middle of the room.

"How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?" shouted out Governor Bibble

"The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate." laughed Viceroy Gunray

"I will not co-operate." Padme said angrily

"Now, now, your Highness. You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view." said Viceroy Gunray "Commander"

A droid known as OOM-9 steps forward

"Process them." commanded Viceroy Gunray

"Yes, sir!" said OOM-9

OOM-9 turns to one of the B1 Battle Droids surrounding the group

"Take them to Camp Four." said OOM-9

Soon 10 Battle Droids were marching us out of the palace. We were soon marching out in the plaza outside of the palace

I soon looked up ahead towards a walkway since I could feel the presence of Qui-gon Jinn, Obi-wan and Jar Jar on the walkway. As soon as we approached the walkway, Qui-gon and Obi-wan soon jumped down from the walkway and began attack to rescue Padme.

4 Battle Droids were instantly cut down while more droids moved forward and pointing their blasters toward the jedis. When that happen, I took out of my lightsabers and actitvated it, and I was able to cut down 5 Battle Droids instantly which left the Droid Sergeant still operating.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan looked at me with confusion and curiosity but they started to focus on the remaining Battle Droid.

The Droid Sergeant looked at the three of us with our lightsabers out and then the droid started to run but is pulled back by Qui-gon with the Force and dispatched by him with his lightsaber

"Yousa guys bombad!" said Jar Jar

After all 10 Battle Droids were dispatched, we then moved between two buildings.

"Your Highness, we are the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor." said Qui-gon

"Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador." said Governor Bibble

"The negotiations never took place. Your Highness, we must make contact with the Republic." said Qui-gon sadly

Captain Panaka soon stood forward

"They've knocked out all our communications." said Captain Panaka

"Do you have transports?" asked Qui-gon

"In the main hanger. This way." said Captain Panaka

Soon we are at a side door into the Hangar, Captain Panaka cracks open the side to peek inside with Qui-gon looking over his shoulder. There are several Naboo spacecraft and pilots guarded by about 50 Battle Droids

"There are too many of them." whispered Captain Panaka

"That won't be a problem." commented Qui-gon then he turned his head to Padme "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."

"Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people." said Padme

"They will kill you if you stay." said Qui-gon

"They wouldn't dare." said Governor Bibble

"They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her." commented Captain Panaka

"The situation here is not what it seems. There is something else behind all this, Your Highness." said Qui-gon "There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."

"Please, Your Highness, reconsider." said Governor Bibble "Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us... Senator Palpatine will need your help."

"Getting past their blockade is impossible, Your Highness." said Captain Panaka "Any attempt to escape will be dangerous."

Author's Note: For my notices and or updates here is my discord:

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