Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 18: Breaking out of the Blockade

"The situation here is not what it seems. There is something else behind all this, Your Highness." said Qui-gon "There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."

"Please, Your Highness, reconsider." said Governor Bibble "Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us... Senator Palpatine will need your help."

"Getting past their blockade is impossible, Your Highness." said Captain Panaka "Any attempt to escape will be dangerous."

"Your Highness, I will stay here and do what I can..."said Governor Bibble "They will have to retain the Council of Governors in order to maintain control. But you must leave..."

"Either choice presents a great all of us..." said a handmaiden disguised as the Queen

"We are brave, Your Highness." said Padme disguise as a Handmaiden

"If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now." adviced Qui-gon Jin

"Then, I will plead our case before the Senate." said the fake Queen to Governor Bibble "Be careful, Governor."

"Now that is settled, all of you follow me" I said to the group "I can get us out of here"

The door into the main hangar opens. I walked in with Qui-gon, Obi-wan, Jar Jar, Captain Panaka, Two Royal Guards, Three Handmadians; the disguised Padme, Eirtae and Rabe, and the Fake Queen. We headed towards my personal ship the Defender instead of the H-type Nubian yacht parked in front of my ship. I wanted us to use my ships since it was bigger and roomier unlike the cramp Nubian yacht.

"We need to free those pilots." said Captain Panaka while pointing to the twenty guards, ground crew members and pilots sitting and held in a corner by six B-1 droids

"I'll take care of that." said Obi-wan

But before Obi-wan could head toward the group of prisoners, I pulled him back with the Force

"You don't need to do anything, little Padawan" I said "Just follow me and everything will be alright"

We approached my ship when one of the B-1 droids in the hangar stopped us

"Where are you going?" said the B-1 droid

"You and your droid subordinates will let the prisoners go and follow us" I said waving my hand using the Force activating the code in all of the B-1 Droids in the hangar, which made them extremely loyal to only me.

"Roger, roger, Supreme Emperor" said the B-1 Droid "Everyone follow me, we have been ordered to leave this place and follow"

Soon, all 7 B-1 Droids in the hangar started marching onto my ship. While the B-1s were boarding my ship, Hk-47 and R3-D2 appeared with the R2 Units from the Nubian yacht, and I could see R2-D2 with them.

"We have completed your orders, Master" said Hk-47 "We took the Astromechs from the yacht, what do you want to do with them?"

"Why are you getting more Astromechs, Master" said R3-D2 with jealousy "I am far superior then any of these outdated Astromechs

"RED, HK bring these droids onto my ships" I ordered while ignoring RED's jealous ranting

"This is one impressive ship, if I am not mistaken this was a ship design for the Jedi Council, to be used as a Jedi's base of operation for missions during the Old Republic Era." said Qui-gon "Since you used Force powers earlier, are you a Jedi?"

"Qui-gon, you are correct about my ship but I am no Jedi" I said "I am something else entirely. We have wasted too much time talking, lets board the ship now."

As soon as I said that, I boarded my ship with everyone else following me. We walked up the Boarding Ramp and walked to the cockpit.

"Your Highness, please go into that room and sit down while Master Qui-gon, his padawan and I fly us out of here." I said while point at the door that leads into the Secondary Conference Room.

"Ok Sir Jerid." said the Fake Queen followed by Captain Panaka, two Royal Guards, two Handmaidens and Padme.

As I was walking to the cockpit, Jar Jar tried to follow us to see what we were going to do. I held my hand out and lifted him up with the Force and moved him to the Secondary Conference Room's door

"I didn't say you can come with us" I said "Now stay in there and staty

Once we were in the cockpit, I sat down in the pilots seat while sat down in the copilot seat and observed me while Obi-wan sat down in one of the seats in the back.

"Ok, lets get out of here" I said while firing up my ship

As soon as the ship was firing up, I hovered the ship and slowly turned it to face the Hangar Bay Entrance, and as soon as my ship was facing the exit, I stepped on it and my ship zoomed out of the Hangar. When that happen, the B-1 Droids standing outside the hangar started opening fire on my ship, but each shot missed but even if a shot it, it could do nothing to my ship's armor.

Soon, we were in space speeding away from Naboo and heading towards the Federation Blockade.

"What is your plan?" Qui-gon asked me

"Just rammed straight through their little blockade" I said

As soon as we were approaching and in distance, the Lucrehulk Battleship started firing upon us but I kept dodging shots fired at us with the guidance of the Force with each shot from the battleship missing each time. With the Force, I knew where the shots will be and with the help of the Force, dodging the shots was like walk in the park.

After dodging the shots for a whole minute, we passed the Federation Blockade and started racing away from the Federation Battleship, and after a few minutes we were gone and out of sight of the Trade Federation.

Soon after clearing the Federation Blockade, Captain Panaka, the Fake Queen and Padme walked into the Cockpit with Jar Jar not far behind them bumbling around.

"We need to refuel my ship soon" I said

"We'll have to land somewhere to refuel the ship" replied Qui-gon

Qui-gon started to study the star chart Holomap between the Pilot and Co-pilot seat.

"Here, Master." cried out Obi-wan "Tatooine... It's small, out of the way, poor... The Trade Federation has no presence there.

"How can you be sure?" questioned Captain Panaka

"It's controlled by the Hutts..." said Qui-gon slowly

"The Hutts!?!?" shouted out Captain Panaka "Are you insane!?!?"

"It's risky..." said Qui-gon "but there's no alternative."

"You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters..." cried out Captain Panaka "If they discovered her..."

"It would be no different than if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation" commented Qui-gon "...except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage."

After agreeing with Qui-gon with that fact, Captain Panaka took a deep breath in frustration.

Auther's Note: Sorry for my late update but I moved to my new apartment and also my back started to hurt last week so I had to go to the Hospital to get some medicine.

I am feeling much better now and if you want, you can see my new apartment on my Youtube Channel: Jerid in Taiwan

Also I have a discord now so if you want you can talk to me on there or you can talk with other fans about my works.


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