Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 23: He who strikes first, wins

"If you think this will be easy, you are dead wrong" I said while activating my lightsabers.

Once my lightsabers were activated, the 30 armed thugs who wanted to make some easy money were in shock, when one of the thugs snapped out of his shock.

"Fuck, he is a jedi!!!!" said thug who snapped out of his shock, while aiming his rifle blaster at me.

When the thug cursed out loud, it helped the other 29 thugs snapped out of their shock, and when they noticed the thug who yelled was aiming his blaster at me, they copied him and aimed all of their blasters at me as well.

With 30 blasters aiming at me, I started feeling excited about prospects of fighting a real battle to the death. When I was still alive in my old world, at the dojos I trained at, I would sometimes fight 1 vs many battles with the other students but it never made me this excited.

I placed my hands down and pointed the lightsabers down towards each other, almost making a 'v'. I started slowly walking towards the thugs, and when the thugs noticed me moving slowly towards them, they backed up a little.

They were frozen in place, when all of a sudden, a scared young thug started firing his blaster wildly, in a spray and prey manner with his eyes closed and scream at the top of his lungs. I stopped moving when the thug started firing and didn't move an inch from the spot I was standing in. I just stood there doing nothing, while all of his shots were missing me by a foot or a few inches. It was thanks to the Force, that I was able to tell that I didn't need to dodge his firing since I was feeling the Force telling not to move.

After a minute of his spray and prey shooting, his blaster stopped firing because he fired all 50 of his blaster ammo, and his blaster ammo pack was now empty.

I slowly looked around myself and saw all of the places the young thug shot, and thought how stupid this young thug was, to fire his weapon with his eyes closed. While the other thugs were shock to see all of the shots missed me, they unconsciously lowered their blasters. I turned my head back towards the thugs.

"Everyone, fire at the bastard!" cried out one of the thugs "We can't miss, if we all fire everything at him!"

As soon as that thug yelled out what he said, all of the thugs thought that was true, and they all began aiming their blasters at me again.

When they raised their blasters at me again, they started to fire everything they got, and when they did, I used [Force Speed] to dodge to the left out of the way. When the thugs saw that, they aimed again and blasted away, and then used [Force Speed] to run around them in a circle.

With my [Force Speed], I was to fast for the thugs to shoot me, and it took them a while to move around each other and aim again so I was able to keep dodging their shots and getting around them.

After awhile an older thug who had a lot of scars on his face who seemed to have some experience in combat, started to take command of the thugs.

"Form a circle, you idiots" commanded the Scar-faced thug "If you all want that prize money then form a circle and then we can shoot him"

I stopped circling them and charged at them, I wasn't stupid enough to let them try and formulate a plan against me. It's like one of my master's told me "He who strikes first, wins the war"

When 6 of thugs noticed that I was charging them, they aimed their blasters at me, and started shooting. With both of my lightsabers, I started deflecting the shots at me, I was able to deflect quite a few of them into the crowd of thugs, killing 5 of the thugs.

'DING' [Gained 500 XP]

When I was close enough to the crowd of thugs, I used [Force Jump] to jump into the middle of the crowd. Once I landed on the ground, I swirled around with my lightsabers, cutting 7 thugs in half.

'DING' [Gained 700 XP]

When the rest of the 18 thugs saw that, they ran away from me. While they were running away, I used [Force Pull] on a thug to sent him fly towards me and then I used my lightsaber to stab him in the back.

Once the thugs were 30 feet away from me, they stopped and turned towards me again to see the all of the corpses around me.

"You thugs are really weak" I said while knowing that they are weak was because thugs like these are more used to ambushing their victims and fighting weaker people. They aren't used fighting on an open field like this arena. If they were professional soldiers like the clones then this would of been a more fun challenge for me.

The thugs have now encircled me and aiming their blasters.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jabba the Hutt in his Viewing Room, laughing and eating while he enjoyed my little battle. I then spotted Padme with HK-47 in the spectators seat.

She was watching in horror since she hasn't seen anyone being killed before. She was also startled seeing some of the spectators booing me, some cheering for more killing and some yelling at the thugs to kill me because they gambled and betted on my death.

While I was watching her, and seeing her shocked face, it reminded me of pure see was, she who didn't understand that only the strongest can survive in this world and that there is a lot of cruelty in this world but I really liked that purity of her.

I took my eyes off of Padme and started staring at the remain 17 thugs around me.

"Lets end this" I said to the thugs with a cold voice

After I said that, I held up right hand sideways while pointing at a thug with two fingers and started to use [Mind Control] on him. I was able to take control of the thug's mind and I then made him aim his blaster at the thug next to him. The thug noticed the mind controlled thug pointing his blaster at him.

"Hey fucker, what the hell are you doing?!" cried out the thug

I made the mind controlled thug fire his blaster killing the thug, and then I had him aim his blaster to the next thug. He fired his blaster and killed another thug then before I could have the mind controlled thug kill another thug, the Scar-faced thug was quick and killed the mind controlled thug.

"Everyone, watch out!" cried the Scar-faced thug "He can control your mind!"

With 14 thugs remaining, a lot of them were now scared by what I could do since they never fought against a strong opponent before and always picked on weak people.

While they were staring at me in fear, I spotted a few of them with their legs shaking in fear.

"BOO!" I cried out

When I did that, 5 of the thugs screamed and dropped their blasters and then they ran away towards the arena exits and soon escaped the arena.

"GET BACK HERE YOU COWARDS" screamed the Scar-faced thug at the cowardly thugs

While the Scare-faced thug and the rest of the thugs were distracted, deactivated my lightsabers and started using [Force Drain] on the remaining 9 thugs. When I used [Force Drain], all of the thugs started screaming while I drained away their life force and after a minute of draining their life force, they fell down and died.

'DING' [Gain 900 XP]

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