Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 24: Do you wish for power

While the Scare-faced thug and the rest of the thugs were distracted, deactivated my lightsabers and started using [Force Drain] on the remaining 9 thugs. When I used [Force Drain], all of the thugs started screaming while I drained away their life force and after a minute of draining their life force, they fell down and died.

'DING' [Gain 900 XP]

-15 minutes Ago- (Padme POV)

As Padme was left alone with HK-47 and watching Jerid being escorted by a bunch of armed thugs, she started getting worried.

"Do you think he will be ok?" asked Padme

"Affirmative: Master will be fine, he is very powerful" replied HK-47 "Statement: If the Master so desires, then he could kill all of those weak Meatbags with ease"

As Padme watch Jerid go through a door in the back of the building, she turned to HK-47

"What do you think Jerid wants with that pink twi'lek girl?" asked Padme

"Answer: I don't know what Master wants with that pink Meatbag" said HK-47 "Statement: Knowing Master, he must want it for something important since I know Master always has a reason the things he does."

"I see" said Padme as she watches the pink Twi'lek, Dia. As Padme watches Dia, Dia also felt Padme's eyes on her and turns towards her and when their eyes connected, they just stared at each other before Dia went back to serving drinks to the customers.

"She is very pretty" stated Padme while wondering why Jerid wants her.

Padme started looking around and noticed a bunch of people rushing to the other side of the building. Padme was curious about what was going on, so she followed the people rushing, soon she was in the stands of the Fighting Zone. She looked down to spot Jerid in the middle of a big dirt arena.

As Padme stares at Jerid, she then heard a loud voice and turn her head to see Jabba the Hutt and a protocol droid.

"The Great Jabba says he is here to bring to you glorious event, a massive Death Match." said the protocol droid " A once in a lifetime 1 vs 30 Death Match"

After the protocol droid gave the announcement, Padme sees the people in the stands cheering.

"The man standing in the center of the arena is going to fight to the death with 30 armed men" said the protocol droid "The Great Jabba wants to know if there are any volunteers? The Great Jabba will give the 30 winners 2,000 credits each, if they can kill this man."

Once the rewards was heard, the crowd started cheering wildly causing her to be shocked by how people can be excited about people killing each other. Soon the Death Match started, while Padme was holding her hands close to her chest, worried about Jerid's safety. Soon, the match was over with Jerid as the only one standing.

"I am glad he is safe" said Padme with joy

"Statement: Of Course, no harm would come to the Master" said HK- 47

(Padme POV end)


As I receive the System Notification, I soon heard a lot of booing from the crowds in the stand. Most of them were cursing me and telling me to go die since they made huge bets on me dying in the Death Match.

I ignored all of the booing and cursing and used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up the 24 Thug's Blasters in the air. I then used the Force to bring them towards me. Once the blasters were in front of me, I stored them in my Space Ring.

The crowd stopped booing and cursing when they noticed that blasters were floating disappeared right front of their eyes.

I started walking towards the door that I used to enter the arena. Once I exited the arena and in the waiting area, a servant was waiting for me.

"Master Jabba would like to invited you for lunch" said the servant

"Lead the way" I said to the servant

The servant lead me up the stairs into the Jabba's Viewing Room, where there was food and drinks being brought in and placed and a long table that was brought in and placed in front of Jabba. There was also a seat on the other side of the table facing Jabba, which was most likely a seat for me.

I went to the seat and sat down, facing Jabba.

"I hoped you enjoyed the little show, Jabba" I said

Jabba replied in Huttese

"The Great Jabba says he really enjoyed the little show" said the protocol droid

Jabba then waved his hand towards a servant who was carrying a metal briefcase. The servant approached me and held the briefcase sideways and opened it up, showing that the briefcase was full of credits.

Jabba started talking.

"The Great Jabba says he is a Hutt of his word, so here is a briefcase full of 60,000 credits" said the protocol droid "Bring in the Twi'lek slave!"

Once the protocol droid issued Jabba's command, two guards brought in the Pink Twi'lek, Dia.

Dia was extremely beautiful, and probably one of the most beautiful Twi'leks, she was as beautiful as Talon and Aayla Secura from the Star Wars Universe. Her pink skin was very attractive and smooth. She was very slim Her two pink 2 foot lekkus (her head-tails) that were hanging over her shoulders, reached to the top of her C-cup size breasts. Her lekkus were a wonderful sight because on them were white tiger stripe patterns which added to her beauty.

Jabba spoke to me again

"Here is the Twi'lek slave, you wanted" translated the protocol droid "She is still a virgin and she is now all yours"

When Dia heard that she was being given to someone, she had her head down and held her hands together near her slim and fit waist and prayed hopefully that her new master was a little less cruel than other masters that she knowns of, but she knows that anyone who knows Jabba cant be a good person.

She looked up to see the face of her new master and when she saw me, she felt a mysterious feeling coming from me, like she belongs by my side but she soon took her mind of that mysterious feeling and held her head down again.

I stood up from my seat and approached her. Once in front of her, I placed my thumb on top of her chin and my index finger under chin and lifted her head up.

I looked into her beautiful pink eyes and she stared at my masked face. In her eyes, she was a little afraid of what will become of her and deep down inside her I could feel a little bit of anger and sadness. I could sense her anger at this world, she hated the world for making her a slave and was sad about never being free again.

"Do you want to change your fate? Do you want to break out of the shackle known as slavery?" I asked her while gazing into her eyes "Do you wish for power? The power to never be enslaved again. The power to kill anyone who tries to hurt you. The power to change your fate and destiny.""

When I asked Dia that question, and finished my statement about power. She started wondering about me, and about what I said. After two minutes, she started looking at me with a determine look in her eyes.

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