Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 25: First Mission Completed

"Do you want to change your fate? Do you want to break out of the shackle known as slavery?" I asked her while gazing into her eyes "Do you wish for power? The power to never be enslaved again. The power to kill anyone who tries to hurt you. The power to change your fate and destiny.""

When I asked Dia that question, and finished my statement about power. She started wondering about me, and about what I said. After two minutes, she started looking at me with a determine look in her eyes.

"I want power" said Dia with a voice of determination "I want to be powerful. I don't want to be a slave."

"If you want power, I can teach you then but there are some conditions you must agree to first" I replied to her

After hearing my reply, she looked down and started to think about what kind of conditions she would have to accept. Were the conditions to make her my sex slave forever or to turn her into some kind of guinea pig for me to experiment on.

With many thoughts about what the conditions could be going through her head, she stopped thinking about it after 20 seconds, she looked back up again and looked at me with determination to change her life.

"What are your conditions?" Dia asked

"My conditions aren't bad, in fact they are great for you." I said "The first condition is that you will become my Disciple and the second condition is that you become one of my future wives."

After hearing my second condition, her jaw dropped and she was shocked.

"Why do you want to marry me, a slave?" asked Dia.

"You must have felt it, didn't you?" I asked "That mysterious feeling when we first met in the Bar. You must of felt that feeling again when you saw me just now, that was pushing you towards me."

"I did feel something both times" said Dia

"That mysterious feeling that you felt is known as the Force." I said "The Force is guiding us together."

"Really?" said Dia thinking about that feeling she felt earlier when she saw me. "But why do you want to marry me?"

"I find you very beautiful" I said cherishing her cheeks with my left hand "I won't force you to love me this instant, but overtime we will get to know each other better and maybe you will come to love me."

When Dia heard me calling her beautiful and felt my hand cherishing her right cheek, she started blushing and her heart started to race, since she was never really told by anyone that she was beautiful before. She also never felt someone cherish and being gentle with her either. Her past masters would usually use a shock baton or a whip to train her or get her to behave.

"Now, do you accept my conditions?" I asked her "Once you accept my conditions, the shackles of slavery that bind you will be broken and your destiny will change forever."

Dia looked at me with a look of hope and determination

"I accept!" Dia yelled out

'DING' [Mission- First Disciple Completed]

[Rewards: Force Skill Voucher & Item Voucher]

"Since you have accepted my conditions, you are now my disciple and future wife" I said

I held up both of my hands and started to use the Force on the slaver choker around Dia's neck. I started using the Force to pull the slave choker apart, and after 2 seconds the slave choker was pulled apart, releasing Dia from her life of slavery.

After seeing what I did, Dia started to feel her neck, and realized that the slave choker that defined her as a slave was no longer there. Once Dia realized that she was no longer a slave, she began crying tears of joy with her head down.

"Now, stand up with your head held up high" I said "No wife of mine shall need to lower her head to anyone."

I went back to the seat across the table from Jabba the Hutt, where Jabba was enjoying the little drama in front of him

After my words of encouragement, Dia stood up and started to hold her head up high.

After seeing her listening to me, I smiled behind my mask.

"Come and be beside me." I said to Dia

Dia walked over with her head held up, and stood right beside me.

Jabba the Hutt started talking

"The Great Jabba says so the slave must able to use the Force." translated the protocol droid "No wonder you wanted her."

"That's right Jabba, she is Force-sensitive" I said "Also don't call her a slave, she is now my Disciple and future wife."

When Dia heard me call her my wife again, she blushed and her heart started racing again.

Jabba talks

"Ok, I won't call her a slave again." translated the protocol droid

I turned my head towards Dia standing next to me, and I used the Force to levitated and bring over a chair for Dia to sit down in.

When Dia saw what I did for her, she smiled a little and sat down beside me.

Jabba started talking again

"The Great Jabba would like to invite you to go see the Pod Races that are being held tomorrow?" translated the protocol droid ""Will you accept Jabba's invitation?

"I will accept your invitation" I replied

"The Great Jabba is happy that you accepted his invitation." translated the protocol droid "Now, let's eat!"

After finishing speaking, Jabba started stuffing his mouth with food.

I tilted my mask to the side, just enough so that only my mouth could be seen. I started to eat some fruit and meat. I looked towards to Dia who was sitting and not eating.

"You should eat" I said to Dia

"Ok" replied Dia who start to slowly eat the food on the table.

Jabba, do you mind if I invite two of my companions to our little feast?"

"The Great Jabba says he doesn't mind." translated the protocol droid "Guard, go escort my friend's companions here."

"Yes, sir" said a human bodyguard "What do they look like?"

"That's great, there are two of them. There is a girl wearing a blue shirt underneath a grey tunic with black pants outside waiting for me." I said "Also by her side is a reddish droid but be careful he is kind of dangerous."

Soon, Padme and HK-47 came into Jabba's room and I motion Padme to sit on my left side. Padme came to my left side and sat down in a chair, that I used the Force to bring over. While HK-47 walked and stood behind me, being vigilant against Jabba and his bodyguards.

While eating, Jabba kept talking about his hobbies but he mostly discuss about the strategies he liked to used in Holochess, while I listen and talked back about different things.

After 20 minutes of eating and enjoying the music that was being played, I decided it was time to leave.

"That was a delicious feast Jabba" I said "But now we have to get back to my ship. When do you want to meet for the Pod Race tomorrow?"

"The Great Jabba wants to meet here an hour before the race." translated the protocol droid "Will that work for you?"

"That works great for me" I said "I look forward to seeing you again in the morning Jabba."

I stood up and walked out of Jabba's room with Padme, Dia and HK-47 right behind me.

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