Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 26: Back to the Ship

I stood up and walked out of Jabba's room with Padme, Dia and HK-47 right behind me.

As we exit, Jabba's room, we were back into the main area of the building, the Gambling Zone. As we walked through the Gambling Zone, a lot of people were giving me hateful glares. These people are most likely the ones that gambled a lot of money on me dying in the Fighting Zone, but that all they did since they knew they would die if they messed with me.

Soon, we were out of Jabba's Game Plaza. I took out a spare hooded cloak out of my space ring, and held it out towards Dia.

"Wear this." I said not wanting other men to stare at her luscious body since the only eyes that are allowed to gaze at her body shall be mine

Dia quickly put on the hooded cloaked covering her and the slave bikini which barely covered anything, since her privates are only hidden by the cloth attached to the slave bikini.

"Thank you, Master" said Dia

After Dia gave me her thanks, we started walking back to my ship.

"So, why do you want her?" asked Padme curiously while pointing at Dia. When Padme pointed at Dia, Dia also paid attention and was also looking at me, waiting to see how I would answer.

"She is Force-sensitive, and she has a very powerful connection with the Force" I replied to Padme "So I decided to make her my Disciple and one of my future wives."

"Future Wife?!" said Padme

When I called Dia, my future wife she blushed.

"Yes, you remember how I told you on Naboo that I want a big family right?" I asked

"Yes, I remember." said Padme

"Where I come from, a person with a strong connection with the Force must have many wives, so we can have a lot of strong Force-sensitive children" I explained

"So your people practice polygamy?" asked Padme

"Yes, my people practice polygamy just like the Cereans and Kaleesh" I said "I am also the last surviving member of my clan, so it is my duty to rebuild my clan and increase my bloodline."

"What about me?" asked Padme with a blushing face "Do you want me as a wife?"

"Of course, I want you to be one of my wives." I said "I find you to be wonderful, I love your ideals. I love how compassionate you are. Your commitment to your people, and your determination to help and protect peace and freedom is all the things I love about you."

When hearing about what I loved about her, Padme started blushing from my comments

"But I am not able to use the Force." said Padme

"That doesn't matter to me. What I care about is the heart of a person, and your heart is strong and beautiful" I said "Also if you want, I can even help you become Force-sensitive and teach you how to wield the Force."

"WHAT!?" cried out Padme "Is that true?"

While Padme was shock, so was Dia.

"Yes, I can help you become Force-sensitive. For someone to be Force-sensitive, they need a high Midi-chlorian count" I said

"What are Midi-chlorians?" asked Padme

When Padme asked that question, Dia was also curious about it as well and looked at me with her full attention.

"Midi-chlorians are microscopic life forms that resides within all living cells and these life forms are connected to the Force." I said "So the higher someone's Midi-chlorian count is, the stronger the connection with the Force will be. An average person has an average of 2,500 Midi-clorian per cell, and to be Force-sensitive, someone needs four times that amount."

"That's really amazing" said Padme

While Dia nodded her head in agreement with Padme

"But how can you make me Force-Sensitive?" asked Padme

"You see, I am able to use a Force power called [Midi-chlorian Manipulation]. I believe that I can use this power to increase the Midichlorian count in your body which I believe will help increase your connection with the Force and help make you Force-sensitive."

"Wow, that is such a god-like ability" said Padme "So you can make anyone into a Force user then with the Midi-chlorian power?"

"Maybe, but I don't really know since I never really tested out this power before and not much is known about this power except that it can create, maintain and save life by manipulating someone's midi-chlorians." I said "But I believe it's possible to make someone Force-sensitive with this power by using the power to manipulate the midi-chlorians into somehow duplicating or replicating themselves. "

"That's amazing" said Padme "Will you be able to make me Force-sensitive then?"

"Hypothetically Yes, I believe it is possible but I just need to test it out, and experiment with to see if my hypothesis is correct." I replied "But lets wait for after the crisis on Naboo is over so I can focus on testing this power and after I succeed then I can help you become Force-sensitive.

"Ok, I will look forward to it then." said Padme cheerfully

After 20 minutes, we were back on my ship. When we arrived on board, Captain Panaka was waiting for us.

"Captain, have the Jedi come back yet?" asked Padme while standing next to me

"No, your majesty." replied Captain Panaka "They did send us a message by comms, saying that they will be back tomorrow."

"Do you know anything about this?" Padme asked me

"Qui-Gon, has found a new Padawan for himself but there is some complications which should be solved by the end of the day tomorrow." I said

"Ok" said Padme "I will go to my temporary bedroom and rest then"

I leaned towards Padme and whispered into her ear

"Have a good rest beautiful." I whispered

"Thank you" said Padme while blushing with her head down

Padme walks away from me and heads to the Captain's bedroom

Dia and I went to my training area in the Cargo Bay of my ship and I sat down with my legs crossed. When Dia saw me sat down, she followed my examples and sat opposite of me.

I used the Force to open my Shop Page of my System and looked for a couple of items. After a minute of looking, I found what I wanted. I bought two items that are from the SWTOR game. I bought Vette's Headband and the Relaxed Vestments Armor Set for a total of 350 credits.

The two items were deposited into my space ring by the System. I took out the two items and used the force to float the towards Dia.

"These will be your new clothes from now" I said

As Dia grabbed her new clothes from the air, she hugged on to them

"Thank you, Master" said Dia bowing her head

I used the Force to move the boxes in the Cargo Box to make a wall.

"Go behind the boxes and get changed." I said "Once you get changed, we will being your training."

"Yes, Master" said Dia

Dia stood up and ran behind the boxes while hugging her new clothes close to her chest.

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