Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 27: The Code

I used the Force to move the boxes in the Cargo Box to make a wall.

"Go behind the boxes and get changed." I said "Once you get changed, we will being your training."

"Yes, Master" said Dia

Dia stood up and ran behind the boxes while hugging her new clothes close to her chest.

After 3 whole minutes, Dia was finished getting changed and appeared out from behind the wall of boxes.

When I saw her in her Relaxed Vestments Armor set and Vette's Headband, she looked lovely and sexy. The top of the armor covered her whole chest, and didn't show any cleavage, and her pants covered her whole bottom half of her body unlike the slave bikini bottoms, which barely covered anything at all.

She came running back to me, and sat back down across from me.

"Before, we begin your teaching, I will teach you about our code." I said "I am what the Jedi would consider a Grey Jedi of sorts, someone who uses the Light and Dark side of the Force."

"So you will train me to become a Grey Jedi?" asked Dia

"No, I don't really consider myself a Grey Jedi, so you also won't be a Grey Jedi." I told her. "I call myself a Force Knight but you won't become a Force Knight. I will train you to become an Imperial Valkyrie of my Order of the Imperial Valkyries."

"An Imperial Valkyrie? What is that?" asked Dia

"It's like the Jedi Order, but this Order will be made of my wives who are Force users" I said

"I see" said Dia "What is this about a Code?"

"You see, there is a Jedi Code and Sith Code,these codes were basically mantras that express the core beliefs of their orders." I explained "The Jedi and Sith mainly have 1 code which hasn't really changed since they were created, while the Grey Jedi who settle between the Light and Dark Side of the Force have had many codes over the centuries since many of these Grey Jedi had different beliefs."

"Wow!" said Dia "So, Master. What is your code that you follow?"

"My code is inspired mostly by the True Revanite Code and little bit of Grey Jedi Lenor Danal's Final Code" I replied

"There is no light without the dark.

Without emotion, there is no compassion.

Without strength and power, there is no victory.

Without ignorance, there is no learning.

Without knowledge, there is no foundation.

Without passion, there is no beauty.

Without serenity, there is no contemplation.

Without Balance, there is no peace

The Force is all things and I am one with the Force

Through Balance, I am powerful"

"WOW" exclaimed Dia "It sounds very philosophical"

"This code is something that I combined together from other past Codes and I even add a little bit to it. I found this Code to best suit me and my ways." I said "This Code tells you to try and balance the power of the Force. You need both sides, the Dark Side and the Light Side

"Balance the Force? The Dark Side? The Light Side?" asked Dia with a puzzled face.

"You see, since a long long time ago, there has been two Orders that believed and represents the Dark and Light Side of the Force." I explained "They are known as the Jedi Order who represent the Light Side and the good, and there is the Sith who represent the Dark Side and the evil."

"I have heard of the Jedi before but I never heard of the Sith before." said Dia

"That's because the Jedi believe that they have eradicated the Sith but they are still among us, hiding in the shadows, waiting for their time to strike back at the Jedi." I said

"So, when you say to 'Balance the power of the Force', do you mean to embrace both the Light and Dark Side and try to balance them?" asked Dia

"Yes, that is correct" I said "You see, if you can embrace and balance both the Light and Dark Side of the Force, you can gain many abilities and powers to become powerful."

"That's amazing!" exclaimed Dia

"Alright, that's enough of the philosophy lesson." I said "Times to teach you to feel the Force. You see, the Force isn't a power but an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together"

"Now, I want to you to close your eyes and breath slowly" I instructed Dia

Dia closed her eyes and started to slowly breath in and out.

"Now, reach out and try to feel the Force" I instructed

When Dia heard my instruction, he raised her right arm and reached out, like she was trying to physically touch the Force

When I saw what Dia was doing, I facepalmed myself.

I then took my hand away from my face, and took out a scarf from my inventory that had tassels, and used the tassels to tickle the tips of her finger tips

"I can feel something" shouted out Dia

"Can you feel it?" I asked

"Yes!" shouted Dia

I then toss the scarf on top of Dia head, surprising her. When she opened her eyes, she grabbed the scarf from the top of her head to see the scarf with tassels. She soon figured out that I was teasing her, and she started to puff her cheeks and pout.

"Master" cried out Dia

"I don't mean to literally to reach out with your hands but to use your heart to reach out and feel the Force" I said while using my index finger to tap her chest and point at her heart.

"Now, try again to reach out with your heart, and feel your surroundings" I instructed "Try to remember the feeling of when you first saw me, and reach out."

Dia started breathing slowly again, trying to reach out to the Force with her heart. She then started to remember that feeling of when she first met me in person and soon, she was in a meditative like state. I could feel the Force in the surrounding area slowly gathering near her but it was moving at a snail's pace.

I decided to help her out and speed things up a bit. I held out my hand and started forcing the Force to speed up and I started controlling the Force to circle around her and move through her.

"I can feel something" cried out Dia when the Force started circling and moving through her around her

"Good, now keep your eyes closed" I commanded while continuing controlling the Force "And concentrate on that feeling, this feeling is the Force."

As Dia continued to concentrate, the surrounding boxes and Dia started to levitate into the air. I stood up and stared at Dia

"You are doing wonderful, Dia" I shouted out happily

When Dia heard the compliment, she blushed and open her eyes. When Dia opened her eyes, she lost concentration, and the surrounding boxes and her fell to the ground. I swiftly moved and caught her.

I was now holding her in my arms in a princess carry. Dia looked up at me, and realized that she was being princess carried, she started to blush even harder and redder.

"Thank you, Master." said Dia softly

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