Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 28: Teaching about Form VI Niman and Jar'kai

I was now holding Dia in my arms in a princess carry. Dia looked up at me, and realized that she was being princess carried, she started to blush even harder and redder.

"Thank you, Master." said Dia softly

"It's no problem" I said gently

I just stood princess carrying Dia for a few seconds. Even through my gloves, I could somehow feel how smooth her skin was. With her body pressed against mine, I could also feel how soft her body was. Dia's head was near my chest, and she could here my heart beating, and she could also feel my muscular body.

After 10 seconds of silence, Dia realized she was still being carried and became embarrassed and her whole face was now bright red even though it's hard to tell with her pink skin.

"Master, you can let me down." said Dia shyly while finger twiddling her index fingers, just like what Hinata did in Naruto.

'I wouldn't mind be carried a little longer though' thought Dia

I slowly lowered my right arms which were holding her long and skinny legs. When her feet were on the ground, I raised her upper body with my left arm.

"Thank you again Master." said Dia with her head down in embarassment

"It's no problem, anything for you." I said while gently stroking her left cheek with my hand which caused Dia to continue blushing.

"Now that you are able to feel the Force, and it's time to do move on and do some combat training." I said "But before we do any combat training, do you have any experience with any kind of melee weaponry?"

Dia started thinking about it.

"When I was younger, I learned how to use a bo staff from a traveling monk, who stayed in my village for a year before he left."

"A bo staff...hmmmm." I said while rubbing my chin

I turned around and opened a random box. While I was pretending to shift through box, I opened my Shop Page in my System. I used the Filter Function of the Shop, and checked the boxes for Doubled Bladed and Training Swords.

When I fixed with the Filter, it showed me a few Training Weapons.

There is a Double Blade Electroblade Training Sword for 200 credits. a Double Bladed Training Lightsaber for 400 credits and a Double Bladed Sith Training Sword for 250 credits.

I decided to buy the Double Blade Split Electroblade Training Sword for Dia. When I bought it, it went straight to my Inventory. I took the Training Sword out of the Inventory. The two Electroblades of the training sword wasn't extended and was sheath inside the hilt of the training sword.

I stood back up, with the Training Sword in hand, and turned around to face Dia. I tossed the Training Sword to Dia, who was able to catch it but when she caught it, she accidentally press the button to extend and activate the two electroblades sheath inside the hilt, which gave her a little surprise when it happen.

"Since you have had experience in Bo staff combat training, I will be teaching you how to wield a Double Bladed Lightsaber" I said "You will learn Form VI: Niman which is best suite for a double bladed lightsaber since it is a simple, and easily mastered fighting form."

"Fomr VI: Niman?" said Dia with curiosity

"The Form VI: Niman is a combat form which has fairly relaxed focus on bladework and encourages the inclusion of Force-based attacks in combat, such as Force Pull and Force Push while you use your lightsaber to strike at your opponent. " I informed "Also Niman's success in combat will be solely dependent on your intuition and creativity while in combat. To help you increase your intuition, we will be doing a lot of combat training."

"Ok, Master" said Dia "But why do you want me to learn to use a double bladed lightsaber, why not a single blade lightsaber?"

"The double bladed lightsaber enables the user to generate a high rate of attack with relatively little bodily movement." I said "But a con of using a double bladed lightsaber is that you must continuously adjust your posture and movement to avoid interfering with the motions of the lightsaber. "

"Will I only be learning the Form VI?" asked Dia

"Nope, as well as the Form VI, I will be teach you Jar'kai" I informed her "Jar'kai is a method of utilizing two lightsabers in combat, so basically dual wielding."

"So, am I suppose to carry three lightsabers on me?" asked Dia

"No, since the dawn of the Sith and the Jedi Order, they both have created many things to help them in combat and win a battle" I said

I then used the Force to pull the double bladed split electroblade training sword out of Dia's hands and when I got a hold of it, I twisted the hilt, and split the doubled bladed electroblade into two individual electroblade swords.

"WOW!" exclaimed Dia

"You see, this training sword is a split saber." I said "This allows two individual bladed to combine into one to form a double bladed weapon."

"That's amazing Master." cried out Dia

"I am teaching you these two forms of combat because I find that they will give you an advantage in battle." I informed "The double bladed lightsaber will give you a powerful and high rate of attack but has limited movement. While Jar'kai will give you a wide range of movements, and a swift and quick offense with a high rate of attack, as the speed of attacks that two blades allowed would overwhelm most opponents but the con is that the power of your attacks aren't very powerful unless you increase your arm strength."

"I see" said Dia while thinking about what I informed her. "Master, what form of combat do you specialize in?"

"I have trained and mastered many forms of combat methods such as spear arts, lightsaber combat forms, bo staff, hand to hand combat, and even range weaponry." I said "But my favorite form of combat is Jar'kai"

"Oh, that's wonderful" cheered Dia "So I will also be learning the same form of combat as you"

"Yes, you will." I replied "With both of these forms of combat methods, you will be able to confuse and overwhelm your opponent by switching between them."

I combined the split electroblade training swords back into a double bladed electroblade training sword. I pressed the button to retract the blunt blades back into the hilt. I raised my hand holding the training sword, and put my palm up and opened my hand.

"Now, try to focus and feel the Force, then I want you to use it to take your training sword out of my hands" I said "Try to feel the Force, and use your will to gather the Force around the sword and use the Force it grab your sword and pull it back to you."

Dia held out her hand, and focused, trying to feeling the Force again. She started to feel the Force but she was unable to control it. After 30 minutes of trying, she was able to lift the sword up. Then she tried to pull with one strong tug of her arm, which caused the sword to be pulled towards her but since she used to much force in it her pull, the sword came rushing too fast and hit her on her forehead, causing her to be knocked backwards and landing on her butt pretty hard.

"Owww" cried Dia while rubbing her sore butt

Thanks to Vette's Headband that she was wearing, she didn't feel much pain from the sword hitting her in the head.

I walked towards Dia, and held out my hand to help her up.

"That was a very good try Dia" I complimented "With some more practice, you will get the hang of [Force Pull] in no time."

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