Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 29: Combat Training

"That was a very good try Dia" I complimented "With some more practice, you will get the hang of [Force Pull] in no time."

"Thank you Master" said Dia cheerfully while still rubbing her sore butt

For the next hour, I taught Dia the basics to Form VI: Niman and Jar'kai.

Dia was sweating but that didn't stop her. She stay focus with a determine look in her eyes which I found to be very appealing.

"Ok. lets stop practicing the forms" I said "Now that you have some of the basics down, those basics will be useless to you if you don't know how to use them in combat, so we will begin your combat training."

I then rummaged through another box and used my Shop Page to buy two more electroblade training swords.

I then walked towards Dia and stood 15 feet away from her.

"Now, these electroblades we are using are very useful for training." I said "These training swords will give you a small electroshock to let you know that you were hit, and it will cause the part of your body to become numb and paralyzed, to stimulate the feeling of losing a piece of your body. It will help you learn to fighter better and help perfect your forms"

"Ok, Master" said Dia while she twisted her hilt and turned it into two individual blades.

"Ah, I see you prefer the style of Jar'kai" I said

"Yes, Master." replied Dia "I felt like this style fits me better then using the double blade sword style."

"That's a very good observation." I complimented "With your light body, and small size, you can be swift, and nimble with the Jar'kai style which can be very useful but if you want to use Jar'kai mainly then you have to increase your upper and lower body strength."

"Increase my upper lower body strength" said Dia

"Yes" I said" Since Jar'kai users use both hands to wield individual lightsabers, two-handed blows are almost impossible for anyone to put all their weight behind blocks and parries, weakening your defensive capabilities. Because of this, an enemy with a single blade can simply attack a Jar'Kai practitioner's defense with brute force, battering away until the Jar'kai users defense gives way."

"So, to fix that, you need to increase your upper and lower body strength so it can block blows from two handed blows." said Dia "The Upper body so you can block the attacks, and the lower body to keep your whole body stabilize against those attacks."

"Correct" I said "Now, time for combat training. Come at me"

"Ok" said Dia

Dia came charging at me and started attacking me. She lifted her right sword up while the left sword was pointed at the ground. She used the right sword took a swing diagonally at me. I stepped back and dodge the attack by half an inch. When I dodged her attack, Dia used both of her swords that were now pointed at the ground at swung them up at me. I stepped back some more and dodged by half an inch again.

Dia kept on attacking me with different combos that I showed her and I am impress with the little progress she has shown me.

While I continued dodging her attacks, I started talking.

"You are doing good for a beginner." I complimented "But when you are fighting, you need to be unpredictable and dirty."

"Dirty?" Dia said puzzledly

I used [Force Jump] to jump backwards 10 feet away, and started using [Force Telekinesis] to lift 4 empty cargo boxes in the area and started hurling them at Dia, when Dia saw that she ran and got out of the way of them since I was making them easy to dodge. by launching that the same point.

"MASTER, THAT"S CHEATING!" cried Dia after she dodged the cargo boxes.

"There is no such thing as cheating when you are fighting an enemy. You need to use everything you got so you can defeat and kill your enemies." I lectured Dia " There is a saying were I am from 'Everything is fair in war.' It means you need to use anything you can to win no matter what. Just like what I did just now"

"I see, thanks for the advice Master." said Dia after thinking about what I said.

When Dia stepped forward, and cried out.

"OWWW!" cried Dia and suddenly knelt down on one knee and started clutching her left ankle.

"Master, I think I twisted my ankle" said Dia

"Ok, lets end the training her then" I said while knowing what she is probably doing.

I started walking towards Dia. Once I was 3 feet away from her, Dia stopped clutching her ankle, and quickly grabbed both of her training swords and jumped at me. Knowing that she might try something, I sidestepped to the left out of the way of her attack, and used the training swords in my right hand to smack her butt, shocking her in the butt. She fell to the ground.

"You will have to sneakier than that to surprised and defeat your enemies." I said

"Master, you pervert" whispered Dia quietly while rubbing her numb butt.

"Ok, continue attacking me" I said to Dia

Dia stood back up and ready herself in an attack position.

Just like that, we continued our high intensity combat training for 2 hours, and Dia gradually improved her lightsaber skills and combat intuition.

"Ok, that's enough training for today." I said "Go take a shower, then eat and go to bed to rest."

"" said Dia exhaustedly while covering a lot of sweat.

"RED" I called out to R3-D2 that was off to the side waiting for any orders from me.

"Yes, Master" said R3-D2 in its robotic voice

"Take Dia to a shower" I said "Also, send down C2-N2"

Asking for the droid that came with the ship when I got it.

"Roger that Master" said R3-D2 "Ok, Ms. Dia. Follow me."

Dia slowly walked away following after RED.

I then sat down in a mediation position, then I opened the Shop Page. I bought 5 Vette's headbands, two sets of Satele Shan's Armor, two sets of the Dashing Hero's Armor and another set of the Relaxed Vestments Armor for total of 750 credits, and I used the money that I got from Jabba the Hutt. I decided to buy Dia all of these armor sets, so she can have a variety of clothes to wear and not wear the same outfit every day.

I placed the folded clothes and the Headbands besides me, when C2-N2 came down the steps.

"Master, how may I be of service." asked C2-N2

"That these clothes to my disciple" I commanded

"Affirmative Master." replied C2-N2

C2-N2 picked up the pile of clothes and went back upstairs.

I continued sitting down and decided to use the Force Skill Voucher & Item Voucher I got for completing my first mission.

I used the Force Skill Voucher to learn [Force Choke] and then I used to the Item Voucher. I scrolled through the list of items looking for something useful to use the Item Voucher on.

After a couple of minutes of looking, I found an item to get. The {Ring of Control} which has the effect of increasing the power of a Force User's Mind Manipulation ability so it can effect someone who has strong willpower who isn't a Force User.

I used the Item Voucher to get the {Ring of Control}. When the {Ring of Control} appeared in my hands, it looked like a plain men's silver ring with the word 'Control' in Ancient Sith Prophecy writing, inscribed going around the ring.

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