Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 30: Control of 15

I used the Item Voucher to get the {Ring of Control}. When the {Ring of Control} appeared in my hands, it looked like a plain men's silver ring with the word 'Control' in Ancient Sith Prophecy writing, inscribed going around the ring.

'With this ring, I can move forward more of my plans for the future' I thought to myself 'But too bad it won't help against Force Users'

I placed the ring on my right ring finger since I am wearing my Space Ring on my left ring finger.

Once the {Ring of Control} was placed on my right ring finger, I could feel my ability to use [Mind Manipulation] improve by a significant amount. With this ring, I can manipulation the minds of people who are strong willed, and now I can proceed with one of my plans for building the foundations of my Holy Empire.

I stood up and walked up stairs. After finishing up some last minute things that needed to be done, I went to bed.

As I was laying in bed, and about to go to sleep, I quickly sat up on the bed, when I felt a darkness arriving on Tatooine.

'I don't know how but it looks like Maul was able to find us' I thought staring in the direction the dark feeling was coming from. 'I look forward to testing my skills against you'

I laid back down and went to sleep

-Next Day-

I was out of bed, showered and dressed in my Revan outfit. When I went to see Dia, she was awake, wearing the Relaxed Vestment Armor set. She was eating breakfast very slowly and quietly say 'ouch' repeatedly from her sore muscles from yesterday's hard training session. With her was Padme, the Handmaidens and Captain Panaka and his men

"Dia, after you finish eating, go to the Medical Bay downstairs and get some painkillers" I said "Then we will head out."

"Yes, Master" said Dia

Dia finished up her breakfast and headed down to the Medical Bay while C2-N2 was cleaning up. I quickly ate some apple and grape like fruits.

"Where are you go..." asked Captain Panaka

"It's alright Captain, I know where he is going." said Padme

"Would you like to go with us, your Majesty?" I asked

"Yes, I will" said Padme "I am curious as to see these podraces that people love to watch"

Soon after finishing our breakfast, I headed down to the Cargo Hold/Training Room with Padme.

When I got downstairs, Dia and HK-47 were waiting for me by the exit. I walked down the ramp while HK-46 walked by my side and Dia and Padme followed behind me.

30 minutes later, we were at Mos Espa Grand Arena when two Gamorrean Bodyguards approached us.

The two Gamorreans escorted us to Jabba who was waiting for us.

"Hello, my dear friend" I said while approaching Jabba who was eating with open arms. Jabba replied back to me

"The Great Jabba is happy to see you" said Jabba's protocol droid "Come and sit next to him, he says"

I sat down on a chair next to Jabba, and we began talking about things such as his holochess strategies while I slowly started to use the Force to alter Jabba's mind. Padme and Dia stood off to the side and started to chat and get to know one another.

As the podrace was about to begin, Jabba and I stood up and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the starting line. Dia and Padme also followed after me onto the balcony, and started looking down at the race track.

As I looked down towards the starting line, I spotted Qui-Gon with Anakin Skywalker.

Noticing my stare, Qui-gon looked up to see me with Jabba, and then he had a wondering look on his face but he then looked forward and went off the race track.

Jabba began speaking in Huttese

"<Welcome>" said Jabba "<Begin the Race>"

The race was getting started, all of the racers where in their pods, waiting for the start signal.

As the signal went off, all of the racers sped off, while Jabba was eating some food off to the side.

"Jabba. can we talk privately" I said smiling evilly behind my mask

"The Great Jabba wants some privacy" said Jabba's protocol droid "He wants everyone to stand back by 30 feet"

I motion HK-47 to come to me

"Yes, Master" said HK-47

"I am going to be discussing some business with Jabba here" I said "So I need you to translate for me"

"Expletive: Damn it, master, I am an assassination droid... " said HK-47 "Not some damn stupid protocol droid."

"Yes, yes." I said "But you are the only one here that I trust to translate for me."

"If you put it that way Master, I have no choice" said HK-47

Soon, I was alone with Jabba. No one was in ear shot to hear us, and everyone was 30 feet away.

"I would like to propose a proposition for you" I said starting to use my [Mind Manipulation] powers which have been amplified by the [Ring of Control]

Jabba spoke

"Translation: What is this proposition you speak of?" said HK-47

"I want you to become a vassal of my Empire and serve me" I said using [Mind Manipulation]

Jabba spoke again

"Translation: Yes, my Emperor" said HK-47

'It worked' I thought to myself then I heard the system's ding

'DING' [New Mission Unlocked - Conquer Hutt Space] [You have taken control of 1/5 of the Hutt Council and Hutt Space]

'DING' [Mission Completed - Take Control of a Criminal Empire] [Reward: Force Heal Skill and Level Up]

'DING' [You have leveled up] [You are now a Level 28 High Level Jedi Knight / Sith Master]

'Now this is what I am talking about' I thought 'Now, I just have to meet the other four members of the Hutt Council, and then I will have Hutt Space under my control. Once I conquer Hutt Space, it will help me build the foundations of my Holy Empire'

After basking in my triumphing moment, I had Jabba let the people come back, and I continued watching the race.

After 20 minutes the race was over, and just like in the movie, Anakin won the race.

As I learned over the balcony, I watch Anakin jump up and down with joy over his victory, then I saw Qui-Gon walking towards him with that big kind smile of his.

"I wonder how your future will turn out now with me here" I said softly "Will you take the same path and become Darth Vader, or will you stay on the right path? I can't wait to see if you can change your future."

I walked away from the balcony

"Jabba, I have to leave now, but I will be back to talk some more" I said while shaking Jabba's hand

"HK-47, Dia, and Handmaiden, come" I said

I walked out of the Mos Espa Grand Arena and waiting outside the arena for Qui-gon and Obi-wan.

Soon, I spotted Qui-gon and Obi-wan with Anakin and his mother Shmi. Chasing after them was Watto, the owner of Anakin and his mother.

As I approached them, I could hear what they were saying.

"You! You swindled me! You knew the boy was going to win! Somehow you knew it! I lost everything." Watto cried out

Watto flied up to Qui-gon and puts his face against Qui-gon's face. While Watto was angry, Qui-gon just smiles at him.

"Whenever you gamble, my friend, eventually you'll lose." said Qui-gon "I'll come by your shop later so you can release the boy."

"You can't have him!" cried out Watto "It wasn't a fair bet!"

" Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts..." replied Qui-gon "I'm sure they can

settle this."

"No, no! I want no more of your tricks!" shouted Watto "Take him!"

As Watto was leaving, I spoke out

"Hold it right there" I said as I slowly approaching the group

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