Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 31: The Force is Neutral

"No, no! I want no more of your tricks!" shouted Watto "Take him!"

As Watto was leaving, I spoke out

"Hold it right there" I said as I slowly approaching the group

"What do you want!" shouted Watto angrily

Watto gave me an angry glare

"You shouldn't be so rude" I said "If you don't watch out, you could be killed by someone who doesn't like how rude you are to them."

"Are you threatening me boy" shouted Watto "You better watch out because I have a lot of friends in high places here, some who are even Jabba the Hutt's personal bounty hunters."

Out of the corner of Watto's eyes, he saw Padme and Dia following behind me.

"Hey boy, are those two girls yours?" asked Watto "How about you sell them to me for 100 credits. If you do, I might even forgive how you threaten me, and might not ask my bounty hunter friends to hunt you down and kill ya."

"Oh, it looks like you have eyes but failed to recognized a mighty being before your very eyes" I laughed

"What are y..." said Watto

Before Watto could finish his sentence, I started using [Force Choke] on Watto. Feeling himself being choked by an unknown power, Watto try to struggle to free himself from this unknown power.

I used [Force Telekinesis] to bring Watto closer to me. His face was now 2 inches away from my mask. He looked at me with terror in his eyes.

"You made a big mistake, you little bug" I said "Do you know what your mistake was?"

Watto was still being choked so he couldn't speak, but he was now very terrified of me.

"Your mistake was your disrespect." I said "Especially your disrespect towards my women. No one is allowed to disrespect them."

When I called Dia and Padme my women, they lowered their blushing faces and if you look close enough, you could see small smiles on their faces..

Qui-gon was looking at me with shock, and had his hand on his lightsaber.

I stopped using [Force Choke] on Watto and placed my hand on top of his head, Watto tried to get away but I used my hand to squeeze his head. After getting a firm grip on his head, I started using [Mind Control] on him, which caused him to go in a dazed state

"You will now obey my every word." I said

"I will obey your every word" said the dazed Watto

"Good" I said

When Qui-gon saw how I was controlling Watto, he started becoming cautious of me.

"Besides free the boy, you will also free his mother as well." I said "So, deactivate the transmitter chips in their bodies right now."

"Yes Master" said dazed Watto

Watto then took out a datapad from the bag at his waist, and started typing away. After 20 seconds, he stopped typing on the datapad.

"Master, I have deactivated the transmitter chips as you commanded" said the dazed Watto

"WHAT!" cried out Anakin "So my mother is also free as well!"

Anakin came up to me, with a look of excitement.

"Yes she is, little one" I said while ruffling his hair "She is no longer a slave, she is a free person"

When Dia saw me free another person from slavery just like her, she started to have a look of worship in her eyes when she was looking at me. Anakin turned away and ran to his mother and gave her a great big hug.

I was happy to see this moment of happiness. Seeing Anakin hugging his mother, it reminded me about my loving and caring mother who died when I was only 10 years old.

After reminiscing about my mother, I leaned closer to Watto and whispered into. his ear

"Now, time for your punishment for your disrespect towards my women. Go out into the middle of nowhere and die" I whispered to Watto ,

Watto still in a dazed state, turned and left, to never be heard from again.

As I gazed at Watto leaving, I felt a glare on the back of the neck. I turned around to find Qui-gon giving me a stare and holding out his lightsaber hilt, ready to defend himself or attack.

"You just used Force powers that was once used by the Dark side" said Qui-gon "Are you a Sith?"

When Obi-wan saw his master with his lightsaber hilt out and ready to use it, he did the same thing and took out his. I looked at Obi-wan and back at Qui-gon

"No, I am no Sith. Also who said they were Dark Side powers?" I asked "Is it because the Jedi Order deemed them to be part of the Dark Side?"

"Yes, since a long time ago, the Jedi Order has deemed that such powers are part of the Dark Side" replied Qui-gon "Those powers you use are violent and cruel, so of course they are deemed part of the Dark Side"

"That's why the Jedi Order is foolish and hardheaded." I laughed " It's there way or the highway, there is no compromise or neutral ground with the Jedi Order. You should know best how foolish and old fashion the Jedi Order and the Council is."

"I also know that you disagree with how the Jedi Council does things, and you don't really see eye to eye with them." I said "You are having your doubts about whether you should stay or leave the Jedi Order."

"How do you know that?" said Qui-gon surprised

Qui-gon slowly lowered his defenses and stared at me curiously. When Obi-wan saw his master lower his guard, he also lowered his lightsaber hilt.

"I know many things, and it's through the will and power of the Force, that I know these things" I said " Now let me make a point about the so called Dark Side Force powers that I used. These Force Powers are given to us from the Force, and the Force isn't Light or Dark. The Force is neutral, and so are the powers given to us Force Users by the Force."

"Hmmm" said Qui-gon thinking about what I just said "You do make a point, the Force is neutral"

"The only reason that the Force Powers that I used are considered part of the Dark Side is that the Sith used them so the Jedi Order deemed those powers to be evil and unnatural, so they label these powers as part of the Dark Side" I said "The Force Powers that I used are neutral since they are given to us by the Force. The Force powers can be used for good or evil, it all depends on the person who uses the Force Powers. Their is no Dark or Light Force Power but only Dark, Light and Neutral Force Users"

"Hmmm" said Qui-gon

Qui-gon started rubbing his chin, thinking about the points I have made. When suddenly we felt a darkness approach us. We turn our heads to see a man in a black cloak with a hood covering his head and face. He was slowly walking until he came into the middle of the street and stopped. He turned towards us and stood there, staring at us.

The black cloaked man then slowly raised his arms and grabbed onto the hood covering his head.

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