The black cloaked man then slowly raised his arms and grabbed onto the hood covering his head. Once the mystery man took off his hood, you could see his red face with black tattoos all over his face, and yellow horns in top of his head. It was Darth Maul, a legendary and cult figure to a lot of Star Wars fans.

"We have company, so let's put off our philosophical discussion for a later date, shall we?" I asked

"Of course, I would love to discuss philosophy with you some more." replied Qui-gon

"Good" I said "Obi, take everyone back to the ship, Qui-gon and I will hold him off." I commanded

"But I can help" said Obi-wan

"No, listen to him" said Qui-gon "You need to protect the boy and everyone else. Make sure they stay safe."

"Ok Master" said Obi-wan

"Master, what about me?" cried out Dia

"You are still to inexperience to fight Dia" I said "So help Obi and protect everyone."

"Ok" pouted Dia

Dia and Obi-wan started escorting the group away.

"HK, stay and record the fight" I commanded quietly

"Affirmation: OK Master" said HK-47 quietly "Query: Do you need my assistance in killing that ugly meatbag, Master?"

"No, I don't want to end the fun so quickly, so just to the side and record the fight." I said

"Affirmation: Ok, Master" said HK-47

HK-47 walked to the side of the street and started recording.

Darth Maul watched as the group of people were running away but he didn't really pay any attention to them, and just mainly focused on me and Qui-gon since he knew we are a threat to him.

Darth Maul took out his classic double bladed lightsaber, and activate one end first then he activated the other end.

I used the force to pull my purple lightsaber into my hand and got into a battle stance, with both hands on the lightsaber, I position the lightsaber hilt near my head, aiming the lightsaber hilt towards Darth Maul and activated my purple lightsaber.

At the same time as me, Qui-gon also got into his battle stance, which looked like a batting stance in baseball, and he activated his green lightsaber.

When the nearby citizens saw was going on, they ran away in a mass panic.

Soon there was no one in the streets except for the three of us.

We stood there, facing each other for a few seconds, waiting to see you would make the first move and take over the momentum of the fight.

The tension in the air was high and tense, when all of a sudden Darth Maul charges at us, starting the fight.

I strike at him from the left and he used his right saber to block, then Qui-Gon strikes on the right and Darth Maul used all of his force to push my lightsaber away and he used his left saber to block Qui-gon's strike and also pushed him away.

I rushed at Maul once again in a lowered position, and tried to strike from below but Maul blocked my strike again. When he blocked my attack, Maul did a roundhouse kick towards my head, so I jumped backwards, and when I jumped backwards, Maul used [Force Push] which sent me crashing towards a nearby building.

Qui-Gon started attacking Maul again while I was crashing towards a building. I used [Force Push] at the building I was about to crash into, which stopped me from crashing into the building, and then I landed on the ground.

"Now, this is some good fun" I said with a big grin. "Too bad I can't use my red lightsaber."

Since I can't ruin my plans of letting Qui-Gon and Obi-wan fight Maul on Naboo and I am unable to use it since it's a red lightsaber.

I rushed towards Maul again, and I noticed a speeder nearby, I thought of a brilliant idea. I strike rapidly at Maul, and circle around him while striking at him, and he turned with me. Once Maul was facing away from the speeder, I jumped backwards while I used [Force Telekinesis] to lift the speeder up and pulled it towards Maul and at the same time I used [Force Pull] on Qui-Gon and dragged him out of the impact zone.

Maul sensed something behind him, and turn around to see the speeder crashing towards him, so he used [Force Jump] and somersaulted over the crashing speeder.

Before he could land on the ground, the speeder exploded and sent Maul tumbling 3 meters away from the impact zone of the speeder.

Maul stood up, and glared at me with anger in his eyes. He charged at me, and I also charged at him. We traded swings at each other, and we each block each other's strikes. Maul was pissed, and while we were striking at each other, he also used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up 3 nearby crates, and hurled them at me.

Sensing what he was doing, I took off my right hand off of my lightsaber while using my left hand to wield it and continue striking at Maul. I held out my right hand and used [Force Telekinesis] to take control of the three crates, and hurled them at Maul.

Seeing the crates that were meant for me, being hurled against him, Maul dodged out of the way of the crates. He was starting to get angrier at me, and I could sense the anger inside of him.

Qui-Gon came behind Maul and tried to land a strike on him, but twirled around and blocked the strike. While Maul was distracted, I used [Force Telekinesis] on him, and slammed him into a nearby building.

Maul was getting even more pissed off at me, and I feel that I might become his new arch-nemesis instead of Obi-wan.

Maul stood back up when a shadow was hovering above us, blocking out the sun. When we looked up, we saw my ship the Defender hovering over head. The three of us looked up at my ship, and saw the guns on it aiming at Maul.

While Obi-wan and I were keeping an eye on Maul, Maul saw that the situation wasn't very favorable for him, so he quickly dashed into a nearby alleyway.

"Looks like he is running away ." said Qui-Gon "Should we go after him?"

"No, I feel that we will see him again soon." I said

"If you say so" said Qui-Gon

The Defender slowly hovers down near the street, when the ship was low as it can go without damaging the surrounding buildings, the ramp on the ship lowered down.

Qui-Gon and I used [Force Jump] and landed on the ramp, I then used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up HK-47 onto the ramp, and we walked up the ramp into the ship. Anakin come running up to us.

" Are you all right?" asked Anakin

"I think so..." said Qui-Gon "That was a surprise, that I won't soon forget."

"What was it?" asked Obi-wan

"I don't know..." replied Qui-Gon "But he was well trained in the Jedi arts. My

guess is he was after the Queen..."

"I know what he was" I said

What was he?" asked both Qui-Gon and Obi-wan

"He is a Sith Apprentice to a Sith Lord" I replied

"WHAT!" cried out Obi-wan

"That does make sense" said Qui-Gon "We need to go see the Jedi Council and inform them of this new information."

"Do you think he'll follow us?" asked Anakin with some worry in his face

"We'll be safe enough once we're in hyperspace" replied Qui-Gon "But I have no

doubt he knows our destination."

"What are we going to do about it?" asked Anakin

Obi-wan gave Anakin a look and patted him on the end

"We will be patient, Anakin Skywalker" said Qui-Gon "Now lets go, it's about time we get back to Coruscant "

Everyone walks into the cockpit of the Defender.

"Take us away" commanded Qui-Gon to the pilot in the cockpit

Soon the stars streak outside the cockpit window and the Defender enters hyperspace.

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