Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 33: Arriving on Coruscant

Everyone walks into the cockpit of the Defender.

"Take us away" commanded Qui-Gon to the pilot in the cockpit

Soon the stars streak outside the cockpit window and the Defender enters hyperspace.

-Later -

The ship is asleep. The lights are dim as I watch Padme walk into the secondary Conference room aboard the Defender. She goes to the conference table and watches the Governor Bibble plea recording.

I could see her sad and tired look, so I walked up behind her and held her in my arms to give her comfort.

"Don't worry, your people are safe. Your people will come to no harm, I made some preparations to make sure of that." I said

"Thank you" said Padme as she relaxes in my arms "I just wish there was more I could do to help my people."

"You are doing your best, and you are doing a great job of helping your people." I said "Go back to your room now and rest. You can't do anything to help your people, if you are sleep deprived and tired."

"Thank you Jerid" said Padme with a smile on her face.

Padme kissed me on the cheek of my mask and ran off to her room to rest while hiding her blushing cheeks.

After watching Padme run off, I walked into the Main Conference Room. Because there weren't enough bunks for everyone aboard, I see Jar Jar stretched out on the floor, snoring very loudly. R2-D2 was off to one side, cooing as he rests.

As soon as I walked into the Main Conference Room, I could sense someone watching me and I turn to the left to see Anakin laying on one of the three couches in the room with his mother.

I went over the couch on the right side of the room and sat down.

I can see Dia sleeping on the third couch in front of the holobook library. I sensed some movement in the room and saw Anakin slowly and gently getting up from the couch, so he wouldn't wake his mother.

As soon as he was up from the couch, he walked over to me and sat down next to me.

"So mister, are you also a Jedi Master?" asked Anakin with curiosity

"No, I am not a Jedi, little one" I answered "But I am a Force User"

"I see" replied Anakin

Anakin then started looking at his mom, and he started to have a sadden look.

"Mister, do you know what will happen to my mom?" asked Anakin "I am happy that she is no longer a slave but now she has nowhere to go."

I ruffled Anakin's hair

"I can asked the Queen to make her a maid" I said "Then your mom will be able to earn money, eat three meals a day and have a warm bed to sleep in."

Anakin turned to me with bright eyes and joy on his face.

"Can you really convince the Queen to help my mom?" said Anakin

"Don't worry, the Queen is very kind and caring, so she will definitely help your mom out" I said

Anakin was overcome with happiness that he gave me a hug.

"Thank you Mister" said Anakin while hugging me.

"Ok little one, go lay back down with your mom and go to sleep, you need your rest." I said

I then bought two blankets from my Shop Page, and then they appeared in my hands.

"WOW!" exclaimed Anakin, amazed about the blankets appearing out of thin air.

"Here, take this blanket to keep you and your mom warm when you sleep." I said

"Thank you" said Anakin

He grabbed a blanket and went back to his mom.

I then took the second blanket and went over to Dia. She was sleeping very peacefully with a smile on her face. I gently placed the blanket on her, and gently stroke her head.

"Sleep tight and sweet dreams" I whispered gently into her ear.

The next day, we arrived in the sector of Coruscant, everyone was in the cockpit looking at the planet in front of us. Padme, Dia, Anakin and his mother were in awe of the planet. Soon, the Defender flies over the endless cityscape of Coruscant, the capital of the galaxy.

Anakin, his mother and Dia looks out the cockpit window in awe.

"Coruscant...the capital of the Republic..." I said to Anakin "the entire planet is one big city."

"Wow! It's so huge!" said Anakin "Mom, look at all of these tall buildings"

The Defender continues to fly through the cityscape of Coruscant. Soon the Defender was landing on the Senate Landing Platform. Through the cockpit window, I spotted Supreme Chancellor Valorum with several Senate and Senator Palpatine standing on the landing platform.

The Defender lands on the platform and its ramp lowers. Obi-wan, Qui-gon, Jar Jar and Anakin descend the ramp first. Qui-gon and Obi-wan bowed before Palpatine and Valorum. When seeing their actions, Jar Jar and Anakin also bowed.

Soon Captain Panaka was walking down with 6 guards and scanned the area before letting Padme come out. Once, they make sure the area was clear, I walked down the ramp with Padme, her Handmaidens and my apprentice, Dia. Once out of the ship, we stopped before the group.

While we were standing in a cluster, Anakin with his mother and Jar Jar were standing to one side, looking at the huge city surrounding them. Dia was also wanting to take a look around her but she willed herself not to, so not to embarrass her master by looking like some kind of tourist

Senator Palpatine bows before Padme

"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty." says Palpatine "May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."

" Welcome, Your Highness. It is an honor to finally meet you in person." said Supreme Chancellor Valorum "I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position."

"I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor." says Padme decked out in her Queen outfit

Palpatine starts to lead Padme and her Handmaidens and guards off the platform toward a waiting air taxi.

"There is a question of procedure, but I feel confident we can overcome it..." says Palpatine to Padme

I motion Anakin, his mother and Jar Jar to follow along with Padme. Anakin turns his head to Qui-gon, and he nods his head, so the three went after Padme's group

Before heading after Padme, I stepped in front of Qui-gon.

"Qui-gon, here is a video of our fight with the assailant" I said "It will help you provide evidence to your Jedi Council about your conclusion of the return of a certain group of people"

I then handed Qui-gon a video chip with the recording of our fight.

"How do you?" asked Qui-gon surprisingly

"I have my ways of knowing things" I said

"Why don't you come with me and meet them?" asked Qui-gon

I could guess what he wants, he probably wants me to join the Jedi Order.

"How about later tonight when they test Anakin." I said

Qui-gon was surprised about my reply

"Ok" said Qui-gon

"Before I leave, I have a piece of advice for you" I said

"What is it?" asked Qui-gon

"Don't get your hopes up about Anakin" I said while walking away.

Qui-gon's face started to give off a worrying look, when he heard my piece of advice.

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