Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 35: The Senate Meeting Part 1

"Thank you very much Master" bowed Qui-gon "Also Masters, before I came to seek your council, the mysterious Force User also prophesized that you will be testing the boy tonight, so he said he will come meet you then."

-Queen's Quarters-

"Jerid, what do you think I should about this Senate meeting? Should I really call for a vote of no confidence of the Chancellor?" asked Padme who was tired and deeply worried about her planet and people.

Before I began talking with Padme, I used my Force Power [Mechu-deru] to scan for any kind of listening device, and I wasn't surprised but I found four such device in this room. So I used [Mech-deru] to disable them. Now with the listening devices deactivated, I began to talk.

"Your Majesty, you have nothing to worry about. Your planet and your people are completely safe from harm, before we left I was able to sneak onto the Federation's ships and reprogramed all of their droids." I said "With a single command from me, the Battle Droids will switch to our sides and fight for us."

"WHAT! REALLY!" cried out Padme "Then why are we even here, when you could have turned the tides of the invasion, and stop the Trade Federation from take over my planet, why didn't you stop it!"

Padme was angry with me when she heard that I reprogramed the battle droids to fight for us and didn't stop the invasion from happening.

"I didn't stop it, because this invasion is a necessary step for you to grow. So I took some precautions so that nothing bad will happen" I said "Also you need to see how inefficient the democracy of the Republic is, and how corrupt politicians can destroy it, what I am trying to say is that the Republic's democracy is dead. When a government gets this big with so many representatives then it will fail to help the less fortunate, you have seen it first hand on Tatooine with how their is still slavery"

"I know that the Republic has failed to help a lot of people but the Republic can still turn things around and help them." said Padme with determination and anger" I will show you that the Senate will help us, and that democracy isn't dead, and it's still alive."

"The Republic can't help anyone with most of the politicians only looking out for their own interest, especially Senator Palpatine." I said

"That is not true, Senator Palpatine is a kind and caring man." said Padme "He is loyal to Naboo and cares about his home planet."

That's not true in the slightest" I replied "If you call for a vote of no confidence at the Senate then Palpatine will use the Invasion of Naboo to help him receive many sympathy votes to help boost his position to become Supreme Chancellor of the Republic."

"That's not true" cried out Padme "He cares about democracy and peace, he is a good man, I know it."

"If that is true, then why does Palpatine have listening devices in this room" I said

I stood up, and walked over to a statue of an animal that was placed on a table against the wall, and grabbed a device that was place in top of the animal's mouth. Once I took the device off, I tossed it to Padme.

"This is...a listening device!" said Padme who was shock. "This can't be true."

"It is true, your Majesty" I said "Palpatine isn't who you think he is, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a helping hand behind the Trade Federation's Invasion."

"NO" cried Padme "That is not the man I know of, he has fought hard for Naboo, and has been a respected Senator for Naboo and it's people."

"Then why would the Trade Federation invade Naboo which is a small planet compared to the many larger planets with a lot of riches in debt to the Trade Federation?" I asked "Does it make any sense at all, they could invade a richer planet, but they invade Naboo instead."

"I don't know" said Padme sadly

"Today, Senator Palpatine hopes for you to call for a vote of no confidence" I said "I want you to not call for it and see what happens. I am pretty sure Palpatine has someone else who will call for the vote in case you don't call for the vote."

"I will think about it" says Padme

"Besides, you don't need the Republic's help against the Trade Federation, with one command the Battle Droids on Naboo and on the Trade Federation ships will capture the Trade Federation Officials, and bring the forth to you." I said "It's time to go to the Senate meeting, and for you to see the incompetence of the Republic's corrupt democracy."

"Alright, let's go" said Padme sadly

"Before we go, take this recording" I said while handing Padme a holopad

"What's on it" asked Padme

"The recording of the meeting of the Trade Federation and the person behind the Invasion of Naboo, you can show it to the Senate." I said

"Ok, we need to hurry" said Padme while taking the holopad with the recording on it

-Later at the Senate Building-

The Senate chambers is huge. There are thousands of Senators and their aides sitting in the circular assembly area. Supreme Chancellor Valorum is sitting in an elevated area in the center of the Senate Assembly. In the halls of the Senate Building, there are hundreds of aides and droids hurrying about, here and there.

Senator Palpatine, Padme, her Handmaidens, Captain Panaka , Dia and me are sitting in the Naboo Congressional Box, which is a floating platform. Palpatine leans over to Padme.

"If the Federation moves to defer the motion...Your Majesty" said Senator Palpatine "I beg of you to call for a vote of no confidence in the Chancellor."

"We will see how things go, Senator" says Padme

"Your Majesty, you must force a new election for Supreme Chancellor" said Palpatine "I promise you there are many who will support is our best chance...our only chance to save Naboo

"You truly believe Chancellor Valorum will not bring our motion to a vote?" asked Padme while inspecting him

"He is distracted..." said Palpatine "He is afraid. He will be of no help to us, so we need one who can replace him and help us, someone like me."

When Padme heard what Palpatine said, she remained silent and started to remember what I said about Palpatine organizing the Invasion of Naboo so he could become Supreme Chancellor, and she started think maybe it might be true.

"The Chair recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Naboo." called out Supreme Chancellor Valorum

When Naboo was called forth, the Naboo congressional box started floating into the center of the Senate.

"Supreme Chancellor, delegates of the Senate. A tragedy has occured on our peaceful system of Naboo." said Palpatine "We have become caught in a dispute you're all well aware of, which began right here with the taxation of trade routes, and has now engulfed our entire planet in the oppressions of the Trade Federation."

When Palpatine finished his introduction speech, a second congressional box rushes into the center of the Senate. The box was filled with Federation trade barons led by Lott Dod, the Senator for the Federation.

"This is outrageous!" cried out Senator Lott "I object to the Senator's statements!"

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