Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 36: The Senate Meeting Part 2

"This is outrageous!" cried out Senator Lott of the Trade Federation "I object to the Senator's statements!"

"The Chair does not recognize the Senator from the Trade Federation at this time" stated Chancellor Valorum "Please return to your station."

When Lott Dod heard Valorum telling to go back, he reluctantly moves the congressional box to its rightful place.

"To state our allegations, I present Queen Amidala" said Palpatine

Pamde stands up in the congressional box with all the eyes of the Senate on her. There was some applause for her. While Padme was looked at all of the Senators, I could sense that she was tense and nervous but she soon started to calm herself down.

"Honorable representatives of the Republic, distinguished delegates, and Your Honor Supreme Chancellor Valorum" called out Padme "I come to you under the gravest of circumstances. My home planet of Naboo has been invaded by force. Invaded...against all the laws of the the Droid Armies of the Trade...

Soon, the congressional box of the Trade Federation rushes into the center of the Seante.

"I object!" cried of Senator Lott Dod "There is no proof. This is incredible. We recommend a commission be sent to Naboo to ascertain the truth of these accusations."

"Overruled." cried out Chancellor Valorum

"Your Honor, you cannot allow us to be condemned without reasonable observation." cried out Senator Lott Dod "It's against all the rules of procedure."

After making his statement, a third congressional box moves into the center with the Ambassador Aks Moe from the Congress of Malastare. Ambassador Moe starts to address the Senate.

"The Congress of Malastare concurs with the honorable delegate from the Trade Federation." stated Ambassador Moe "A commision must be appointed...that is the law."

"The point..." said Chancellor Valorum, when he starts to confer with his aides and his Vice Chairman Mas Amedda about the subject.

Palpatine leans forward near Padme's ear and whispers.

"Now enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation" whispers Palpatine "I might add, that this is where Chancellor Valorum's strength and power will disappear."

"The point is conceded...Section 523A take precedence here." said Chancellor Valorum sadly "Queen Amidala of the planet, Naboo, will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?"

I sense Padme starting to become angry at indecisiveness of the Senate and of Chancellor Valorum for not helping her people but she slowly calmed herself down again and relaxed her heart, since she knowns that she needs a clear mind and heart to make good decision. After calming down, Padme starts speaking and remembers the holopad that I have given her.

"Chancellor and members of the Senate, I will not defer since I have come here to resovle this attack on our sovereignty now. I was not elected to watch my people suffer. said Padme

Padme then lifts up the holopad that I have given her in the air for the Senate to see.

"On this holopad is a video evidence of the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation" cried out Padme

The whole Senate erupt into shock and everyone started talking and whispering.

When Palpatine saw the holopad and Padme claiming to have evidence of the Trade Federation invading Naboo, his mood started sour greatly while looking at Padme holding the holopad, and thinking of his plans coming to ruin because of it. He took out a holopad as well, and started typing a message to activate his backup plan.

Padme hands the holopad to an aide who then connects the holopad to some connectors in the congressional box, and then a hologram projection of the video appeared in the center of the Senate.

In the projection, was Viceroy Nute and his aide Rune standing before the hologram of Darth Sidious.

"The invasion of Naboo is on schedule, My Lord." says Viceroy Nute bowing before the hologram of Darth Sidious.

"Good. I have the Senate bogged down in procedures." says Darth Sidious "By the time this incident comes up for a vote, they will have no choice but to accept your control of the system.

"The Queen has great faith the Senate will side with her." says Viceroy Nute

"Queen Amidala is young and naïve little girl. You will find controlling her will not be difficult." Says Darth Sidious "You have done well, Viceroy."

"Thank you, My Lord." says Viceroy Nute

The projection of the video ended, and the content of the video had the Senate in silence.

"The video must be a fake" cried out Senator Lott Dod "This video must be a ploy by Queen Amidala to sully the good name of the Trade Federation, how can we trust that this video is real!"

Whispers started going around the Senate about the video, and about Senator Dod's accusations of the video.

Then 20 congressional box floated out.

"We Senators also agree with Senator Dod, that this video could of been faked to sully the Trade Federation, so we believe that the Senate should continue with the decision of having a Commission investigate the outrageous claims of the young Queen." said one of the twenty Senators

"WHAT!" cried out Padme "This video isn't fake!"

"Little Queen, how do we know if it's a fake or not" cried out Senator Dod "The Senate should continue the decision to send a Commission to investigate."

Chancellor Valorum confers with his Vice Chairman and his aides. When they stopped whispering among each other, Chancellor Valorum starts to speak again.

"I have made a decision" stated Chancellor Valorum "Even though the video evidence provided by Queen Amidala could be real, we don't know that for certain so we should have a Commission investigate whether or not if the Trade Federation invaded the system of Naboo."

When Padme heard Chancellor Valorum's decision, she was deeply sadden.

Palpatine leans forward and whispers in Padme's ear again.

"You see your Majesty, The Chancellor is weak and powerless to help our people." says Palpatine "We need someone who is stronger to lead the Republic, so please call for a 'vote of no confidence' in Chancellor Valorum's leadership"

"I will do no such thing" stated Padme while inspecting Palpatine "I have made a deal with an ally, and the ally will help us resolve the invasion of Naboo."

"But your Highness, a new leadership is needed" said Palpatine who I could feel was getting angry inside "You need to call for a 'vote of no confidence'"

"I feel that we don't need to do such a thing" stated Padme

B...but your Highness" cried out Palpatine

"That's enough, I have made my decision" stated Padme

"Yes, your Majesty" said Palpatine with hidden anger in his voice.

As I continue sitting in the congressional box in silence, I was really enjoying the show between Padme and the Senate, and I really like how frustrated Palpatine is getting with his plan being ruin by Padme's determination to not call for a 'vote of no confidence'.

Soon, Palpatine sat back down and started typing on his holopad. As I watched Palpatine type away on his holopad, I started thinking what will he do next. Once Palpatine was done on his holopad, Senator Taa, a known friend of Palpatine moves his congressional box into the center

"I am Senator Taa, and I am good friends of Palpatine." said Senator Taa "I am very disappointed in the Senate especially in our Supreme Chancellor who is so indecisiveness to help a fellow member of our beloved Senate protect their home. So I would like to 'vote for no confidence'... in Chancellor's Valorum's leadership."

"What?..." cried out Chancellor Valorum "No!"

With Senator Taa calling for a 'vote of no confidence', it caused a great stir in the Senate. A loud murmur crescendos into a roar of approval and jeers.

As Chancellor Valorum looks around and listens to the approval and jeers for the 'vote of no confidence', he became stunned and stands speechless as he watches and listens to the Senate. As Chancellor Valorum remains stunned, his Vice Chairman Mas Amedda takes over.

"Order!" commanded Mas Amedda "We shall have order..."

When Padme heard the call for 'vote of no confidence' from someone, she was stunned and remember about what I said to her earlier. She turns around to look and at Palpatine and see him smiling. When Palpatine see Padme looking at him, he starts to speak.

"Looks like we aren't the only one's dissatisfied with how the Chancellor is handling our case, your Highness." said Palpatine "It's good that we have some good friends and allies in the Senate who want to help us."

"If you say so" says Padme as she continues to watch him and become even more suspicious of him.

Padme then turns to me, and starts thinking about all of the conversations we had on Naboo and the conversation we had earlier before the Senate Meeting.

She started thinking ' Is he right? Is Palpatine really not the man that I think he is? Is Palpatine really behind the Invasion of Naboo?

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