Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 37: Senator Palpatine Nominated

She started thinking ' Is he right? Is Palpatine really not the man that I think he is? Is Palpatine really behind the Invasion of Naboo?

As she was thinking about the things I have said. Things in the Senate started to settle down a little. The Trade Federation's congressional box settles next to Naboo's congressional box. When Padme sees the Trade Federation near her, she glared at them.

While Padme was glaring at the Trade Federation, Prince Bail Organa moves his congressional box into the center of the Senate.

"Alderaan seconds the motion for a 'vote of no confidence' in Chancellor Valorum." calls out Prince Organa

"The motion has been seconded by Bail Organa of Alderaan." stated Vice Chairman Mas Amedda.

After Mas Amedda stated the motion, he turns to the now shocked and confused Valorum, and whispers something into his ear.

"There must be no delays." cried out Prince Organa "The motion is on the floor and must be voted upon in this session."

"The Trade Federation moves the motion be sent to the procedures committee for study." said Senator Dodd

Afterwards, a lot of Senators and people started to chant, while this was going on, Chancellor Valorum talks to Mas Amedda

As Chancellor Valorum was talking, people started to chanted "Vote now! Vote now! Vote now!"

Palpatine walks up and stands next to Padme

"You see, Your Majaesty, we have many allies and friends in the Senate who want to help us fight against the Invasion of the Trade Federation, and they know that we need a stronger Chancellor to help us" said Palpatine "The tide is with us...soon Valorum will be voted out, I assure you that the Senate will elect in a new Chancellor, a strong Chancellor, one who will not let our tragedy continue..."

"Please be silent" commanded Padme "I am thinking"

Padme didn't want Palpatine to talk anymore and didn't want to here his words since she is now doubting Palpatine.

"Yes, your Majesty" said Palpatine but deep down in him, I could sense his anger towards Padme

"The Supreme Chancellor requests a recess." cried out Mas Amedda "Tomorrow we will begin the vote."

When the Trade Federation delegation heard Mas Amedda, they became furious. Mas Amedda turns to Valorum and whispers again into his ear, and soon there was shock and sadness on his face. Valorum then turns to Palpatine

"Palpatine, I thought you were my friend." said Chancellor Valorum sadly "You have betrayed me! How could you do this?"

At the same time as the Senate meeting was ending, Obi-wan and Qui-gon were standing outside the Jedi Temple on a balcony, overlooking the city.

"The boy will not pass the Council's tests, Master" said Obi-wan "And you know

it. He is far too old to become a Padawan"

"Anakin will become a Jedi..." said Qui-gon "I promise you that it will happen"

"Don't defy the Council, Master" cried Obi-wan "..not again."

"I will do what I must." said Qui-gon

"Master, you could be sitting on the Council by now if you would just follow the code and the will of the Council" said Obi-wan "They will not go along with you this time."

"You still have much to learn, my young apprentice." smiled Qui-gon

Qui-gon walks back into the Jedi Temple, leaving Obi-wan on the balcony

Later that night, in the Jedi Council Chamber, Anakin is standing before the twelve Jedi Masters. Mace Windu is holding a small hand-held viewing screen. On the screen in rapid succession were images flashing across it.

"A ship...a cup....a speeder" said Anakin

With Anakain passing the little test, Mace Windu turns off the viewing screen and gives a nod to Yoda.

"Good, good, young one. " said Yoda "How feel you?"

"A little cold, sir." said Anakin

"Afraid are you?" asked Yoda

"No, sir." replied Anakin

"Afraid to give up your life?" asked Mace Windu

Anakin hesitates with his answer before he finally replies

"I don't think so." said Anakin

"See through you, we can." said Yoda

"Be mindful of your feelings...young one" said Mace Windu

"Your thoughts dwell on your mother." said Ki-adi

"I am worried about her. I worry if she will be alright without me" replied Anakin

"Afraid to lose her..". said Yoda "I think."

"What's that got to do with anything?" asked Anakin with a little anger in his voice

"Everything. Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering." said Yoda

"I am not afraid!" said Anakin angrily

"A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. Much fear in you, I sense." said Yoda

"I am not afraid." said Anakin quietly

"Then continue, we will." said Yoda

At the same time as Anakin interview with the Jedi Council, Palpatine and Captain Panaka rush into the room where Padme, Dia and I were resting. They bowed before her.

"Your Highness, we have some great news." cried out Captain Panaka "Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Valorum as Supreme Chancellor."

When Padme heard the news, she glanced at me, remembering about what I told her about how Palpatine helped the Trade Federation invade Naboo so he could run and win the position of Supreme Chancellor.

Palpatine steps forward

"A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one." said Palpatine with a big smile on his face "I promise, Your Majesty, if I am elected, I will bring democracy back to the Republic. I will put an end to corruption. The Trade Fedreation will lose its influence over the bureaucrats, and our people will be freed."

"Who else can be nominated?" asked Padme

"Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ainlee Teem of Malastare." replied Captain Panaka

"Why don't we support Bail Antilles of Alderaan to win the election then" said Padme "Alderaan is one of our allies."

"Your Majesty, I feel that is a poor choice. I believe that I would be a better and stronger choice" said Palpatine "With great confidence I believe if I win the election and with our 'situation; it will create a lot of sympathy votes for us, and I will become Chancellor, then I will be able to save our home, I promise you."

"I see" said Padme without any joy "Now that it is clear to me that the Republic no longer functions as a democracy, and the Republic won't help protect Naboo, I can't do just sit here anymore. I am going back to Naboo tonight."

"Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be realistic!" said Palpatine "You would be in danger. They will force you to sign the treaty."

"I will sign no treaty, Senator." said Padme "I will be safe with my bodyguard and his apprentice by my side, and it's my duty to protect my people. Captain!"

When Padme mentions me to Palpatine, he starts eyeing me and Dia with curiosity, and was trying to analyze us. At the same time, Captain Panaka rushes into the room.

"Yes, Your Highness?" said Captain Panaka

"Ready my ship!" commanded Padme "We are leaving for Naboo tonight."

"Please, Your Majesty, stay here...where it's safe." begged Captain Panaka

"As long as he is here, I will be safe" said Padme as she gestures at me "Also he has a plan to defeat the Trade Federation's droid army and save Naboo."

"WHAT!" cried out Palpatine in surprise "Does he truly have a plan? If he does, what is his plan?"

"He has informed me of his plan to defeat the Trade Federation earlier today, and I believe that his plan can work" said Padme "And sorry Senator but that is a secret"

"But your Majesty, surely you can inform us of the plan to take back Naboo?" said Palpatine "Since we all want to save Naboo from the clutches of the Trade Federation."

"Sorry but no" said Padme "The walls might have ears, so it's better to keep the plan a secret."

Padme walks out of the room, Dia and I follow behind her. When we left, Palpatine had a worried expression on his face, and was getting scared of scared of me since he could analyze or sense anything about me.

"Your Majesty, before we go back to Naboo, there are a couple of things I must do before we leave" I said

"How long do you need then? asked Padme

"Not long, just 2 hours at the minimum" I said "3 max"

"Ok" said Padme "I believe in you"

"Thank you, your Majesty" I said "For putting your trust in me, I promise to not let you down, and to save Naboo for you."

I gave Padme a small bow before ending to the front entrance of the condo we were in.

"Dia, come with me" I commanded

"Yes, Master" replied Dia "So Master, where are we going?"

"We are going to meet some foolish jedi" I said "And then we have a meeting with a vassal of mine"

"I see" said Dia curiously with a thinking expression and a finger on her chin. "Sounds like fun"

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