Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 38: Meeting the Jedi High Council

Inside the Council Chambers of the Jedi Temple stood Anakin, Obi-wan and Qui-gon before the twelve Jedi Master of the Jedi Council

"...Correct you were, Qui-Gon." Yoda said

"His cells contain a very high concentration of midi-chlorians." said Mace Windu

"And the Force is strong with him." commented Ki-adi

"He's to be trained, then." said Qui-gon with hopeful expression.

The Jedi Council looked at one another, then back to Qui-gon

"No." said Yoda "Trained, he will not be.

When Anakin heard their decision, he became crestfallen and tears begin to form in his eyes.

"No??!!" cried out Qui-gon

Besides Qui-gon, Obi-wan smiles at the decision of the Council

"He is too old to be trained" replied Mace Windu "There is already too much anger in him, which could lead him to the Dark Side"

"He is the chosen one..." cried Qui-gon "You must see it."

"Clouded, this boy's future is." said Yoda "Masked by his youth."

"I will train him, then." cried out Qui-gon "I will take Anakin as my Padawan learner."

When Obi-wan heard Qui-gon, he became surprised at Qui-gon determination and decision. At the same time, Anakin's tears stopped forming, and he watches Qui-gon with interest and a hopeful expression.

"Allow, we can not" said Yoda "Too much fear and anger, he has"

"We forbid it." said Mace Windu

"But Masters, Anakin is clearly the chosen one" cried Qui-gon "I believe he is the one who will bring balance to the Force."

"Chosen one, he may be" said Yoda "Too risky to be trained, he is"

"The Council will not allow you to train the boy" commanded Mace Windu "If you try to train, the Council will have no choice but to exile you from the Jedi Order, we have been pretty lenient with your past actions but we can't allow you to continue defy the rules of the Jedi Order."

Obi-wan was shocked that his Master might be exiled from the Order, and when Qui-gon heard Mace Windu, he stood their with a determine expression.

Soon all of the Jedi Council members, Qui-gon and Obi-wan felt a disturbance in the Force. Then right behind Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Anakin, appeared a black hole in the shape of a door.

When the black hole appeared, all of the Jedi Masters stood up from their seats in battle ready stance and their lightsaber hilts drawn from their belt.

Then a voice came from the black hole

"It's nice to meet me you all" I said while stepping out of the black hole "But what kind of welcome is this, with your lightsabers out, ready to attack."

Following behind me, was my apprentice, Dia. Dia was excited and amazed by the black hole, and how I can travel great distances with it.

Soon, the black hole disappeared. Dia and I are now standing before the Jedi Council, who are still ready to attack at a moments notice.

"How did you get in here" cried out Mace Windu

"The one we saw in the video, you are" said Yoda

"Yes, I am the man in the video, Master Yoda" I said

"Know of me, you do?" asked Yoda

"I know a little of you Master Yoda" I said while slightly bowing towards Yoda "I know you are a wise and kind Jedi Master who has taught so many younglings for over 800 years old."

"Know me, you do" said Yoda

"Master Yoda, please stop talking with the intruders" said Mace Windu "Now Tell me, how you got into the Jedi Council's Chamber and your purpose in being here."

Mace Windu, a Jedi Master who I very much didn't like because of his distrustful attitude of Anakin when he was a Jedi. He was also one of the many reasons why Anakin turned to the Dark Side.

"Mace Windu, a stubborn, grim and disdainful man who is blinded by his stupidity" I said "I really dislike you"

"What did you say!" called out Mace Windu

"Calm down, you must" said Yoda

"I am here to pick up Anakin" I said "Since the Jedi Order is too stubborn to train him."

"That is because the boy is too old to train" said Mace Windu "He has too much fear in him which the Dark Side can use to tempt"

"So what, just. Just because a kid has some fear, that makes him unworthy to be taught. He is a little kid for godsakes. This is why I hate how the Jedi Order does things" I scoffed "As long as he has a good teacher like Qui-gon here, who can show him the way to handle his emotions, then I am sure Anakin will become a very powerful Force User."

"Distain for the Jedi Order, you have ." said Yoda

"I don't have distain for the Jedi Order, Master Yoda" I said "If fact, I believe that the Jedi Order does a lot a great good, its just that I hold great disdain for Jedi like Mace Windu here. Jedi like him will be the downfall of the Jedi Order."

"Why you..." said Mace Windu before I interrupted him

"I have some advise for the Jedi Order and the Jedi High Council" I said

"The Jedi Order needs no advice from a strange man like you" yelled Mace Windu

"Master Windu, calm down you, you must" said Yoda "Advise for us, you have? Do tell."

Master Yoda, you can't be serious about this, can you?" asked Mace Windu

"Dark Side in him, there is not" said Yoda while smiling at me "Balance of the Force in him, I feel. No harm in hearing him out, there is."

"What Master Yoda says is true" says Ki-adi "I can't feel any kind of Darkness inside of him. Why don't we see what he has to say"

"Thank you" I said "My advise is this, if the Jedi Order doesn't evolve and change its ways, then the Jedi Order will bring about it's own downfall. You will lose a lot of good Jedi with the way you do things, which in turns weakens the Jedi Order. The Jedi Order should adopt Qui-gon's way of doing things."

"The ancient traditions of the Order has worked for centuries, there is no need to change them" cried out Mace Windu " Also who cares if we lose a few rebellious and unorthodox Jedi, they bring dishonor to the Jedi Order, and the Order has survived for centuries with it's traditions and it will continue to survive for generations to come."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that" I said

While some of the Jedi Masters like Yoda were more open-minded, they were thinking of what I said, but some of them were also old fashion and believed in the ancient traditions of the Jedi Order, and just ignored my advice, just like Mace Windu.

After thinking about my advice, Yoda started speaking

"Wise, powerful and balance in the Force, you are" said Yoda "Join the Jedi Order, why don't you? Help the Order, you might."

"Master Yoda, you can't be serious in letting this complete unorthodox of a stranger join the Order." stated Mace Windu

"Master Yoda, while I do appreciated your offer but I sadly have to decline" I said "Since I plan on creating a place of my own"

While we are talking, Dia was being curious. She looked at each of the Jedi Master then she started looking around the Chamber with wonder in her eyes. After a while, she focused her attention on Yoda. Yoda then noticed her gaze on him.

"This youngling, what is your name?" asked Yoda with curiosity

When Yoda asked about her, Dia turned her head and stared at Yoda.

"My name is Dia" said Dia while bowing towards Yoda "I am the apprentice and one of the future wives of my Master"

"Blasphemy" cried out Mace Windu with disdain in his voice "What you just spoke is unholy. Not just forming attachments but having a lover relationship between a Master and Apprentice is just sickening."

When Dia heard him, and saw the disdainful look in his eyes, she was a little frighten and backed up a couple of feet. When I saw that, I stood in front of her.

"You better shut the hell up, asshole." I said with disdain "Who the hell gave you right to judge our way of the Force, you bald idiot. "

When I cursed at Mace Windu, everyone in the Chambers was taken back by what I said.

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