Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 39: Finding... (Title at End)

(Warning: Cliff Hanger but there is a big surprise at the end)

When I cursed at Mace Windu, everyone in the Chambers was taken back by what I said.

"You think your ancient traditions and ways of the Jedi Order are the only right way of the Force, but you are blinded and your mind is so clouded that you can think or see clearly." I said "The Force is like a tree, the trunk is the Force, and it's branches are the different paths of the Force. There is not just one right path of the Force, but hundreds, maybe even thousands of paths that can be taken which can represent good or bad."

"Hmmm" said Yoda

While Yoda was thinking about what I said, while Mace Windu glared at me with disdain.

"But now is not the time for talking about our different views and philosophy of the Force" I said "Queen Amidala is returning to Naboo, which will put her in danger and put pressure on the Trade Federation. Her return will widen the confrontation on Naboo and her arrival will draw out..."

"Draw out the Queen's attacker, it might" said Yoda

"These events are moving fast...too fast" said Ki-adi

"Qui-gon and Obi-wan, go with the Queen to Naboo and discover the identity of this dark warrior." commanded Mace Windu "Capture him if you can, he is the clue we need to unravel this mystery of the Sith."

"Decide Young Skywalker's fate later, we can" said Yoda "Take him back to his mother, you should."

"Yes, Master" said Qui-gon "

"Protect the Queen, but do not intercede if it comes to war not until we have the Senate's approval. If there is no approval by then, then you will have to leave the Queen to her fate " commanded Mace Windu "Now go and May the Force be with you"

"May the Force be with you." said Yoda and the other Jedi Masters

"Master Qui-gon, Obi-wan, Anakin let us get going" I said turning towards the exit.

"Hold it right there, where do you think you are going" called out Mace Windu

I stopped and turned around to face Mace Windu

"Let him go, you should" said Yoda "He is needed on Naboo, I feel"

"But Master Yoda, he is a unorthodox Force Wielder, who was suddenly able to teleport into our Council Chambers, we should at least detain him and interrogate him, so we can find out his purpose in being here."

Master Windu, listen to me, you should" said Master Yoda "If he isn't on Naboo something bad will happen, I sense"

"But Master Yoda, this man could be a threat to the Jedi Order" said Mace Windu

"No threat, he is" said Yoda "Surrounded by the Force, I sense"

"Right, Master Yoda is" said Yaddle "One with the Force, this one is"

"Thank you Master Yoda and Master Yaddle" I said while bowing towards him

When I said Master Yaddle's name, she was a little surprised.

"Of me, you know?" asked Master Yaddle

"Of course, I do" I said "Just like Master Yoda here, you are one of the most compassionate and kind Jedi Master around in the Jedi Order. You and Yoda are the some of the few Jedi that I highly respect and look up to"

"Oh, how kind of you to say" said Master Yaddle with a warming smile "I am not as compassionate as Master Yoda"

"Master Yaddle, don't cut yourself to short" I said "I know of how you helped the people of Koba rebuild their society even though they had trapped you in a cave for a century and instead of resenting them, you even felt sorry for them."

Know my past, you do" said Master Yaddle with a look of surprise

"I am sorry Master Yaddle, Master Yoda but I must cut our talks short" I said "I must leave now since I have some more business to take care of before heading back to Naboo but I thank you for listening to my words, and for meeting you"

"May the Force be with you" said Master Yaddle and Master Yoda

As I was about turn around to leave, the Force suddenly started gathered around me, gently flowing through me and caressing me. It halted my steps by holding me back, stopping me from leaving. When the Jedi Masters in the room felt the huge amount Force gathering around me and caressing me, they were shocked by it since they have never seen anything like this happen before in their entire lives. It was like the Force was cherishing me, like it was my mother, and I was her son.

I then felt the Force started pulling along, wanting me to follow it, so I went along with the Forces pulling. As the Jedi Masters felt the Force guiding me to something, they were surprised by it, and their was a look of shock on Mace Windu's face.

"Love by the Force, I feel he is" said Master Yoda "Follow after him, we should"

"Agree with Master Yoda, I do" said Master Yaddle. "Like a part of the Force I sense, he is."

"Where is the Force guiding him to, I wonder" said Ki-adi

"Let's go and find out" said Master Yoda

As the Force continued guiding me, everyone in the Council Chamber decided to follow after me and to see where the Force is guiding me.

I walked out of the Council Chamber, and went down the tower in an elevator. I went down the hall that leads to the elevator, down some stairs on the left, and went down another hall, took a right and went down another hall.

I went down a few more halls and down a couple of stairs until I went out a door and was outside. I walked towards a balcony that was overlooking a courtyard, and in the courtyard where 20 younglings, ranging from ages of 3 to 10. The younglings were being taught by a Jedi Instructor.

Continuing to follow right behind me, were the 12 Jedi Masters, Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Anakin. As the group watch on, I gaze upon the 20 younglings being instructed by a Jedi when the Force had me focus on one of the children in the middle of the children. The child was a 4 year old little togurta girl with orange skin and a white montral with blue markings.

I quickly was able to recognized who she was, the little togurta girl is a young Ashoka Tano. Ashoka Tano was by far one of my favorite characters from the Star Wars Universe

'I guess the Force knew of my desire to save Ashoka Tano from her cruel fate' I thought 'The Force must of guided me to her, so I can fulfilled my desire of saving her from her and make her into one of my future wives.'

As I gaze upon Ashoka Tano, I remember the episode from the Clone Wars animation series, where she was falsely accused of committing a crime by the Jedi Order, the Order that she placed all of her trust and belief in. When that happened, she was crushed and became disillusioned with the Order. I still remember that sad look that she had on her face in the episode.

I then used [Force Jump] to go over the balcony and landed into the courtyard, superhero style. I stood up, and walked over to the group of younglings.

The Jedi Master's group followed me but instead of jumping down, they walked down by using some nearby stairs.

As I approached the group, the Jedi Instructor stepped into my path holding his lightsaber hilt, and stopped me from approaching the younglings.

"Who are you?" asked the Jedi Instructor

I stayed silent, and gazed at the Ashoka, she was so little and cute. I started to remember how she grew in the Clones Wars from a teenager to an adult.

Soon, the Jedi Master's group approached right behind me.

"Who is it that you are looking for?" asked the Jedi Instructor

"I am here for Ashoka Tano" I said

When Ashoka heard me say her name, she was surprise and a little shy, so she hid behind one of the older and taller younglings, while also peeking out behind the other youngling.

"Why are you looking for her?" asked Master Yoda

"I am going to save her from the suffer that the Jedi Order will cause her." I said

Title: Finding Ashoka Tano

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