Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 41: Chaper 38: First Kiss

"I look forward to seeing you again" I said "Bye, Ahsoka"

I patted Ahsoka on the head, then I walked next to Dia, and grabbed onto her waist. I opened up a black hole using [Force Travel] and jumped inside with Dia.

-Jedi Master's POV-

"Master Yoda, we should of capture that man" said Mace Windu

"No. Capture him, we should not." said Master Yoda "Needed on Naboo I fear, he is. Something bad might happen on Naboo, I feel."

"You can't be serious Master Yoda" said Mace Windu "This man even tried to poach and led a youngling from the Order down a corrupt path, which is unforgiveable."

"Doubt not the ways of the Force. It tests us at times, but believe it will lead us where we are meant to be, we must." advised Master Yoda "If the Force wants the youngling to go with the man, then what the Force wants, it is."

"But that man is improper, plus his Ways of the Force is disgusting. Making his apprentice his wife." said Mace Windu "He is basically going down a corrupt path, and he is taking that apprentice of his, down with him."

"The Force works in mysterious, it does." said Master Yoda "If the Force wills it, then let it be so. "

"But Master he is going against the Code of the Order" said Mace Windu "He could go to the Dark Side and become a powerful enemy, and we should capture him and eliminate him before he does any kind of harm to the Order or that youngling."

"Love by the Force, he is. Feel it, did you not?" asked Master Yoda "Also true, what he says. Many paths and branches of the Force, there are."

"I did feel it Master Yoda but how can someone who goes against the the true Way of the Force be loved by it." said Mace Windu "He must of used some kind of trick to try and trick us all. Also Master there is only one true way of the Force, and that's the Order's Way"

"Master Windu, open up your mind, you must" said Master Yoda "Manipulated like that, The Force can not be. Also many paths of the Force, there are. Not only our Way"

"But Master....." said Mace Windu

"No more shall we discuss about that man." said Master Yoda "Search for the remnant of the Sith Shrine immediately, we must."

"But that man could be lying to us. Trying to take us on a wild bantha chase." said

Mace Windu "Also if he even is telling the truth, we don't know where to look, and we can't go on a wild bantha chase, since we need to investigate the dark warrior that is trying to kill the Naboo Queen."

"Both, we must do" said Master Yoda "Investigate the dark warrior, you will and Search for the remnant of the Sith , I will."

"If that is what you desire, Master Yoda" sighed Mace Windu "We will split our resources and do both task, Master."

After discussing what they will do, Qui-gon and Obi-wan took Anakin away and headed towards where the Defender is parked, so they could protect the Naboo Queen.

Some of the Jedi Masters went off to investigate the dark warrior, and Master Yoda took some Jedi Masters to the bottom of the Temple to search and try to find the remnant of the Sith Shrine underneath the Temple.

While everyone was heading off Mace Windu stayed behind. After everyone was gone, the younglings started discussing what was going on. Some discuss about how they were able to see the great Jedi Masters, while some were talking to Ahsoka to see who the man in the strange mask was and talked to her about what happened.

"You, Instructor come here." commanded Mace Windu

When the Jedi Instructor heard Mace Windu, he ran to Mace Windu.

"Hello, Master Windu." said the Jedi Instructor "What can I do for you?"

"I want you to keep an eye on that togurta youngling" commanded Mace Windu

"You mean Ahsoka Tano?" asked the Jedi Instructor

"Yes, the little togurta youngling" said Mace Windu "If that youngling does anything unorthodox or anything that goes against the Code or the Jedi Order, make sure you you inform me immediately. I feel thanks to that stranger, that she might be tempted to go down a corrupt path."

"But Master Windu, this youngling was brought in by Master Plo Kloon" said the Jedi Instructor "So, if there anything I need to report, then I should really report to him about her."

"No, you will report nothing to him about anything about that youngling" said Mace Windu "Instead you will report to me, that's an order."

"Ok, Master Windu" sighed the Jedi Instructor

Before leaving, Mace Windu was glaring at Ahsoka. At the same time, Ahsoka felt a gaze on her, and saw Mace Windu giving her the stink eye. She became frighten by Mace Windu's distrustful gaze and grim demeanor, that she hid behind some fellow younglings.

After glaring at Ahsoka for a few more seconds, he turned and left. Even though Mace Windu has left, Ahsoka was still a little scared.

-End of POV-

A black hole appeared in the Main Bedroom on the Defender. Dia and I appeared out of the black hole. As soon as we were out, the black hole vanishes into thin air. I used the Force to feel my surroundings, and found that no one was on board yet except for the six B-1 Battle Droids and the C2-N2, the ships personal droid.

I took off my mask, and Dia was shocked and stared at my face, since this was her first time seeing my face.

"So handsome!" blurted out Dia while staring at me.

When Dia realized what she said, she blushed bright red, which was kind of hard to see because of her pink skin. When I heard Dia call me handsome, I smile. I walked over to her, lifted up her chin and kissed her on her lips. As I kiss her tenderly, she was shy at first, but after 10 seconds of kissing, she closed her eyes and started kissing me back as well.

As we both kiss, we felt the Force going between us, going back and forth, forming some kind of inseparable bond between us. Through the Force, we could feel each other's heartbeat, and each other's essence and being.

We kissed for about a minute before I stopped the kiss and turned around to opened up my Shop System. I then started searching for a female Sith outfit and mask for Dia to wear.

At the same time, Dia was in a hypnotic trace as she was still feeling connection and bond between us, created through the Force.

I soon found the perfect outfit and mask for Dia. They were items from SWTOR, the Dark Initiate's Robe Armor Set and the Reaver's Mask, which goes really well with the Robe. I then used some of the credits I still have from Jabba, to buy the clothe, then they appeared in my hands.

Soon, Dia snapped out of her daze and ran up and hugged me from behind.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Master" said Dia

"You don't have to thank me for that" I said "It's my duty as your future husband to defend and protect you."

"Ok" said Dia "Also thank you for a wonderful first kiss, Master"

"It was also my first as well." I commented while thinking that it technically was my first kiss my new life but not my previous life, since I did kissed quite a few girls before in my old life.

"Really!" cried out Dia "Guess we shared a first together then, teehee"

"Here, put these on" I commanded "We have to go and meet with a vassal of mine."

I then took off my chest armor and the top of the robe, revealing my muscular upper body.

"KYAAAA" cried out Dia when see saw me topless.

Dia then covered her eyes with her hands, but still decided to sneak peeks at my muscular upper body through her fingers

"Turn around, and hurry and get changed" I said "Also make sure you hid your lekku"

"Yes, Master" replied Dia

We both turned around with our backs to each other and got changed. After 3 minutes, we finished getting changed. I was now wearing my Darth Nihilus outfit, while Dia was wearing her new Sith outfit.

"You ready?" I asked Dia with my back still facing her.

"Yes, Master" replied Dia

I turned around to Dia in her Sith Outfit. With the mask hiding her face and her lekku hidden in her hood, you couldn't even tell if she was human or alien.

"How do I look, Master? asked Dia

"You look wonderful" I replied

"Teehee" giggled Dia

"Ok, let's get going" I said

I used [Force Travel] to open a black hole. Once the black hole was fully opened, Dia and I walked into it.

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