Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 42: Meeting Darth Plagueis

"How do I look, Master? asked Dia

"You look wonderful" I replied

"Teehee" giggled Dia

"Ok, let's get going" I said

I used [Force Travel] to open a black hole. Once the black hole was fully opened, Dia and I walked into it.

At the same time, a black hole appeared in a dark alleyway near an InterGalatic Banking Clan Office (IGBC) on Coruscant. Coming out of the black hole was Dia and I.

I started walking towards the Office of the IGBC followed by Dia.

Once inside, I headed towards the reception desk which was manned by a Muun female receptionist.

"Hello, sirs" said the receptionist when I was in front of her "How may I be of service?"

The Muun Receptionist wasn't even fazed by two mask people in front since as a receptionist, she has seen many different and stranger characters in her line of work.

"I am here to see Magister Hego Damask II" I said

"Do you have an appointment with the Magister, sir?" asked the Muun Receptionist

"No, I don't." I said "But we are good friends, just tell him that his friend Nihilus is here for a visit."

"I will let him know, sir" said the Muun Receptionist "If you like, please take a seat and wait.

I soon sat, with Dia sitting next to me. I watch as the receptionist made a call to inform Magister Hego of our presence.

Soon after a couple of minutes, Magister Hego Damask II aka Darth Plagueis came rushing out of a door with 6 OOM security battle droids guarding him. When he spotted me, he ran up to me, and greeted me.

"Hello, dear friend." said Hego "It's been such a long time since we last saw each other, come on in."

Hego soon guide us inside and we started walking down the hallway towards his office followed by the 6 OOM Security Battle Droids. As I gazed around, I noticed that there were a lot of OOM security battle droids patrolling the area. I then used the Force to feel my surroundings inside the building. After feeling the surroundings, I found that there were 100 OOM security droids in the building excluding the 6 security droids guarding Hego.

"It looks like you took my advice seriously." I said "Having 106 OOM Security Battle Droids guarding you."

"Of course, it's about me staying alive." said Hego "I worked so hard to research on how to gain immortality so I could live forever, no way I am going to let myself die before I achieve my goal."

"That's good" I said "Also don't worry, with me you will soon be able to gain the immortality that you have always dreamed of."

"Thank you your Majesty" whispered Hego

Soon, we entered the Hego's office. Hego went behind his desk and sat down. Dia and I sat down in two chairs on facing towards Hego. The 6 OOM Security Battle Droids went to stand near the walls

"Before we begin and for me to continue being a vassal of yours, I want to be able to see any proof that you have that my apprentice will really kill me." said Hego

"I thought you would say that, so I have a vision of the future for you that I want to share with you." I said "I want you to open your mind for me, so I can share the vision with you."

"Ok, but first I want to prepare some countermeasure in case you try to harm me." said Hego

"I don't mind" I said

Soon, 10 more OOM Security Battle Droids entered the office, and surrounded the three of us.

"Ok, I am ready" said Hego

Soon, I could feel Hego opening up his mind for me. I started to remember a scene from the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith movie, and then I used [Force Telepathy] to share the image with Hego.

In Hego's mind, he saw an older Palpatine sitting at the Opera with a young man.

"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis 'the wise'?" asked Palpatine

"No." replied Anakin

"I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life..." said Palpatine "He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying."

"He could actually save people from death?" asked Anakin

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." replied Palpatine

"What happened to him?" asked Anakin

He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did." said Palpatine "Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself."

Soon the scene in Hego's mind ended, and he opened his eyes, and slammed his fist on his desk.

"That foolish apprentice. We were meant to live forever and rule together as equals" cried out Hego "How could he betray me, after I have treated him like my own son. I have been trying to break this cycle of the Sith Apprentice killing the Master with Sidious."

"Now you know your future fate and what Sidious will do to you" I said

"I should kill that backstabbing apprentice after everything I did for him" said Hego "He wouldn't even have the opportunity to become the Supreme Chancellor without me."

"Don't kill him just yet" I said "He still has his uses, we just need to make sure you stay alive. As long as you stay alive and prevent Sidious from killing you, he will have to follow your original plan and make you his Co-Chancellor."

"Yes, he will have to if he doesn't want me to get suspicious of him betraying me" commented Hego

"Should we kill him after I become the Co-Chancellor then, that way I will next in line of succession of the position of Chancellor?" asked Hego

"No, let him have the position of Chancellor." I replied "Palpatine is still a useable pawn."

"If you say so" said Hego "Now, when will you show me how to become immortal?"

"Once my Empire has full control of this galaxy, I will show you the many ways to become immortal." I said "You have my word as an Emperor."

"I will place my trust in you for now." said Hego "But if you don't follow through with your word, I will go against you and kill you."

"Don't worry, as long as you stay loyal to me, and as long as I stay live, you shall also stay alive." I said "Living forever."

"Now if you would excuse us, we have some other business to take care of." I said

"Alright, your Majesty" said Hego, who got up from his chair and bow.

I stood up and was about to leave but I stopped and turned around to Hego.

"Since you decided to place your trust in me, and join by my side as my vassal, I should really give you a gift." I said "I can see the maxi-chlorian infection that you have is taking a toll on your body, why don't I help you with that."

I raised my hand and started to use [Force Heal], soon a huge amount of Force start gushing into Hego. The Force circulated into Hego's body, healing him and clearing his body of his infection. After a whole minute, his body was clear of the maxi-chlorian infection.

" body is healed!" cried out Hego "I feel fantastic. It even feels like I have even gotten younger as well. Thank you, your Majesty for this wonderful gift."

"Your welcome, my vassal." I said You are need, since we are going to be the architects of the future."

I then used [Force Travel] to open a black hole, and walked into it with Dia following behind me, once we were inside, the black hole disappeared, and we were gone from Hego's office.

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